Tuesday, November 10, 2015

#Pakistan - Compensation of Kissan Package on discriminatory basis not acceptable

#PPP Punjab rejects the discriminatory compensation under the Kissan Package as being carried out on political basis, said Mian Manzoor Ahmed Wattoo, President PPP Punjab in a statement issued from here today. The lists for the beneficiaries are prepared in Punjab consultation with the ruling party local leaders, he added.

He said that the purpose of the Kissan Package was being defeated by the ruling Party with the connivance of the compliant local administration. Instead of mitigating the sufferings of the farmers who had been devastated because of the anti-farmers policies of this government since it came to power, they are subject to torture due to the injustice being dispensed before their eyes.

He said that protest by the farmers’ community in the province was the testimony to the fact that the distribution of public money was underway among the farmers who were not the genuine claimants.
He expressed his strong disapproval of the government and the ruling party for politically motivated tactics that would enhance the predicaments of the farmers instead of helping them during these testing times.
He pointed out that the root cause of the problem was the fixation of realistic support prices of wheat, cotton, sugarcane, maze and potatoes in a manner to ensure that farmers get the satisfying dividends of their sweat and toil. It will also save them from the reckless market forces and the exploitation by the middle man, he added.

He regretted that the government was reluctant to address the basic issue of support price and therefore agriculture sector would continue to suffer due to ill-conceived and poorly executed policies resulting in negative negative impact on the economy of the country in general and on the rural economy in particular.
He reminded to the mandarins that agriculture was the backbone of the economy as it was the source of livelihood of the more than half population of the country and therefore should constitute the top priority of the government in its development strategy. But, government is bogged down in other projects those should be at the bottom of the such priority list like Metro Oragnge Train, he observed.


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