Monday, June 17, 2013

Turkish police arrest 500 protesters

Turkish police have arrested 500 people during anti-government protests in the capital city of Ankara and Istanbul, amid calls for a nationwide strike, Press TV reports. The arrests were made on Sunday as part of a crackdown on protests that have gripped the country for some three weeks. Meanwhile, two of Turkey’s main trade unions have called a one-day nationwide strike in protest against police violence against anti-government demonstrators. Union confederations DISK and KESK have stated that they will go on strike on Monday in protest at a police raid on a protest camp in Istanbul’s iconic Gezi Park. The unions represent hundreds of thousands of workers and the stoppage is likely to affect schools, hospitals and public offices across the country. Three other groups representing doctors, engineers and dentists said they will also join the action. On Sunday, Turkish police once again fired tear gas canisters and used pepper spray and water cannons to disperse crowds of protesters trying to converge on Taksim Square. On the same day, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said it was his “duty” to order the police to evict protesters staying at the park. On June 15, police attacked anti-government protesters at Taksim, shortly after Erdogan ordered the demonstrators to evacuate the area. The unrest in Turkey erupted after police broke up a sit-in staged at Taksim Square on May 31 to protest against a government plan for the redevelopment of Gezi Park. The Turkish prime minister has faced international condemnation for his handling of the unrest. Turkish police have also been strongly criticized for using excessive force against the peaceful protests. Five people, including a police officer, have reportedly died in the clashes and more than 5,000 protesters and 600 police officers have been wounded.

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