Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Pakistan Peoples Party held protest demonstrations in front of the Lahore Press Club and in front of the National Press Club Islamabad against the forced abduction of Professor Salman Haider and others on Monday.
In Islamabad Pakistan Peoples Party leaders Farhatullah Babar, Taj Haider, Rubina Khalid, Akhunzada Chattan, Professor Tahir Malik, while, in Lahore Jahan Ara Watoo, Barrister Amir Hasan, Faisal Mir and Shahida Jabeen address the participants.
The speakers expressed their concerns over the growing cases of ‘mysterious disappearances’ of intellectuals, critics and political activists are evident of the failure of National Action Plan and growing lawlessness prevailing across the Punjab.
The protestors demanded that the recently abducted Islamabad-based professor Salman Haider and others should immediately be recovered and those behind their kidnapping should be dealt according to the law. And if someone is allegedly involved in any criminal activities, he/she should be presented in a court, but unlawful forced disappearance unacceptable” they demanded.
The speakers criticized the government for its failure to implement the National Action Plan, and demanded the resignation of interior minister Chaudahary Nisar.
They said that banned outfits were openly holding their rallies, public gatherings and meeting with high officials in the federal capital, while peaceful citizens are ‘mysteriously disappearing’.
“The interior minister must take the responsibility of disappearance of sane voices otherwise leave the job for a competent person,” JahanAra Wattoo demanded.
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The interior minister must take the responsibility of disappearance of sane voices otherwise leave the job for competent person.
While lashes out at the PML-N government, she says “Rulers have dictatorship mindset to silence liberal voices”
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Demonstrated against PMLN 4 nt recovering d writers.They have dictatorship mindset 2 silence liberal voices 
The protestors demanded that Salman Haider and others should immediately be recovered and the perpetrators of their abduction should be held accountable.

The participants were carrying banners and placards bearing inscriptions “Stop! Enforced disappearance of political activists, bloggers, and writers.”, “Abduction, disappearance unacceptable: PPP stands with freedom of speech” and “Prof. Salman Haider aur degar social activists ko fi-alfor baziyab kerwao”. They also chanted slogans against the federal and Punjab governments.

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