Wednesday, July 3, 2013


President Mohamed Morsi has been stripped of his power by the Egyptian army and the constiution has been suspended, General Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said in a statement. The country's chief justice of the court will be the interim president of the country.
Morsi has moved to an "undisclosed location," a presidential aide told AP. He has said he does not recognize the "military coup," and called on Egyptians to stand against it. The country's constitution has also been suspended. "The address of the president yesterday did not meet the demands of the masses of the people. As a result it was a necessity for the armed forces to consult with certain political and social figures without sidelining any party where the meeting parties agreed upon a future roadmap plan which included initial measures whereby a coherent Egyptian society is achieved without marginalizing any individual political party and putting an end to the state of division," Sisi said. He added that the demands of the people have now been heeded.
"The military's road map consists of dissolving the constitution and holding early presidential elections," Sisi continued. He called for a panel would review the constitution and a national reconciliation committee which would include youth movements. He said the road map had been approved by a range of political groups. Egypt's Pope Tawadros, head of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Egypt, says the road map ensures security for all Egyptians and offers political vision, local media reported."The armed forces had declared that it will keep away from political action and it will maintain this stance," Sisi said. Fireworks have been set off over Cairo's Tahrir Square and across the city in celebration. "The people and the army are one hand," protesters cheered in the square, amid the roar of horns and chanting, a witness told Reuters.

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