Friday, November 8, 2013

Obama says U.S. needs to update policies on Cuba

President Barack Obama said on Friday that it may be time for the United States to revise its policies toward Cuba, against which it has had an embargo for more than half a century. "We have to be creative and we have to be thoughtful and we have to continue to update our policies," he said at a fundraising event in the Miami area. "Keep in mind that when Castro came to power I was just born, so the notion that the same policies that we put in place in 1961 would somehow still be as effective as they are today in the age of the Internet, Google and world travel doesn't make sense," he added, referring to Fidel Castro, the leader of the Cuban revolution. Incremental changes in U.S. Cuba policy have allowed greater communication with people on the island and the transfer of remittances, Obama said. "But I think we all understand that ultimately, freedom in Cuba will come because extraordinary activists and the incredible courage of folks like we see here today," he told a small audience at the home of Jorge Mas, a telecommunications equipment executive. "But the United States can help." A younger generation of U.S. politicians and Americans of Cuban ancestry are likely more open to finding "new mechanisms" to bring about change on the island, he said. The U.S. embargo against Cuba is controversial internationally and the United Nations in October voted for the 22nd time to condemn it. Cuban Foreign Minister, Bruno Rodriguez, said the fact that the embargo has been in place for more than half a century is "barbaric." Obama said before taking office that he wanted to recast long-hostile U.S.-Cuba relations, but his efforts have been a disappointment to the Cuban government, which hoped he would do more to dismantle the embargo. U.S. diplomats have said that while the United States welcomes some of the recent changes in Cuba, the country still has one of the most restrictive economic systems in the world. Even so, the two countries have made small advances toward one another. Diplomats sat down in September to discuss re-establishing direct mail between the United States and Cuba, which has been suspended since 1963. Obama restarted the talks, along with discussions of immigration issues, in 2009. However the negotiations broke off after Cuba arrested U.S. contractor Alan Gross, who was sentenced in 2011 to 15 years for his role in setting up an underground Internet network.

A Conversation With: Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan Amar Sinha

Having occurred amid growing fears about the security situation after the U.S. pullout from Afghanistan, the attempted bombing of the Indian consulate in Jalalabad province on Aug. 3 ignited frantic speculation about whether India planned to exit in the face of danger or stay and deepen its footprint. Indian officials stationed here live with the constant threat of attack. Four officials were killed in a 2008 attack on the Indian embassy in Kabul, which was blamed on the Haqqani network, a Taliban faction closely associated with Pakistan’s spy service, the Directorate for Inter-Services Intelligence. Despite these risks, many officials believe India has to stay in Afghanistan to counter Pakistan’s influence in the country, and prevent the nightmare scenario of its spies or army using the country as a backyard to train militants for launching attacks on Indian soil after the U.S. military pullout at the end of 2014. At the helm of India’s operations in Afghanistan is Ambassador Amar Sinha, an economics graduate who has served in the Indian Foreign Service for more than three decades. He travels with a bulletproof jacket in his car but laughs and refuses to say how often he uses it. A week after the Jalalabad bombing, Mr. Sinha said in an interview that India had no plans to leave Afghanistan, and that it would continue to focus on expanding its soft power through economic activities and aid in development and education. In a conversation over tea and dry fruits at his house in Kabul, Mr. Sinha talked about India’s future in Afghanistan and the safety of its citizens living here.
There has been concern that there will be a lot of chaos and a bad security situation after the American withdrawal next year, and Indians could be increasingly targeted. Are these concerns valid?
Indians are under threat even today. So, I don’t think it’s going to substantially increase after the withdrawal. A lot of Indians also work with American companies on the bases, which we don’t even know. There are many more with international organizations. So if their operations get reduced, the number of Indians will reduce here. Of course, the embassy will continue. But this scenario that it will all become chaos and unmanageable is an element of politics and competition. I personally don’t subscribe and don’t think the Government of India subscribes to the scenario that it will be doomsday.
Is India following the wait and watch approach?
No, we don’t have a wait and watch approach. Wait and watch for what? We keep the situation under constant review. For instance, at the Salma dam (a hydroelectric dam being funded by the Indian government in Herat province), the areas where we are investing and where we have presence and people — if the security situation deteriorates, of course it will impact the presence of the Indians. So then we’ll have to review what do we do. Do we enhance security, do we reduce the personnel? So there is no clear-cut decision. But it’s not like with the next bomb blast we all just disappear. I don’t think that’s the policy. So we are not following wait and watch.
There has been a lot of speculation on whether India’s economic footprint in Afghanistan will increase or decrease after the American withdrawal. Will it increase or decrease?
One footprint is what you create through aid. The government has already said that we will remain committed. And we don’t have an option of walking away from here. So we will definitely remain committed. Now, how the climate evolves — that will decide whether private investments also come. We do see a lot of people in trade but we could like to see this graduate into investments.
The $2 billion that was pledged in terms of aid. How much of that has been spent?
Well this is an ongoing thing. It was not said that $2 billion would be spent in one year. But all these projects I think are close to $1 billion. Some projects like the parliament house, which is going on, the Salma dam, these are expensive projects so by the time they will finish we would have consumed a substantial amount of more money. And of course, if the funds are available then it is for the Afghan government to tell us what their priorities are and we will be happy to do those things for them.
Could the aid exceed $2 billion?
I guess so. I don’t think there is a cap.
Has it been difficult to get private investors from India here?
Let’s put it this way that it has been very easy to get investors to Afghanistan. We have had a stream of delegations. Both FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry) and CII (Confederation of Indian Industry) are doing an absolute fantastic job. In terms of interest, it has been very easy to get people. Actual investments, a few have bid. They are looking at textiles, they are looking at cement, cashmere, marble mining and food processing. Our role is to facilitate their interaction and then help them find reliable partners.
What does Pakistan make of India’s economic presence?
Pakistan’s policy seems to be guided by a sense of paranoia about India, about our presence, about our economic development assistance, and our commercial presence. And I guess they are on a completely wrong track.
Do you feel scared living here?
No. See, we live under constant threat and we know what is the source of the threat. We have intelligence; we talk with the local government, which is very, very cooperative. So, yes there is threat but that does not mean we live under fear. And definitely the Indian embassy will not like to bunker itself down because that beats the very purpose of our being here. Because that is the cheapest victory to give to your enemy. But do I go and play golf? No, obviously I will not take undue risks.
That enemy being?
That enemy being a different ideology and vision for Afghanistan.

India strongly supports Afghanistan, Pentagon tells Congress

India continues to strongly support Afghanistan and views a secure and stable regime in Kabul as vital to its regional security and economic interests, the Pentagon informed the US Congress on Friday. "The Indian government continues to strongly support Afghanistan, having pledged USD 2 billion in developmental assistance since 2001. India views a secure and stable Afghanistan as vital to its regional security and economic interests," the Pentagon said in a six-monthly report to the Congress released today. "India and Afghanistan signed a strategic partnership agreement in 2011, which formalised cooperation on governance, economics, commerce, education, public administration, and security and law enforcement," it said. The US, India, and Afghanistan launched a trilateral dialogue in 2012 to consult on regional political and economic issues, the Pentagon said adding that India supports a variety of high-visibility projects and initiatives in Afghanistan. "Indian assistance is primarily focused on major infrastructure projects (Salma dam, Parliament building), power infrastructure, and road construction," the report said, adding that in a broadening of its focus from development to investment, India's SAIL Consortium was awarded 75 percent of the rights at Bamyan Province's Hajigak iron ore mine in November 2011. India is also active in regional forums, such as the Istanbul process, and has organised private sector conferences to boost investment in Afghanistan, it said. On Pakistan, the report said the US continues to seek a relationship with Islamabad that is constructive and mutually beneficial, and that advances both US-Pak interests. But sanctuaries in Pakistan from which the Taliban launch attacks into Afghanistan remain a serious problem, mainly in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA), it said. "Pakistan has demonstrated a willingness to cooperate on some key US goals, although challenges remain," the report said adding that Pakistan has publicly committed to playing a positive role in an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned reconciliation process, and Pakistan's support has been essential to US operations as it prepares for the drawdown in Afghanistan. "In an important sign of bilateral cooperation, in September 2013, Pakistan released a high-ranking Taliban prisoner, Mullah Baradar, at President (Hamid) Karzai's request," the report said. Still, there are limits to Pakistan's cooperation, the Pentagon report said. "Afghan-focused insurgent groups that attack US and coalition forces continue to operate from Pakistan. The IED threat emanating from Pakistan remains significant," it said. "Cross-border incidents remain a point of friction in Pakistan-Afghanistan relations, but have also prompted both countries to increase their engagement and coordination on border issues during this reporting period," it said.

Two Pakistanis Added To FBI's Cyber Most-Wanted List
The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation has added two Pakistanis to its list of most-wanted cybercrime suspects. The FBI says on its website that Farhanul Arshad, 40, and Noor Azizuddin, 50, are wanted for their alleged involvement in an international telecommunications scheme that between November 2008 and April 2012 compromised computers and ultimately defrauded individuals, companies, and government entities in both the United States and abroad of amounts in excess of $50 million. The FBI is offering $50,000 rewards for information leading to the arrest of each suspect. The international scheme involved members of a criminal organization that extended into Pakistan and several other nations in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, and Europe.

Pakistan: Save The Life Of Two Blogger Sisters

A Pakistani Christian family seeks refugee status amid despair and dashed hopes.
This distressed family is at present remain cloaked and destitute in Sri Lanka as they beseech the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to grant them refugee status, since they believe they might be killed if they were sent back to Pakistan, CIP has learned. Sadia Khan 29 year old told, “We need help, we are now seven months in hiding.” Sadia along with her 11-year-old sister Amala, and their mother, accepted Christ several years ago while they were in Pakistan. In the course of time, Sadia Khan started writing a book on the subject of “terrorism,” in line with the undercover work she had carried out. The agonized family made off to Sri Lanka earlier this year sine they anticipated life threatening situation in Pakistan as Sadia was formally “accused of being a spy for India by the Pakistani government” Nonetheless, their misery continued as in Sri Lanka, they remained in police custody for a month or so, the officials confiscated their passports along with other possessions. Later in April, they were released have been in hiding since then, fearing capital punishment if brought back to Pakistan. “After seven months of exhausting hiding my mother left us and once again begged UNHCR to give us asylum. She came back empty handed to the empty house which we had left due to the fear of being caught. Now separated from our mother we live in a different location and everyday fear death. We are so helpless, I can’t explain. Can you imagine, two governments are after us,” Sadia Khan said. Howbeit, the family hopes that,” UNHCR will finally take up their cause and help them find asylum,” save for to this point they say,” They haven’t received much hope that the international agency will take action.” The doleful sisters have unveiled their suffering on the internet writing several blogs, eager to raise a national and international awareness for their cause; importantly to get the U.N.’s consideration. Incredibly a Google + community having over 250 members has also been created; under the title “Save the Life of Two Blogger Sisters.” On the other hand, Sadia Khan has written to the Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and the Chief of the Army Staff Ashfaq Pervez Kayani stating, “If we get arrested they will definitely kill us as they do not have any proof against us. They will not hold any trial against us, as UNHCR, human rights groups, including Amnesty International, know about these charges and will follow the trial. Sri Lankan authorities will secretly kill us as they cannot prove anything against us.”
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Pakistan: Conditions worsen for Ahmadis in Orangi Town area of Karachi

Ahmadiyya Times
The ongoing living conditions for Ahmadis of Orangi Town area of Karachi in Sind provence of Pakistan are getting ‘tougher by the day,’ Ahmadiyya Times has learned. Since the target-killing of a 70 years old Ahmadī because of his faith a week ago, the local atmosphere has further worsened, it has been reported to Ahmadiyya Times. Third member of the same family to be gunned down because of his faith, the victim had seen his son and son-in-law also murdered for their faith by the Islamist extremists in Orangi Town. In recent days, according to several local reports, the threat to Ahamdi lives has increased to a level that going to work or carrying out of normal daily household chores has become a real challenge. "For the past 2 - 3 days it has become very difficult - if not altogether impossible – for Ahmadis to leave their homes to buy even the ordinary groceries," said one local Ahmadī whose name is being withheld by Ahmadiyya Times for safety reasons. "The children are unable to go to their schools and colleges either," it was further asserted. According to recent media reports, there are no-go areas in Orangi where criminals are stronger, the police are weak, and some residents have become intolerant towards the Ahmadis due to the hatred incited through pamphlets and wall chalking. The "anti-Ahmadi laws" of Pakistan continuously help foster a climate of aggression and brutality towards Ahamdis.

Does Pakistan have nuclear weapons ready to ship to Saudi Arabia?

It has long been rumoured, and often reported, that in return for bankrolling the Pakistani nuclear weapons project, Saudi Arabia has a claim on some of those weapons in time of need. It has never been proved though, nor has it ever been clear how such a deal would work. BBC Newsnight had a stab at those questions last night, in a report saying that Saudi Arabia could obtain nukes "at will" from Pakistan. Here are the key paragraphs: Earlier this year, a senior Nato decision maker told me that he had seen intelligence reporting that nuclear weapons made in Pakistan on behalf of Saudi Arabia are now sitting ready for delivery. Last month Amos Yadlin, a former head of Israeli military intelligence, told a conference in Sweden that if Iran got the bomb, "the Saudis will not wait one month. They already paid for the bomb, they will go to Pakistan and bring what they need to bring." The "Nato decision-maker" bit looks interesting but is somewhat undermined a bit later in the TV version by the revelation that the intelligence is thought to have originated in Israel. The trouble is lots of intelligence reports originate in Israel and some are probably true, but the timing of this one, while talks on the Iranian nuclear programme are underway, is fairly convenient. The narrative of the nuclear cascade triggered by the Iranian programme is familiar. It is cited as the reason Iranian progress must be halted at all costs. It also serves as a deterrent to Iran. Mark Fitzpatrick, who has followed this story through the years as a non-proliferation expert at the state department and now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies had this to say: It is not a new story, of course, but Urban came up with some new data points: a Saudi belief that it could obtain nuclear weapons from Pakistan at any time, and reported intelligence that Pakistan has prepared nuclear weapons for delivery to Saudi Arabia. The first part is probably true: The Saudis helped to finance Pakistan's nuclear weapons programme and believe that they were given a promise that the weapons would be used to defend the Saudi kingdom if need be. The second part is probably false: I doubt that Pakistan is ready to send nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia. Pakistan's reputation suffered greatly the last time they assisted other countries with nuclear weapons technology (i.e., the sales by A.Q. Khan, with some governmental support or at least acquiescence, to North Korea, Iran and Libya). Pakistan knows that transferring nuclear weapons to Saudi Arabia would also incur huge diplomatic and reputational costs. Also, Saudi Arabia has no need today for nuclear weapons. It can wait to see if Iran's program will be stopped through diplomatic means. That said, Saudi Arabia's foreign policy is undergoing some significant shifts, as evidenced by the decision not to accept the UN Security Council seat, so the situation has become more unpredictable. It is conceivable that Saudi Arabia planted some of the evidence for this story as a means of putting pressure on the United States to be firm in dealing with Iran. David Albright, the head of the Institute for Science and International Security, broadly agrees. This was his comment: Would Pakistan give them [nuclear weapons]? There would be real punishments for that and they would want to avoid those. For Saudi Arabia to take possession it would mean withdrawing from the NPT [nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty]. Any US military sales would have to stop. That could not be ignored. Only in a very dire situation in which Iran has a nuclear weapon and is being confrontational, could you imagine something like this. This sounds about right to me. If the Saudis are constantly calibrating the costs and benefits of shipping in Pakistani nukes, I imagine they are still a long way from calling in their chit, and the Pakistanis likewise. But it serves both countries, as well as Israel, to have the story front and centre while US and Iran sit down in Geneva.

‘NAB moving slowly against PML-N, fast in PPP cases’

The National Accountability Bureau has been moving slowly when it comes to cases instituted against Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his brother Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif, according to sources in NAB. However, the bureau is diligently and expeditiously pursuing cases against PPP leaders, including former president Asif Ali Zardari and former prime ministers Yousuf Raza Gilani and Raja Pervez Ashraf. The bureau has also announced that it will reinvestigate two cases against Leader of Opposition in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah on a directive by the Lahore High Court. NAB chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry, who is said to be a ‘loyalist’ of the Sharifs, decided recently at a meeting of the bureau’s executive board that all high-profile cases would be pursued for which a combined investigation team (CIT) has been formed. After that meeting, cases against Mr Zardari have been reopened and a reference has been filed against Raja Pervez Ashraf in the rental power project case. NAB is also set to summon Yousuf Raza Gilani in a case relating to the alleged illegal appointment of Tauqeer Sadiq as chairman of the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority. When contacted, NAB spokesman Ramzan Sajid said the bureau had no intention of putting a lid on the cases against the Sharif brothers. A NAB prosecutor had recently resisted adjourning the hearing of Prime Minister Sharif’s appeal against NAB cases in the LHC. He said a meeting of the CIT had reviewed several high-profile cases, which had been investigated or being investigated. “There will be some significant development on many important cases in the days to come,” he said. Cases against the Sharif brothers have been pending with NAB for over five years. Former NAB chairman retired Admiral Fasih Bokhari had told a press briefing that Mr Zardari had asked him not to reopen cases against the Sharif brothers. NAB has been pursuing the Hudaibia Paper Mills case, a case relating to assets beyond known sources of income and the Ittefaq Foundry (wilful loan default) case against the Sharif brothers. Since its inception in 1999, NAB has been accused of being used by the governments as a tool against political opponents. The Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf has challenged the appointment of Qamar Zaman Chaudhry as NAB chairman in the Supreme Court, pleading that the leader of opposition in the National Assembly did not take the PTI into confidence on the issue. Some circles in opposition parties called NAB chairman a ‘loyalist’ of the Sharifs and claimed that he was appointed under a ‘shifty deal’ between the PML-N and PPP leaders. In 2001, an accountability court adjourned sine die the proceedings in cases against the Sharif brothers. After they returned to the country in 2007, NAB filed an application for reopening the cases. The accountability court adjourned the hearing sine die in 2010 with the direction that the trial could be commenced if an application signed by NAB chairman is submitted before the court.

Pakistan: Admitting when you are wrong-Chaudhry Nisar vs Pakistan

Daily Times
For the very first time, a ‘parallel’ session of the Senate is being held on the street outside Parliament House for the last two days by the opposition to protest against the highhandedness of Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali. The ‘regular’ session was held in the main Senate Hall, albeit without quorum. The protest is being held because the recent session of the upper house became unpleasant as Chaudhry Nisar, instead of taking in his stride the opposition’s complaint against the wrong figures he was quoting about civilian casualties in drone strikes, lost his cool and used unparliamentarily language to prove the critics wrong. Later, instead of revisiting his behaviour and mending fences by rechecking if there was any fault with the data he had presented from the Ministry of Defence (MoD), in the National Assembly (NA) he asked for the formation of a fact-finding committee to ascertain if he had behaved badly or not. Throwing all caution to the winds, the minister walked out when the Speaker was announcing the name of Mehmood Achakzai as a mediator to sort out the unnecessary fracas that has charged up the political atmosphere. The crisis has since deepened. Chaudhry Nisar is unwilling to acknowledge that he has been given incorrect information by the MoD and that revised data on the casualties in drone strikes would be presented soon in the Senate. Why would a matter as trivial as presenting wrong data, that too on something about which no one figure correlates with another from any other department, institution or government, be turned into a no-holds-barred confrontation defies explanation. It is not so much the wrong information given to the Senate as the manner of Chaudhry Nisar’s response to his parliamentary colleagues that has strained relations between the treasury and opposition benches. Even the MoD has accepted the mistake. Chaudhry Nisar’s assertion that he is not responsible for the working of the MoD is another inadvertent faux pas, reflecting the minister’s lack of understanding of how governments work. If the MoD is part of the government, it naturally falls within the ambit of the collective responsibility of the cabinet. Converting an official matter into a personal grudge and stubbornness will only heighten the apprehension among the people that the minister and his government are not handling Pakistan’s most pressing issues seriously; a point being peddled by the estranged Senators of the opposition. As the ‘debate’ among the lawmakers sitting on the road heated up, some went so far as to accuse the government of coming to power through bogus votes. An ANP Senator even accused the PML-N of replaying the disastrous politics of 1998-99. The protesting Senator has asked the PML-N to sack Chaudhry Nisar as its Interior Minister. The leader of the opposition in the National Assembly, Khursheed Shah, has requested Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif to intervene, because the opposition has refused to call off the protest unless Chaudhry Nisar withdraws the reply regarding drone casualties. The entire leadership of the PML-N, particularly the PM, is conspicuous by its absence to respond to the crisis in order to defuse it, strengthening the argument that the PML-N is running the government in a whimsical manner as opposed to the rules of a parliamentary democracy. The PM hardly ever graces parliament with his presence. Seemingly taking their cue from the leader of the house, the government’s ministers are remiss in their attendance. In this situation, both houses are at the tender mercies of Chaudhry Nisar as the point man for the government. That makes the minister doubly responsible, one for his personal conduct and another for representing the government. When he is uncouth and the rest of the cabinet is hardly in parliament, the question arises how they weigh constitutional and parliamentary democracy? Parliamentarians in both houses have been complaining of being left out on important issues as the required debate, with the concerned ministers present, rarely occurs. Mehmood Achakzai’s appeal to Chaudhry Nisar not to allow emotions to outrun sanity deserves to be heeded. The issue in hand is to bring the temperature down in both the houses by making Chaudhry Nisar realize that his ego is not above the country’s interests.

پرویز مشرف کی رہائی خفیہ ڈیل کا نتیجہ ہے: قائد حزب اختلاف خورشید شاہ
قومی اسمبلی میں قائد حزب اختلاف خورشید شاہ نے پرویز مشرف کی ضمانت کو این آر او کے تحت قرار دے دیا۔ کہتے ہیں طریقے کے ساتھ مقدمات کمزور کر کے پرویزمشرف کی ضمانتیں ہوئیں، رہائی خفیہ ڈیل کا نتیجہ ہے۔ سابق پرویز مشرف کی غازی عبدالرشید قتل کیس میں ضمانت ہونے پر ردعمل ظاہر کرتے ہوئے اپوزیشن لیڈر خورشید شاہ نے کہا کہ پرویز مشرف کا جانا طے ہو چکا تھا۔ 20 دن پہلے کہہ دیا تھا کہ مشرف رہا ہو جائے گا۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ پرویز مشرف کی ضمانت پر رہائی این آر او کے تحت کی گئی جس این آر او پر عدلیہ اور ن لیگ نے شور مچایا آج خود وہی کام کیا ہے۔ خورشید شاہ نے کہا کہ پرویز مشرف کی رہائی خفیہ ڈیل کا نتیجہ ہے، طریقے کے ساتھ مقدمات کمزور کر کے پرویز مشرف کی ضمانتیں ہوئیں۔

سعودیہ عرب پاکستان کی سرزمین کو شام کے خلاف بیس کیمپ میں بدلنے کی تیاری کررہا ہے- فارن پالیسی میگزین
سعودیہ عرب کے ایک نئے منصوبے کے بارے میں امریکہ کے موقر جریدے فارن پالیسی کے مڈل ایسٹ افیرز کے مدیر نے اپنی تازہ رپورمیں انکشاف کیا ہے کہ ان کو تین باوثوق سورسز سے خبر ملی ہے کہ سعودیہ عرب امریکہ سے مایوس ہوچکا ہے کہ وہ شام میں بشارالاسد کی حکومت گرانے کے لیے بین الاقوامی کوششوں کو تیز کرے گا-اس لیے اس نے امریکہ سے بالا بالا شامی باغیوں کی فوج کو تربیت دینے کے ایک بڑے منصوبے پر کام شروع کردیا ہے-مدیر نے خبر دی ہے کہ اس منصوبے سے واقف سعودیہ عرب کی حکومت کے اندر سے اس کے تین سورسز نے اس کو بتایا ہے کہ اس منصوبے کے لیے ریاض حکومت نے پاکستانی انسٹرکٹرز کی خدمات حاصل کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے -,1 پاکستان کا کردار اگرچہ اس معاملے میں تربیت دینے تک محدود ہے لیکن ایک دوسرے سورس نے میگزین کو بتایا ہے کہ حال ہی میں سعودیہ عرب اور پاکستان کے درمیان شام کے باغیوں کے دو بریگیڈ جس میں 5 سے 10 ہزار جنگجو ہوں گے کو پاکستانی انسٹرکٹرز سے تربیت دلانے کا پلان زیر بحث آیا ہے- ایک پاکستانی سورس جس کے فوجی حلقوں سے بہت قریبی تعلق ہیں نے میگزین کو بتایا ہے کہ “سعودیہ عرب نے گذرے موسم گرما میں پاکستان سے شام کے مسئلے پر مدد کی درخواست کی تھی”لیکن اس سورس کا یہ بھی کہنا تھا کہ پاکستان اس سلسلے میں کہاں تک سعودیہ عرب کے کام آسکتا ہے یہ واضح نہیں ہے-پاکستان کے سعودیہ عرب سے گہرے دفاعی تعلقات رہے ہیں-جبکہ پاکستان میں موجودہ حکومت کے بھی سعودیہ عرب سے گہرے رشتے ہیں کیونکہ سعودی بادشاہ عبداللہ کی کوششوں سے میاں نواز شریف کی جان بچی تھی اور ایک ڈیل کے زریعے یہ سعودی عرب چلے گئے تھے-پاکستان کی ریاست سے ہٹ کر بھی نواز شریف آل سعود کے پارٹنر کی طرح ہیں- پاکستانی فوج سے سعودیہ عرب کے رشتے بہت طاقت ور ہیں جبکہ سعودیہ عرب نے پاکستان کو سب سے زیادہ امداد دی ہے-سعودیہ عرب ،پاکستان سی آئی اے سے ملکر افغان باغیوں کی سویت حمائت یافتہ افغان حکومت کے خلاف حمائت کی اور یہ باغی افغان پرو سویت رجیم کے گرنے کے بعد انتشار کا شکار ہوگئے اور ان کی خانہ جنگی نے طالبان کا راستہ ہموار کیا اور کچھ عرب مجاہدین نے القائدہ بنا ڈالی جس نے اپنی بندوقوں کا رخ اپنے مربیوں کی جانب کرلیا تھا-اور اس پالیسی سے پاکستان کے اندر فرقہ وارانہ بنیادوں پر زبردست خون ریزی شروع ہوئی اور ان نام نہاد مجاہدین کے ہاتھوں 80ء کے عشرے سے لیکر اب تک لاکھوں لوگ اپنی جانوں سے ہاتھ دھو بیٹھے جبکہ پاکستان کی معشیت کو بھی سخت نقصان پہنچا-سعودیہ عرب پاکستان کی سرزمیں کو ایک مرتبہ پھر شامی گوریلوں کے لیے بیس کیمپ میں بدلنے کی تیاری کررہا ہے-وہ پاکستان کے اندر ایسے گوریلوں کی تربیت کا خواہش مند ہے جو یہاں سے شام میں جاکر اسد حکومت کو گرانے کی کوشش کریں-سعودیہ عرب کے اندرونی باخبر حلقوں کا کہنا ہے کہ سعودیہ عرب فرانس،متحدہ عرب امارات،اردن اور پاکستان کی مدد سے ایک منظم باغی فورس تیار کرنے کی کوشش کررہا ہے-اس سے قبل سعودیہ عرب شامی باغیوں کے 50 بریگیڈ کو ایک متد پلیٹ فارم پر اکٹھے کرنے میں کامیاب رہا ہے جس کو اس نے لشکر اسلام کا نام دیا ہے-جس کی قیادت زھران آلوش کے پاس ہے جوکہ سعودی عرب میں باثر وہابی مولوی کا بیٹا ہے- بہت سے تچزیہ نگار کہتے ہیں کہ شام کے اندر جیسے جیسے اسلام پسند باغیوں کی قوت میں اضافہ ہورہا ہے ویسے ویسے سعودی عرب بھی اپنا وزن سلفی گروپوں کے پلڑے میں ڈال رہا ہے-وہ شامی باغی فوج کی قیادت سلفی باغیوں کے ہاتھ دینے کی منصوبہ بندی کرچکا ہے-اس سے ہم اندازہ لگا سکتے ہیں کہ سعودیہ عرب کے کیا عزائم ہیں-پاکستان میں طالبان اعتراف کرچکے ہیں کہ ان کی جانب سے طالبان کو شام بھیجنے کا سلسلہ جاری ہے اس سلسلے میں ترکی کے سفارت خانے کا تعاون کی خبریں گردش میں ہیں جبکہ شام سے طالبان باغیوں کی لاشیں شامی حکومت نے پاکستان واپس بھجوائی جانے کی خبر بھی گردش کرتی رہی ہیں- روزنامہ چنگ کی 7 نومبر 2013 ء کی اشاعت میں ادارتی صفحہ پر مظہر برلاس کا ایک کالم شایع ہوا ہے جس میں انہوں نے اسلام آباد میں بریلوی علماء اور مشائخ کی ایک کانفرنس مولانا امین الحسنات کی جانب سے بلآغے جانے کی روداد درج کی ہے-مظہر برلاس کے مظابق حسنات اپنے بیان کے دوران انتہائی جذباتی ہوگئے اور انہوں نے پاکستان کے اندر دھشت گردی اور تکفیری آئیڈیالوجی کے پھیلاؤ کا زمہ دار سعودیہ عرب کو قرار دیا (آگرچہ مظہر برلاس نے سعودیہ عرب کا نام نہیں لکھا نہ جانے کیوں؟بس یہ لکھنے پر اکتفاہ کیا کہ وہ ملک جس کے مسلم لیگ نواز کی قیادت سے بہت گہرے تعلقات ہیں) اس سے ایک دن قبل روزنامہ جنگ کے ایک پینل نے ایرانی قونصل جنرل سے ایک ملاقات کی اور ان کا ایک انٹرویو کیا جس میں ایرانی سفیر نے انکشاف کیا تھا کہ پاکستانی حکام نہ جانے کیوں ان سے تعلقات کے ضمن میں سعودی عرب کے حکام کے ردعمل سے پریشان رہتے ہیں اور وہ ملکی امور بارےفیصلے اپنے ملک کی ترجیحات دیکھنے کی بجائے سعودی حکومت کی خوشنودی سے زیادہ مشروط کرتے ہیں-ایرنی قونصلر کا یہ انٹرویو بھی چشم کشا تھا-جبکہ حال ہی میں پاکستان کی سرحد عبور کرکے دھشت گردوں نے 15 ایرانی سرحدی گارڈ کو قتل کرڈالا تھا جن حملہ آوروں کو تلاش کرنے کا مطالبہ ایران پاکستان سے کررہا ہے-ایران -پاکستان تعلقات میں سردمہری آنے اور دونوں ملکوں کے درمیان گیس پائپ لائن کے منصوبے کے پایہ تکمیل تک نہ پہنچنے میں سعودیہ عرب کا بڑا ہاتھ قرار دیا جارہا ہے- سعودی عرب کے سفیر پاکستان میں ایک وائسرائے کی طرح کام کرتے ہیں-سعودیہ عرب کو پاکستان کی ریاست کے اداروں کے موجودہ اور سابق کئی بااثر عہدے داران اور پاکستان میں دیوبندی اور وہابی طاقتور مولویوں کی حماغت حاصل ہے-باخبر زرایع کا کہنا ہے کہ پی پی پی کی حکومت کے دور میں وفاقی وزیر سید حامد سعید کاظمی کو سعودیہ عرب کے خلاف بیان دینے کی سزا یہ دی گئی کہ ان کو ناجائز طور پر حج فراڈ کیس میں ملوث کیا کیا-ان کو جیل کاٹنا پڑی اور ان پر لشکر جھنگوی کے دھشت گردوں نے حملہ کردیا اور آج تک ان کی جان خطرے میں ہے-جس کا انہوں نے برملا اعلان کیا ہے- سعودیہ عرب کے مبینہ کردار پر پاکستان کا مین سٹریم میڈیا خاموشی کی چادر تانے رکھتا ہے-اور کسی سیاسی جماعت کی جانب سے کوئی بیان بھی سامنے نہیں آتا-پاکستان سعودیہ عرب سے آنے والی امداد اور اس کے ساتھ درآمد ہونے والی وہابی تکفیری آئیڈیا لوجی کے حملوں سے لہولہان ہوچکا ہے-لیکن اب تک اس کے کردار بارے عام آدمی تک رسائی کو روکنے کی منظم کوشش ہوئی ہے-ضرورت اس امر کی ہے کہ لوگوں میں سعودیہ عرب اور اس کے حکمرانوں کے کردار بارے عوام کو زیادہ سے زیادہ باخبر کیا جائے
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Pakistan: Writ of government necessary in the country

Opposition leader in the National Assembly (NA) Syed Khursheed Shah has said the government should decide what strategy be adopted after Taliban rejected talks, Geo News reported. In a statement issued here Thursday, Syed Khursheed Shah said they were with the government for the sake of peace, adding writ of the government is necessary in the country. Shah said arrangements were being made for talks with Taliban in a mansion in Bannu. He said it was also better for Taliban to come on dialogue table. He asked why Pakistan was avenged in hostility of the US.