Saturday, January 14, 2017

Denial of ‘one China’ brings fear to Taiwan

Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his Nigerian counterpart met the press together on Wednesday, during which Wang spoke highly of Nigeria's moves several days earlier to revoke the consular privileges enjoyed by a Taiwan representative office and order it to move out of the Nigerian capital to uphold the one-China policy.

Nigeria's action is only one episode of events that Taiwan pro-independence forces are going to witness. Tsai Ing-wen thought she would bring a surprise to independence advocates by refusing to recognize the 1992 Consensus and talking to Donald Trump over the phone, but these moves are going to create shocks instead.

As the most populous country in Africa, Nigeria is a vital power in global political and economic affairs, and its latest move sets an example for others. It is hoped that other countries will follow suit and squeeze the international space of Taiwan's independence advocates.

Taiwan's pro-independence forces are depressed about the decision of Nigeria and trying to win some sympathy through playing the victim.

The Chinese foreign minster always starts a New Year by visiting Africa. Chinese diplomacy is based on relations with developing countries, among which Africa is at the core. China is willing and capable of making new contributions to the peace and development of Africa through deepening cooperation. Currently, China and Africa are together exploring new concepts of bringing bilateral cooperation to a new height. African countries understand the importance for their development and support China's position on national unity.

Reunification of China is desired by all Chinese, which is an unalienable part of world peace. China is contributing about 30 percent of global economic growth under the win-win concept, therefore the reunification of China is a prerequisite of stability of the world.

Taiwan's pro-independence forces are like gamblers, and such trend is beyond their imagination. They bet on the US for their fate, thinking as long as they follow the US closely, like flirting a bit with Trump, they would gain some more space in the world. They are totally wrong.

For every bit of empty promise that the Taiwan's pro-independence forces get from the US, we will make them pay the price; for every bit of "good news" they get, they will feel multiple fear. The Chinese mainland is wise and strong enough to turn the "lifeline" of pro-independence forces into a rope to strangle them.

Nigeria will not be the last country to put pressure on Taiwan. Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party will live in fear as long as they don't recognize the 1992 Consensus and the one-China principle.

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