Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ISI Chief: Punjab govt led by CM Shahbaz Sharif protected the Deobandi terrorists who massacred Ahmadis in Lahore in May 2010
On May 28, 2010, Takfiri Deobandi terrorists (operating as Sipah Sahaba ASWJ-LeJ and Taliban) killed at least 93 members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect and injured around 100 others in attacks on two Ahmadi mosques during Friday prayer services in Lahore. In the leaded OBL report published by Al Jazeera, it has been revealed that according to ISI’s Chief General Pasha, PML-N led government of the Punjab province (a political ally of Sipah Sahaba ASWJ-LeJ) protected the terrorists involved in Ahmadi massacre: “The situation was increasingly becoming true of Lahore and other cities. In Lahore police protected those who attacked ‎#Qadianis last year (2010) and even directed them to the hospital where the wounded were being treated.The provincial Govt. had been informed of the situation but it took no heed of the advice and information provided by ‎#ISI no guards were assigned by to the hospital as venal political influence intervened everywhere.” General Pasha, OBL Report, Page 208 para 1 Although members of religious and sectarian minorities Shias, Christians, Ahmadis, Hindus and their places of worship have been attacked by Takfiri Deobandi groups (Sipah Sahaba, Taliban) on an almost regular basis in Pakistan, this was one of the bloodiest incidents in recent memory. After the attack on Ahmadi community and the Joseph Colony incident where 100-plus houses and shops of Christians were ransacked, looted and set ablaze by Takfiri terrorists, religious and sect minorities of Punjab, are worried for their safety. The situation on the ground is very uncertain for them since sectors of the media appear free to propagate hatred against non-Muslims and non-Deobandis, while terrorists freely roaming across Punjab. Meanwhile, the provincial government of Punjab is still maintaining close relations with militant groups while the pro-Islamist judiciary is releasing militants. Various media reports suggest that Pakistan Muslim League (N) nourishes the banned outfits in Punjab and recently in Punjab Budget 2013-14 it includes millions for Wahhabi terrorist group Jamaat-ud-Dawa aka LeT. Malik Ishaq Deobandi, the self confessed killer of Shias enjoyed Punjab government’s financial assistance and in election 2013 Lashkar-e-Jhangvi terrorists contested on PML-N tickets. Now, Lt. Gen. Ahmed Shuja Pasha in his recent interview admitted, and criticized the provincial leaderships of the Punjab government, claiming the Punjab police had “protected those who attacked the Ahmadis on May 28, 2010.” According to the report, the former ISI chief claimed the police even directed the militants to the hospital where the wounded were being treated. “The provincial government has been informed of the situation but it took no heed of the advice and information provided by the ISI,” the report quotes Pasha as saying. In May 2010, members of the homegrown Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (an alias of ASWJ-LeJ Deobandi terrorists) attacked Ahmadi mosques in Lahore killing 94 people and injuring over 100. Gunmen also attacked a hospital where the injured were being treated the same day.

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