Friday, June 29, 2012

Human being not money making machine, Yunus

Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus Friday said human beings are not the machine of making money. They entitled creative entity. They have to take creative initiatives by using the power. He came up with the evaluation while addressing a program titled ‘Social Business Forum-2012’ at North South University’s Bashudhara campus. The day-long program was jointly organized by the university and Yunus Centre. Addressing to youths, Dr. Yunus said, “You would not turn into a machine of earning money. You would go forward to solve social problem.” He said, “There are some problems in our business method. All do business for attaining profit. But, profit is not main purpose of business. So, many problems remained in the society.” Pointing to youths, Yunus said, “We have to go forward with new business concept to solve different social problems including health, education, nutrition, environment, energy and communications. The entrepreneurs would not get profit of his investment. Only he or she gets back his/her investment and profit will be invested in the business. The promoter of the social business inspired young generations saying that we did not think before 20 years ago that most of the people hold mobile phone set. But it is the fact now. So, you have to initiate social fictions that visualize the destination of society after 20 or 30 years. Through it, you have to fix your plan. With NSU vice-chancellor Hafiz GA Siddique in the chair, the program was also addressed by Commerce Minister GM Qauder, NSU Trusty Board Chairman MA Hashem and Business Studies Faculty Dean Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury. Among others, senior officials of different corporate houses and students of the university are attending the program.

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