Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Afghanistan: Kandahar businesswomen call for handmade textiles market
Businesswomen in Kandahar city on Tuesday inaugurated a handmade textiles exhibition, in order to find proper market for women products and to improve women businesses in the province. The textiles exhibition was organized by Kandahar Women Affairs Directorate that would be open for three days in the city for all businessmen and citizens. Businesswomen asked government to find proper market for their products inside the country and in international markets. Kandahar governor, Tooryalai Wesa, while visiting the exhibition said that women have the capacity to solve their economic problems in the society, if they were provided opportunities. Wesa added currently a big percentage of the profit of textiles is being taken by businessmen, while all the hard works are being done by women. “It is right of the women to receive a big percentage of the profit of their products and we should work hard to achieve this goal”. Those women, who participated in exhibition, said that only exhibitions can not empower women textile industry; they called on government to find proper markets for their products in the country and international markets. One of the participants, Fariba Duranai, said that to-date there is no specific place for women and women textile products in Kandahar to sell there textile in. Duranai added that there are enough customers in through the country who like Kandahar women’s home made textiles, but women were still unable to deliver their products to all parts of the county. Women Business activist, Mursall Ahmadzai, says that thousand of women who have the potential to produce worthy textiles, are now faced with serious economic challenges in Kandahar city, if they were provided opportunity to produce home products and to sell them in bazaars, then a big percentage of their problems would be solved. She added it is up to the government to help deprived Afghan women to step up toward self sufficiency in the country.

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