Saturday, July 13, 2013

2 Killed by U.S. Drone Strike in Pakistan

At least two people were killed Saturday in an American drone strike in a northwestern tribal region of Pakistan, according to intelligence officials.
The drone strike took place at around 11:30 p.m. Saturday in Mosaki village, near Mir Ali, the second-largest town in North Waziristan tribal region, alongside the border with Afghanistan. North Waziristan is a stronghold of the Taliban and militants affiliated with Al Qaeda. The two victims, whom the authorities believed to be militants, were riding a motorcycle when they were targeted by the drone strike. Their identities were not immediately known. “Both of the militants on the motorbike were killed on the spot,” a Pakistani intelligence official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “The drone fired two missiles that also damaged a nearby house, but no casualty has so far been reported inside it.” The strike was the second one in July. The previous strike occurred July 2, killing at least 17 people, also in North Waziristan. Drone strikes, which are operated by the C.I.A, are immensely unpopular in Pakistan and are portrayed as a violation of its sovereignty. Islamist and right-wing, nationalist political parties have long demanded that America stop its drone campaign in the tribal regions, claiming that they have caused a large number of civilian casualties. Pakistani officials have also publicly condemned the drone strikes, although privately have acknowledged their utility. American officials have, however, called them as a useful tool to target militants who have found safe havens in Pakistani regions where the state is weak and ineffective. Drone strikes have decreased in recent months, because of greater scrutiny of the program in United States and newer restrictions from President Obama.

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