Monday, June 24, 2013

Istanbul crowd marches to denounce release of police officer suspected of killing protester

Hundreds gathered tonight on Istanbul's Asian shores to protest the court ruling to release a police officer suspected of shooting a demonstrator in the early days of the Gezi Park unrest. Having been on life support for a number of days, Ethem Sarısülük, a 26-year-old blue collar worker, passed away last week. Participants at a discussion forum in Kadıköy's Yoğurtçu Park, a gathering that has repeatedly been held since the police closed access to Gezi Park, agreed to march in order to show their indignation at the court's ruling. The crowd walked holding banners in support of Sarısülük and condemning police's violence. Hours earlier, the prosecutor in charge of the investigation into Sarısülük's killing ruled that the shooting was "within the limits of self-defense."

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