Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pakistan: Absence of leadership and changing global scenario

Mujtaba Haider Zaidi
Islamic Republic of Pakistan is rightly viewed to be a state that keeps on carrying out her long and dreary journey towards the path of constant fall without experiencing the rise and glory during the last sixty-six years since she came into existence in August 1947. The learners studying the history of rise and fall of the world nations could be surprised by the misfortunes the country had undergone predominantly due to the absence of visionary, committed and dedicated leadership throughout. One of the most significant reasons behind the absence of true and rational leadership in the country includes the lack of education, training and exposure the Pakistan masses maintained while electing the political leadership whenever they had been blessed with the chances of demonstrating their performance for the same. Consequently, the Pakistanis either elected the dictator-like statesmen for deciding their fate, or directly and/or indirectly supported the civilian and military dictators, which would keep the interests of their western masters in utmost priority rather than strengthening the political, social, cultural and economic institutions of their motherland by rendering services to their nation. It is true that the masses quite mistakenly elected the wrong leadership to rule over them in one occasion or the other; somehow, instead of learning something from the pages of history, the nation repeatedly allowed chances to one and the same opportunist groups that would bless them with nothing other than tears, blood and woe whenever they are at the helm of the governmental affairs in the wake of getting elected through the ballot box or coup d’état! Here I would like to ask one single question from the Pakistan subjects i.e. does a man deserve to be their leader who does not hesitate while proceeding to a foreign country in order to perform the umrah, an optional religious activity that he has already performed several times at the expense of the Pakistan nation in past, along with a heavy delegation consists of over 53 persons of his choice immediately after throwing the petroleum bomb on the poor and hapless masses already being crushed under the throbbing price hike, getting unable to perform their compulsory religious obligations in the sacred month of Ramazan because of unabated power breakdown and uncontrollable rise in the price of all commodities of everyday use! If a political leader is unaware of the needs and requirements the people have been looking for, and prefers his luxuries to their utter needs, how does such a man could steer the ship of the nation to the safe harbours particularly at a time when the country comes across the gravest challenges in the wake of the threats inflicted upon the nation jointly by the traitors, terrorists and enemy states in general. On the one side, the traditional foe i.e. neighbouring India sticks to launch her age-old blame game in the aftermath of every trouble she discovers within her territorial zones; and on the one side, our prime minister appears to be begging for peace and harmony towards India without taking the national prestige and dignity into least consideration. Though no one should get determined to ever enter into any war adventure against the other for nothing; nevertheless, if someone dares to put the honour and dignity of other at stake, by killing the personnel from armed forces, inflicting water aggression, imposing severe terrorism allegations, and displaying opposition at all international forums, why should the other remain bound to adopt the policy of appeasement without dignity for years and years by blowing the trumpet of peace and solidarity towards the dedicated enemy? It is the time when the dark clouds of another global war appear to be hovering over the heads, and the entire world predicts the viability of an evident third World War, and the great states like Russia, China, Germany and Japan, along with the brave small states including Venezuela, Nicaragua, Iran, Syria and others appear to be making preparations to fight against the US imperialistic New World Order, our irrational and superficial leadership appears to be engaged in exploiting the faith in order to prove itself to be the most pious and religious-minded group of society. What if a ruler regularly visits church or mosque, but carries out the nefarious designs of exercising tyranny on the subjects by keeping them in the inferno of miseries and woes by increasing the prices of electricity, petroleum and other commodities, and turns their life unbearable? No use of exhibiting the pictures of offering prayers if one has not developed the noble teachings the faith commands to follow at heart and in his real life. No one can please his Lord by molesting the people and making their lives on the earth to be equivalent to punishment and tragedy in the real sense of the words. All of the Pakistan masses are equally responsible for their misfortunes because of their observing silence and escaping the protests to be organized and launched against each and every tyrannical act and unjust policy devised and implemented by the government. We really need a visionary, dedicated and compassionate leader in order to earn a respectable place for Pakistan at the international arena; otherwise, we should throw off the cloak of being one of the atomic powers existing on the face of the earth, and must make preparations to lead a life several weak and worthless mushroom-like states have been leading for the last few decades on the map of the world.

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