Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Pakistan: Labor leader criticizes federal budget 2013-14

Nasir Mansoor, Deputy General Secretary of National Trade Union Federation Pakistan (NTUF) has termed the budget ‘IMF-dictated’ to appease the international lenders to get more loans. In a statement here Wednesday, he said the new government has attacked working people of Pakistan with economic drones loaded with withdrawing of subsidies and increase in electricity tariff which multiply the miseries many fold of already suppressed working class. “We strongly condemned the anti people intention of new government policy to increase the sales tax and increase the fee on education while award enormous incentives to big businesses and corporate circles by slashing the tax slab for them.” He said it is a cruel joke with millions of salaried employees who have been facing the ever-growing inflation but didn't get any increase in their salaries.

1 comment:

  1. A budget designed to crush the salaried class and protect the industrialists and traders. No increase in salaries is a cruel measure and is designed to keep the wages low for the benefit of N-leagues industrialist friends. This will cause great hurt to ordinary people.
