Friday, July 6, 2012


It is the sole responsibility of the State to protect the NATO supplies to Afghanistan once the Government, at the highest level, had permitted to allow the cargo from Karachi Port to Afghanistan or for safe return from Afghanistan back to USA through Karachi Port. Prestige of the Pakistani state is involved in protecting the NATO supplies from all sorts of people, terrorists, saboteurs or the ‘Ghariat Brigade’ earlier launched deadly and dreadful attacks in order to disapprove the supplies to ISAF despite a Government commitment to the world community. Adviser to the Prime Minister on Internal Security had already briefed the Prime Minister about the measures to protect the NATO supplies from mischief mongers or those who opposed to the resumption of supplies to the ISAF for an early and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan. In the past, Pakistani citizens operating the oil tankers and trucks carrying cargo from Karachi Port to Afghanistan came under attack in KPK and Balochistan and not in Sindh and Balochistan giving an impression that hostile elements to the US and policies were involved in those attacks. The Pakistanis suffered a lot, many lost their lives in deadly and indiscriminate attack without considering that the drivers and cleaners are Pakistan. They destroyed the whole caravan along with the Pakistani drivers and cleaners or helpers killing score of people. All those people lost their property in shape of trucks and oil tankers and also their lives should be compensated by the Pakistani State so that the State should realize its responsibility to protect all sort of transit goods permitted under the law by the Government. Hopefully, the rulers will not permit the ‘Ghariat Brigade’ to resume the deadly attack on one pretext or the other once the State had permitted the transit of goods, mainly fuel and essential commodities of daily use for the ISAF troops. Let us honour our commitment to the international community and protect the transit trade with full force and authority with a clear signal to lawless people that they will be punished under the law if they carried out attacks or endangered lives of the Pakistani truck and tanker operations.

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