Friday, June 28, 2013

Thousands rally against Morsy across Egypt, scores injured in clashes
Thousands of protesters demonstrated in Alexandria after Friday prayers, part of a nationwide wave of rallies calling for President Mohamed Morsy's resignation which has seen opponents and supporters of the beleaguered Islamist regime clash, injuring scores. Demonstrators launched a march in front of Alexandria's Qa’ed Ibrahim Mosque, before heading to the city's Sidi Gaber area, where hundreds of supporters were gathering in front of the administrative office of the Freedom and Justice Party, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Protesters were heard chanting slogans against the regime and the ruling Muslim Brotherhood. They also raised red cards and blowed whistles, while drivers on the corniche sounded their horns. The march will join others setting off from al-Wardian, Jihan hospital and al-Labban in Sidi Gaber to rally against Morsy's administration. Clashes meanwhile broke out between a number of Muslim Brotherhood supporters and protesters in Sidi Gaber, while opposition protesters set the Brotherhood Freedom and Justice Party's (FJP) offices in the city. Birdshot was reportedly fired, with eyewitnesses confirming that no less than 10 people were injured. The wounded were transferred to nearby hospitals. Protesters arrested a pro-Morsy protester who allegedly used birdshot and beat him up before handing him over to security forces in the Northern Military District. Clashes are reported to be ongoing. Nineteen people were also reported injured on Friday afternoon following clashes in Aga City, Daqahlia governorate. Security sources told Al-Masry Al-Youm that some of the victims sustained birdshots and were transferred to hospitals for treatment. Protesters against Morsy started a march that roamed the city before heading to the local FJP headquarters which they torched, eyewitnesses said. The protesters clashed with party members responsible for securing the office. Also in Alexandria, protesters set ablaze the office of the FJP in Sidi Gaber area. Clashes are reportedly ongoing between both sides. Opponents to President Mohamed Morsy have taken to the streets in governorates across Egypt. Several cities and villages in Gharbiya staged protests after Friday prayers to demand Morsy's departure. Protesters said Morsy had to leave after he failed to adequately run the country or the economy. Marchers complained of shortage in goods and services such as fuel, electricity and water. Tens of thousands participated in protests and marches, chanting against the Muslim Brotherhood as well as expressing anger at Morsy's divisive speech on Wednesday. In Tanta, around 30,000 protesters staged marches and gathered on al-Shohadaa Square demanding Morsy's departure. In Kafr al-Zayyat, approximately 20,000 protesters gathered on al-Sa'a Square with banners calling for Morsy to leave. "Down with the rule of the supreme guide," one read, referring to the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Mohamed Badie. In Basyoun, around 10,000 protesters staged marches in 23 of July Street and gathered at al-Mahatta Square. Scores of demonstrators attempted to break into the headquarters of the FJP in Basyoun, but Brotherhood supporters stationed inside the building prevented them. Protesters had marched from Basyoun to the local Islamist party building, later joined by another from al-Qadaba village. Demonstrators threw stones at the Islamists inside for more than half an hour. Thousands took part in a march in Zagazig, Sharqiya, raising red cards to demand President Mohamed Morsy's departure and bringing an end to the Muslim Brotherhood rule. Hundreds joined the march on its way to the sit-in of revolutionary forces against Morsy in al-Mohafza Street. They chanted: "I am not an infidel. Down with the rule of the supreme guide." Dozens of drivers encouraged protesters with beeps, especially near gas stations. They held red cards while waiting in traffic. Protesters held 2 symbolic coffins, one for Morsy and the other for Supreme Guide Mohamed Badie. They held images mocking US Ambassador Anne Patterson.

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