Friday, March 8, 2013

Pakistan: Immediate action against terrorists ordered

The Frontier Post
The government has decided to launch rigorous targeted operation against criminals and terrorists in the port city of Karachi, which will directly be monitored by Sindh Governor Dr Ishratul Ebad Khan and Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah. It was decided on Friday in a high level meeting chaired by President Asif Ali Zardari at the Chief Minister's House, Karachi. The President, who according to well-placed sources was communicated the reservations of Corps Commander by Chief of Army Staff Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani on Thursday, showed his extreme resentment over the Karachi law and order situation. The President also showed his annoyance over the performance of police officials and warned that the police officials not ready to deliver should be sent home packing. Sources said that when the top two of the Sindh province apprised the President of reports, he interrupted and said "don't show me the reports, tell me when will be peace returned to the city of Karachi". During the meeting, the President directed to immediately start targeted and indiscriminate operation against terrorists, extortionists, target killers and kidnappers. The operations must be launched in all parts of the city without any discrimination, Zardari instructed the Sindh government. The law enforcement agencies would be provided modern communication devises, armored vehicles, modern weapons and complete intelligence information. The President also directed aerial surveillance of the operations through helicopters which he said must not affect the common man. President Asif Ali Zardari expressed the resolve of his government that elections in the country would be held on time and said that militants, extremists and the sectarian elements would not be allowed to subvert the electoral process by creating a law and order situation. The President urged the provincial government and relevant agencies for taking stern actions to ensure the safety and protection of lives and property of the citizens, which he said was the prime responsibility and also the priority of the government. The meeting was attended among others by Governor Sindh Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan, Chief Minister Sindh Syed Qaim Ali Shah, provincial ministers Pir Mazhar-ul-Haq, Muhammad Ayaz Soomro, Agha Siraj Khan Durrani, Syed Murad Ali Shah, Sharjeel Memon, Chief Secretary Sindh Raja Muhammad Abbas, heads of law enforcement agencies and other high officials. The President while expressing his sympathies with the bereaved families of Abbas Town blast, directed for extending full support and assistance in rehabilitation to the victims of the blasts and providing best medical treatment on government expenses to all those inured in the Sunday bombing. The President during the meeting urged all political forces and stakeholders to come forward, work hand in hand with the law enforcing agencies in the metropolis and play their active role to restore peace and stability in the city. The President assured the Sindh government that the federal government would provide all possible help and assistance to the victims of bomb blasts. Later, the President during his separate meeting with Deputy Speaker Sindh Assembly Ms Shehla Raza condoled the death of her brother-in-law Akhtar Zaidi and her other relatives who lost their lives in the recent bomb blast in Karachi. Meanwhile, rejecting the Sindh government's report on Abbas Town blast, the Supreme Court on Friday directed Interior and Defence Ministries to ensure the submission of the reports on Sunday bombing by Inter Service Intelligence (ISI) and Military Intelligence (MI) within three days. The court also showed extreme resentment over the non-submission of reports of both intelligence agencies as well as Chief Secretary Sindh. The five-member larger bench of the apex court, headed by Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, in its written order, instructed the Sindh government to set up 15 to 20 Anti Terrorism Courts (ATC) in Karachi for the speedy trails of terrorism suspects. The court lamented the state of three existing ATCs in Karachi which were in mutilated condition while the suspects were kept in a cage meant for keeping animals which was highly disgraceful and against the dignity of humanity. "No one has ever visited to see the condition of these courts which violate the fundamental rights of the accused ensured by the Constitution of Pakistan", observed the Chief Justice during the proceedings before issuing the written order. Showing its displeasure over the services rendered by the Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) operating in the city, the Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry said the Sindh IGP and the DG Rangers were solely responsible for the Abbas Town tragedy. At outset of the hearing, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) and the Special Branch submitted their reports on the incident which the apex court had summoned on Wednesday. During the prolonged hearing on Friday, the court reserved nearly two hours to discuss the IB reports in its chamber and only Chief Secretary Raja Abbas, Additional Home Secretary Sindh Waseem Ahmed, Acting IG Ghulam Shabeer Shaikh, former IGP Fayyaz Ahmed Leghari, DG Rangers Rizwan Akhter, Joint Director IB Ghulam Nabi Memon and Attorney General Sindh Abdul Fateh Malik were present in the closed room session. Although, the details of closed proceedings were not made public in "the national interests" due to its sensitivity, the apex bench while studying the submitted reports by the IB and the Special Branch earlier observed that despite such clear-cut information, no action was taken by the law enforcement agencies concerned which demonstrated their ineptness and criminal negligence. The joint director of the IB told the court that information pertaining to possible threats of blast was shared with the IG and the Rangers DG. To which Justice Amir Hani Muslim said, "What step was taken in the light of this information?" Counsel for the Sindh government, Anwar Mansoor Khan claimed that over 130 terror attacks had been thwarted. Justice Hani said there were contradictions in the reports submitted by the Sindh government and the Sindh IG. He questioned why scanners had not been installed on entry and exit points of Karachi. The court observed that everything was possible in this modern computerized world but the will of the government and rulers was lacking. The Chief Justice asked why the victims had not been compensated yet. The Commissioner Karachi, Hashim Raza Zaidi informed the court that the cheques were ready for distribution among the victims while the four persons were missing and the remaining were either minors or had issues with their name. He assured the court that the cheques would be distributed before evening while the issue of the remaining would be sorted out soon with the committee formed by the Sindh government. The court in its written order said that the Commissioner Karachi informed the court the cheques for the affectees of Sunday blast were ready and would be distributed during the course of proceedings. In prima facie it seemed to be on account of the non-cooperation and lack of concerted efforts that failed the positive materialization of such information, said the Chief Justice. The court inquired from the Additional IG Legal Ali Sher Jakhrani about the formation of investigation committee of Abbas Town blast, to which he replied that a committee had been formed and was to be headed by the Acting IG Ghulam Shabeer Shaikh. The court directed the Sindh Police to form another committee comprising competent, efficient and honest police official of not below DIG rank as it would not be possible for Shaikh to head the committee after getting the charge of the Sindh Police. The bench asked the Sindh Police to submit a comprehensive report by investigative committee on next hearing. The Chief Justice made it clear that no official working after reappointment or having got extension should be made member of the committee. The court directed the Sindh Police to lodge the FIR of 14 being killed on last Thursday and adding that in future instead of the lower level officers the SSP and DIG concerned would be held responsible if crime happened in his area. Besides giving the compensation money of Rs 1.5 million for dead and Rs 1 million for injured and reconstruction of the flats by the Sindh government, the court directed the provincial government to provide allowance to the people whose houses and shops were destroyed in the blast. 'The allowance shall be provided till the flats are constructed and they return to their routine life', the court ordered. During the proceeding, the court was informed that over 3100 police personnel were performing their duties in the city out of which 8000 were deputed for the security and protection of VIPs. The court was informed that Owais Muzaffar Tappi, who was the step-brother of President Zardari but holding no public office was provided 8 police mobiles and 50 police personnel for his security. The court inquired as what was the threat perception behind designating such huge force being run with the taxpayers' money. Ali Sher Jhakrani admitted that the said number of police was reserved for the man known as Muzaffar Tappi but he didn't know as who had directed and notified the deployment. The court asked the police official to submit details on the next hearing. The Chief Justice told that the expenses on Tappi security should be taken from the person who had directed such deployment. Justice Jawwad S. Khawaja said every man of Karachi had a threat to his life and adding that a place inhibited by thousands of people and being on hit-list of terrorists was given just one mobile of Rangers while a single man was enjoying the security of 50 police personnel. The august court also expressed its anger over the performance of the Sindh Prosecution Department and said that the department, established with the money being taken on loan for which the people were still paying installments, had zero performance. The court also lamented the Sindh government for the reappointment of retired officials and unlawful extensions, which the bench observed was resulted in the worst performance of the Sindh Police. "The people who have never in life worn the police uniform are appointed as DIG in the Sindh Police" told Justice Khawaja, asking if such appointments were not political. The apex court grilled the Commissioner Karachi, Hashim Raza Zaidi and on one time the bench had to remind him that he also enjoyed the powers to control law and order as under the 1979 Local Body Ordinance, the commissioners were considered as the godfathers of their respective divisions. Justice Khilji Arif Hussain asked the AG Sindh that if the children of influential man like him felt insecure, how the elections could be held in Karachi. During the hearing, the Attorney General Sindh admitted before the court that majority of the orders of the court in Karachi law and order suo moto case were not implemented by the Sindh government. TV program, "Capital Talk" hosted by Hamid Mir was also played inside the court room and watched by the members of the bench as well as those present in the room. The Chief Justice while directing to make a DVD of the program as part of the case record said it was sufficient to see the miseries of the people of the area.

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