Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Pakistan lags behind Nepal, Bangladesh in social development

Pakistan is lagging behind India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal in terms of social development.
A list of 133 countries pertaining to basic human needs and opportunities has been issued by the Social Progress Index for the year 2016.
In contrast to major countries, improvement was seen in Nepal in reference to social development due to the existence of a democratic rule.
Pakistan ranked 113th on the list with Sri Lanka on 83rd, Nepal on 95th, India on 98th and Bangladesh on 101st.
With regard to basic human needs, Pakistan is seen on a better position.
Pakistan is on 101 slot regarding nutrition, health facilities, water provision, irrigation and personal security.
It takes the 119th number in Foundation of Well Being which includes basic information, access to communication and environmental situation whereas the lowest progress was seen in personal freedom, basic rights, endurance, tolerance, and higher education as Pakistan was ranked on 123rd number.
However; it still remains behind India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal in all the departments.

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