Sunday, August 18, 2013

Pakistan to free more than 350 Indian prisoners to defuse tensions

Pakistan will soon release more than 350 Indian prisoners, a Foreign Ministry official told on Sunday, to defuse tensions after recent border clashes in disputed Kashmir. Most of the Indians to be released are fishermen, who strayed into Pakistani waters after getting stranded, the official said. They could be freed on August 24, he added. Data compiled by the ministry says there are currently 491 Indians in Pakistani jails. "We expect India to reciprocate the gesture," said the official, who did not want to be named. India and Pakistan have in recent weeks accused each other of violating a 10-year-old ceasefire across the Line of Control (LoC), the de facto border that divides the Himalayan region of Kashmir. The killings on both sides have cast doubt on the possible resumption of peace talks, which were stalled following skirmishes at the border since January.
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