Thursday, June 27, 2013

President Zardari being victimised:

Opposition leader in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah said that victimisation of President Zardari was continuing as the Swiss authorities had written back to the government of Pakistan that the cases against the president cannot be opened because they had become time barred. The move of the new government to approach the Swiss authorities to reopen the cases was sheer vendetta of the Nawaz Sharif government against the president, he said in a press release issued here on Wednesday. The opposition leader said that it seemed that the PML-N government had again decided to do the politics of ninety’s and therefore they had hired the same lawyer who had already been paid millions of rupees from the government exchequer since 1997. Syed Khursheed Shah expressed his dismay that the government had approached the Swiss authorities to re-open the cases without new evidence which clearly manifested the malafide of the government.Khursheed Shah reminded that Accountability Court, Rawalpindi, in its judgment pronounced in July 2011 acquitted main accused AR Siddique and held that Asif Ali Zardari hasprotection under article 248 of the Constitution. He further said the court also held that it has been proved that Mr. Zardari and others have not received any gratification and undue pecuniary advantage in the form of commission and as such have not caused any loss to the public exchequer. The judgment attained finality as no appeal was filed against it, Khursheed Shah said.He reminded that the previous PPP led government did not initiate a single case against politicians keeping in the largest interest of democracy and the federation.

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