Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Japan should never forget fate of previous Izumo in war of aggression

While the Japanese people were praying for peace in commemoration of the 68th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima during World War II, the Abe administration Wednesday was noisily reawakening the ghosts of Japan's militarist past. It held a high-profile ceremony to unveil a new helicopter carrier named "Izumo" -- the same name carried by a flagship involved in its war of agression against China in the 1930s. Officials of the Abe administration claimed the clash of the dates was a coincidence. AFP afterwards described it as indeed "an unfortunate coincidence." On top of coincidences, the Japanese government also excels at playing with words, or rather "calling stags horses". When the monster ship was unveiled to the world for the first time, many experts and media were more inclined to call it an aircraft carrier in disguise than a helicopter destroyer, as the Japanase administration insisted on calling it. The truth in front of our eyes is indisputable: in general, Izumo is a helicopter carrier with strong attacking capability. It is only 13 meters shorter than the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, and its standard and load displacements are far bigger than those of light carriers in some countries. As for its performance, the flat-topped deck and island-shaped buildings offer great possibilities for launching military jets. It may even carry combat aircraft such as the F-35B with a few more modifications. Regardless of the "coincidence" and tricky wording, all the covering up is bound to reveal itself before the mirror of history. Several decades ago, Japanese militarists' fetish for aircraft carriers prompted them to build more than 20 carriers and giant battleships. The carriers in turn became catalysts for their bulging aggression in World War II. After its defeat, Japan was no longer allowed to build attacking ships under the constraints of its "Pacifist Constitution." But the desire to have carriers again has been an evil constantly haunting Japan's ultra-right politicians and militarists ever since. The naming and launching of Izumo represents a flagrant evocation of the past militarism and Abe's intent to further militarise Japan. The facts are clear: from Shinzo Abe's hint at rejecting the historical conclusions regarding Japan's war of invasion to his open proposal to change the constitution, much the same way the Nazis did before, the words and actions of the administration have turned increasingly dangerous and there is no sign of attempts to get back on the correct track. These risky moves have stirred strong indignation and protest in neighboring countries and also evoked the condemnation of the international community. An editorial published in the French newspaper Le Monde advised Abe not to cross the line and called his remarks denying the aggression "unforgivable". Recently, U.S. officials also expressed their concerns about the militarist stance Abe has taken. Sixty-eight years ago, two atomic bombs exploded in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, causing casualties of about 300,000, some of whom are still suffering from the sequela of radiation. But now, the Abe administration commemorates the deceased in a most horrible way, one that has shocked the world. History has warned us: it was war-obsessed Japanese militarists who dragged the innocent Japanese people to the abyss of darkness and inflicted tremendous pain on Japan's Asian neighbors. The Abe administration should never forget the so-called "military exploits" by "Izumo" were built upon millions of skeletons of the dead, and the ship itself was eventually destroyed by U.S. forces on July 24, 1945 and buried for good with Japanese fascism.

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