Thursday, November 5, 2015

Russian planes in Syria destroy warehouse containing terrorists’ anti-tank weapons

Russia’s Sukhoi-25 planes have destroyed a warehouse in Syria’s Idlib province containing anti-tank missiles meant for the terrorist group Jabhat al Nusra, Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov has said.
"In the area of Maarat al Nu’man, Idlib province, according to data obtained through the joint information centre in Baghdad, a batch of anti-tank missiles had been delivered to a warehouse several days ago," Konashenkov said, adding that the weapons were addressed to militants for destroying the Syrian troops’ advancing armour.
"After this information was confirmed by several other sources a pair of Sukhoi-25 fighter-bombers attacked the target. The warehouse and the stored ammunition was destroyed," Konashenkov said.

Russian air group wipes out Islamic State stronghold 30 km away from Palmira

According to the spokesperson Russia’s Sukhoi-24 bomber has wiped out an Islamic State stronghold near the community of Tadmor, 30 kilometers away from Palmira.
"In the area of the community of Tadmor, Homs province, a Sukhoi-24 bomber has destroyed a large stronghold of the Islamic State, a tank in a firing position, an anti-aircraft system ZSU-23 and a mortar battery," Konashenkov said.
"The destroyed stronghold was more than 30 kilometers away from Palmira," Konashenkov said, adding that Tadmor was the largest community in this desert area, so its name was used for convenience to denote the specific location.
"Let me point out that Russian aircraft have been attacking only terrorist targets far away from architectural monuments," Konashenkov said.
It was not the first strike against terrorist forces in the area of Tadmor over the past few days. On Monday, the Defense Ministry said that a Sukhoi-25 fighter-bomber destroyed fortified positions and two ZSU-23 air defense systems.

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