Friday, February 17, 2017

Pakistan - TV report exposes ‘forgery’ of the Sharif family

The Sharif family submitted bogus documents in the Supreme Court to save their skin in the Panama leak case.
This was exposed in the report of a TV website. The eye-opening report revealed that the Sharif family has tampered the documents that they got from the British court to save themselves from the expected punishment; however they were caught red handed in tampering the record, as photocopies of the original documents have surfaced.
The Supreme Court is hearing the case of Panama leaks against the alleged billion-rupee corruption of Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif’s family. During the hearing, accused Sharif family changed its stance several times. Prime minister’s children had submitted documents (7531/CMA/2016) on November 15, 2016 in the Supreme Court through their counsel. But they changed one paper out of three about the trust deed by forging it. As a matter of fact they not only altered the text of documents, but also affixed bogus stamp and counterfeit signature of a British solicitor.
It is a very interesting fact that on November 15th last year, Maryam Nawaz had shared three pages regarding trust deed on her official Facebook page and also on her official Tweeter account. The first page is the same, which was verified by a British solicitor in which the declaration about Nielson and Nescoll companies was mentioned quite clearly.
However, they put up documents about the deed in Supreme Court on the same day and its first page had changed, in which there was nothing about the Nielson and Nescoll firms.
The original document is as follows:
Whereas; the beneficiary is the beneficial owner and holder of bearer shares, for all intents and purposes, of the following two companies:-
1-Nescoll Ltd, Pasea Estate, Road Town, Tortola, BVI
2-Nielsen Enterprises Ltd, Pasea Estate, Road Town, Tortola, BVI
These are special purpose vehicles to own the “properties” which details in the schedule hereto.
Page number one of the fake documents submitted in Supreme Court reads as under:-
Whereas; the beneficiary is the beneficial owner and holder of 49 share(s), for all intents and purpose, of Coomber Group Inc hereinafter referred to as the “company”.
Likewise, the points mentioned at 1 2 and 4 of the page number 1 of the deed were also distorted and altered page with other two pages were submitted in the Supreme Court.

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