Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Pakistan: Culpable negligence & incompetence

The Abbottabad Commission Report posted by Al Jazeera on its website concludes that Osama bin Laden’s nine-year-long stay in Pakistan and the May 2011 secret US raid, in which he was killed, are because of ‘gross incompetence’ of the state institutions. To the total amusement of many, a 336-page classified report given by the five-member commission led by Justice Javed Iqbal has been released to a foreign website for the reasons best known to those who are handling this important national issue. The government owes an explanation to this effect any time it deems fit. Leaving aside the controversial move, the Commission believes that ‘culpable negligence and incompetence’ at almost all levels of the then government can more or less be conclusively established. The Commission unleashes a scathing criticism on the performance of the intelligence agencies saying that the well-resourced ISI acted unprofessionally, lacked commitment to fight extremism and obstructed the performance of other spy outfits. Despite public outcry over the secret operation of the US Navy “Seals” that killed OBL, the report says that ISI remained casual in tracking him and in investigating his death. The commission feels that the entire system became dysfunctional and described the situation as ‘Government Implosion Syndrome’. The Commission also slammed criticism on the FIA and Intelligence Bureau, finding the FIA chief unaware of mandate of his agency and IB head indulged in idle gossip. The MI chief admitted to his negligence in chasing high-value targets. The Commission has rightly pointed out mal-functioning of the Pakistan’s intelligence agencies. From the day one, every Pakistan had strongly suspected the role of Pakistan’s security system, its operators and particularly the intelligence agencies. Otherwise it is rather impossible for any foreign force to hoodwink the security apparatus of a country for well over three hours. The way Americans, their contractors, their agents and their troops acted on Pakistan’s soil, it looks as if the country was given to them on lease and official watchdogs were either asleep or making merry on official perks and privileges. The sovereign states do not tolerate all what Pakistanis had suffered. Indeed, in previous regime, the state machinery and its rulers were dysfunctional. With the change in the political hierarchy at the top, the visible change in policies is bound to come by. But it has been established beyond doubt, the intelligence agencies are run by either incompetent professionals or they lacked commitment to perform national duties which is why the terrorists and members of the banned outfits are toying with the security apparatus at their sweet will. Hence they should be done away with immediately, and in the light of the recommendations of the Abbotabad Commission, culpable negligence & incompetence of the top government officials should not go unpunished. Compromise on the national security is not acceptable come what may. Total revamping in all state institutions should be carried out to make them effective for safeguarding the lives of the people and the frontiers of the country.

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