Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hillary Clinton Calls Mitch McConnell’s Stance on Supreme Court Nomination ‘Disappointing’

Hillary Clinton called Senator Mitch McConnell’s statement that the next president, not President Obama, should appoint a successor to Justice Scalia “disappointing” and “totally out of step with our history and our constitutional principle.”
Speaking at a Democratic fund-raising dinner in Denver, Mrs. Clinton denounced Republican presidential candidates and the Senate majority leader’s pledge to not allow Mr. Obama to replace Mr. Scalia, who passed away at a West Texas ranch on Saturday. “For any of us who needed a reminder of just how important it is to take back the U.S. Senate and hold onto the White House, just look at the Supreme Court,” Mrs. Clinton said.
“I know that our thoughts and prayers are with the Scalia family tonight and I am also thinking and praying for the future of our country,” she said. “It is outrageous that Republicans in the Senate and on the campaign trail have already pledged to block any replacement that President Obama nominates”
“Barack Obama is the president of the United States until Jan. 20, 2017,” she continued. “That is a fact, my friends, whether Republicans like it or not.” She pointed to the longest successful confirmation process for a Supreme Court justice, the contentious, 100-day hearing in 1991 after President George H.W. Bush appointed Clarence Thomas. “There are 340 days until the next president takes office so that is plenty of time,” Mrs. Clinton said.
Mrs. Clinton rebuffed the argument by Republicans that a Supreme Court justice should not be appointed in an election year. “Okay, but the confirmation for Justice Kennedy took place in 1988,” she said. “That was an election year and he was confirmed 97 to nothing.”
Speaking as the Republican presidential debate unfolded on television, Mrs. Clinton did not mention her potential Republican rivals but she did single out Mr. McConnell, the Republican from Kentucky, calling his comments on Saturday evening “very disappointing and totally out of step with our history and constitutional principle.”
“Now, just a few minutes ago President Obama said he would nominate someone to the bench and that is exactly what he should be doing,” she said. “And leader McConnell should follow the constitutional process.”

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