Saturday, March 9, 2013

Muslim mob set on fire 200 homes of Christian in Lahore

Pakistan Christian Post PCP reported that Christian and Muslim youth in Snooker game had harsh words with each other on which Muslim boys accused one Christian youth Sawan Masih that he defiled names of Prophet Mohammad during argument. The dispute among Christian-Muslim youth was settled by some elders but one Muslim boy approached area mosque and informed of blasphemious comments of Christian boy. The announcements were made from mosques on loudspeaker, on which more than two thousand Muslims gathered around Joseph Colony and threatened Christians to leave their homes unless every one will be burn to death in homes. After threats from Muslim mob, hundreds of Christian families fled on evening of March 8, 2013, from Joseph Colony. The Muslim mob attacked many Christian elders, women and children and tortured them on not leaving area. Meanwhile, Badami Bagh Police approached on scene and arrested Sawan Masih under 295 C PPC of blasphemy law. Today, more than three thousand Muslim extremists attacked Joseph Colony and took out motorcycles and other furniture of homes of Christians and torched it. The Muslim mob after setting on fire belongings in homes also started burning homes with chemicals which they brought with them. More than 200 homes of Christians were burnt down while police stood silent and not tried to stop mob. Lahore is capital city of Punjab province and Headquaters of Rangers, Headquarters of Police, but non was sent to stop violence against Christians when Chief Minister of Punjab have secretariat here. Punjab is safe heaven of banned terrorist orgnization which are protected by ruling Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz Group PML (N) and vote bank of it. The Police officer who was responsible for not protecting Christians of Gojra Town of Punjab where Muslim mob set on fire more than 60 homes and burnt alive 7 Christian children, women and elders was transfered to Lahore instead of any punishment by Chief Minister of Punjab. The Muslim mob attack on village Korian and in Kasur occured during this ruling PML (N) in Punjab. Christians are second biggest population of Punjab after Muslims with estimated numbers of 18 millions. Dr. Nazir S Bhatti, President of Pakistan Christian Congress PCC have strongly condemned attack on Christian properties in Joseph Colony Lahore and demanded arrest of culprits. "The Punjab government is failed to provide security of life and property to 18 million Christians of Punjab and time has come that Christian might take right actions" said Nazir Bhatti

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