Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Iran, world powers agree to expert talks on Tehran's nuclear program

Iran says talks with world powers in Kazakhstan to try to resolve its nuclear crisis were a "positive step". Chief negotiator Saeed Jalili said the US, UK, France, China, Russia and Germany (the P5+1) had been "more realistic" than in the past. The EU's chief delegate said she hoped Iran was "looking positively" at proposals presented at the talks. International powers suspect Iran of seeking to develop nuclear weapons - a charge Iran strongly denies. Iran insists its purposes are purely civilian, asserting it needs enriched uranium to make medical isotopes. Russia and Iran said technical experts from both sides would meet in March, and the P5+1 group would meet with Iran again in Almaty on 5 and 6 April. The multilateral discussions were the first since a round in July 2012 ended without a breakthrough.

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