Thursday, November 5, 2015

Pakistan - Loss of seat at the UN human rights body result of government neglect of both foreign policy and degradation of human rights

Taking part in the discussion on the adjournment motion on the loss of its seat at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) Senator Farhatullah Babar said it was a grim reminder of the fast degradation of the state of human rights in the country on the one hand and of lack luster and performance of the foreign office on the other.
When the first task of the government on assuming office was to abolish the human rights ministry and the foreign policy mandarins seek to convince the Supreme Court that giving licenses to Arab shaikhs for houbarba hunting was a corner stone of our foreign policy then we were fated to lose the seat on the Human Rights Council he said.
He said that there was no regular full time foreign minister, the incumbent Advisor wearing two hats had to lose the hat of national security to a retired general, federal ministers vied with one another to issue far reaching foreign policy statements, the ambassador in Geneva was retired just two weeks before the elections to the UN body, the newly set up National Commission on Human Rights (NCHR) in the county had been rendered dysfunctional by denying it funds and office accommodation and the government failed to adopt the anti torture legislation passed unanimously by the Senate the writing on the wall should have been clear.
Farhatullah Babar also asked whether the debacle was related to the Arab countries voting against Pakistan as a reaction to our policy to not send troops to Yemen and asked that the FO should come out clean and also to take appropriate damage control measures.

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