Friday, June 29, 2012

Shias killed in Quetta again. Reason? ; being Shias!

Let Us Build Pakistan
A roadside bomb ripped through a bus in Pakistan Thursday, killing at least 20 Shia passengers and wounding 25 others, local media reported. The blast took place around 6.00 p.m. in Hazarganji area of Balochistan province, Xinhua quoted the Urdu channel AAJ TV as saying. About 50 Shia Muslims were aboard the Quetta-bound bus from Iran. Eyewitnesses said that the bus was carrying pilgrims from Taftan and it was targeted when it was passing near a fruit market in the Hazarganji area. The vehicle was completely destroyed. Authorities said about 50 kg of explosives were used for the blast. One of the two police vehicles providing security to the bus was also attacked, leaving at least one policeman dead and three others injured. Police are unsure whether the bus was hit by a car bomb or explosives buried next to the road, said Quetta police chief Mir Zubair Mahmood. The attack has all the hallmarks of the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ, also known as LeJ or SSP) which is an affiliate Jihadi-sectarian organization of Al Qaeda and Taliban. The banned ASWJ-LeJ-SSP has been blamed for a series of attacks on Shias in Quetta and other parts of Pakistan since mid 1980s. Same organization is responsible for series of attacks on Sunni Barelvis and other moderate Sunnis, as well as on Ahmadis and Christians. It may be noted that attacks on Pakistan’s Shias, Balochs, Pashtuns, Sunni Barelvis, moderate Deobandis and Ahmadis have increased exponentially in the last five years, since November 2007 when Pakistan’s current army chief General Kayani assumed his duties as commander in chief of army and its various intelligence agencies. Due to General Kayani’s allegedly indirect role in massacres of Shias, Balochs, Pashtuns etc, he is known as Butcher Kayani in Pakistan. A similar attack took place on 18 June 2012 in Quetta, claiming the lives of four Shia students on a bus. While the ISI-influenced Pakistani media (see reports by Dawn, Pakistan Today etc) and lazy foreign correspondents (see reports by AFP, BBC etc) continue to misrepresent the ongoing attacks on Shia Muslims as a part of Sunni-Shia sectarian violence, there is now a growing perception in Pakistan that it is ISI-backed Jihadi-sectarian militants, not Sunnis, who are responsible for attacks on Shias. Footage on television showed the bus was reduced to a mangled heap of blackened metal. Rescue workers and local residents could be seen pulling bodies and injured out of the bus. Later, a crane was brought in to pry apart the twisted metal so that the injured could be removed. Sources are facing difficulties identifying the victims as several martyrs’ bodies are unrecognizable. Only 10 have been identified till now. 1. Baba Ali 2. Taswer Nisa 3. Hussain Ali 4. Ejaz Ali 5. Muhammad Ali 6. Shah Hussain 7. Amir Hussain 8. Ali Yawar 9. Roshan Ali (Police ASI) 10. Ghulam Rasool (Police Constable) Yet another incident where Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (Sipah-e-Sahaba / Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat) will accept responsibility, government ministers will condemn, interior minister will blame foreign powers, relatives will grieve, mothers will wail after their lost sons and daughters, perpetrators will continue living a sheltered existence in a morally corrupt system and society. In the meanwhile, army will continue with fake attacks on prisons to secure release of their trained assets while the judiciary will continue to find inadequate evidence against Malik Ishaq to convict him. While Pakistan’s civilian government is asleep, military is securing release of arrested terrorists through prison breaks, judiciary is releasing self-confessed Jihadi-sectarian terrorists, media is either silent or misrepresenting ISI-sponsored Shia genocide as Sunni vs Shia sectarian violence of Hazara vs Baloch/Pashtun ethnic violence, it is important that all oppressed groups, Shias, Balochs, Pashtuns, Ahmadis, moderate Sunnis etc remain united against killers and their mentors and facilitators.

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