Monday, March 11, 2013

Pakistani Christian will vote only if Blasphemy is repealed and dual vote is granted
We will only support and vote that Muslim party which will publically promise Pakistani Christians that blasphemy law will be repealed and Dual voting right will be granted to Chritians, said Mr. William Shahzad, Chairman of Pakistani American Association PCA here today. Mr. William Shahzad told Pakistan Christian Post PCP that Muslim political parties are not sincere with Pakistani Christians and PPP failed to stop misuse of blasphemy law in Pakistan while Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group which is ruling Punjab province of Pakistan totally failed to stop violence against Christians on pretext to blasphemy law. The Punjab government promised to punish culprits of Gojra Town but later facilitated to walk them free and DPO of Gojra was promoted and given job in Lahore city who allowed Muslim mob to burn homes of Gojra Christians and burning alive of seven Christians. Mr. William Shahzad who is Chairman of PCA and senior advisor of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC said that I appeal to Christians not to vote PPP, PML (N), PML (Q) Anp, MQM, PML (F) JUI (F), JI and other Muslim political parties in forthcomming elections untill any of them not announce to repeal blasphemy law and Election for Christians to vote their representitives on reserved seats in parliament.

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