Friday, February 22, 2013

Evidence of PML-N’s support to banned terrorist groups

LUBP is releasing a new tag that is a collection of all the articles that highlight PML-N’s growing relationship with Takfiri Deobanid militants (Sipah-e-Sahaba aka ASWJ-LeJ), Jamaat-ud-Dawan (JuD aka LeT), Taliban and Al Qaeda. The Takfiri Deobandi and Takfiri Wahhabi terrorists of ASWJ-LeJ, JuD-LeT and Taliban have wreaked havoc on Pakistan’s (and also in neighbouring countries) Shia, Sunni, Ahmadi, Christian, Hindu and other communities. Please share this tag widely on mainstream and social media and also forward to all PML-N spokespersons and apologists. In particular, we ask pro-establishment fake liberals (some of whom shamelessly promote pro-ASWJ clerics as prophets of peace) how they continue to maintain their claims to liberalism while pandering to PML-N.

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