Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Pakistan - Insulting a journalist proves IK a product of dictatorship

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Media Cell in-charge and Senator Saeed Ghani, members Habibuddin Junaidi, Zulfiquar Kaimkhani and Manzoor Abbas have condemned Pakistan Tehreek-e Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Kahn for insulting a working journalist during his press conference in Lahore.

In a statement issued for the PPP Media cell Sindh, they said Imran Khan is one such political character, who is the product of dictatorship and has through his acts and deeds always proved he is void of established norms and values of politics, which are politeness, respect for the media and journalists.

They said the question, which the affected journalist had asked did not mean to interfere in Imran Khan’s personal life and in case the journalist had put a personal question, Imran Khan should show serenity and could have avoided the response to that question. However, the journalist did not ask any personal question.
They said Imran Khan had already publicized his marriage during his sit-in protest at D Chowk in Islamabad and was very excited about his marriage. He had tweeted his personal matter quite often. However, when he could not continue with his marriage, which has ended in divorce should not be taken as personal, because Imran Khan has also shared the same information on twitter.

They advised Imran Kahn to relinquish the charge as chairman of his party and should hand over to some sane politician within his party and should focus on training and education of his children.

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