Thursday, June 28, 2012

Gilani terms himself a 'winner'

Ex-PM Gilani
said that he had been disqualified by Supreme Court and not parliament. He was addressing the media at Lahore airport. Referring to his disqualification, ex-PM Gilani said he wished parliament had disqualified him. He maintained that he believed in the supremacy of parliament, adding that he served all his life for it. Calling Supreme Court’s judgment not that of parliament, Gilani said he still accepted the verdict of superior court and termed himself a winner. He said he is contended that assembly is completing its tenure, adding that prime ministers keep on changing. Expressing his self satisfaction, former PM Gilani said it was the first time when an ex-PM attended the oath taking ceremony of a new prime minister. He said he is the only prime minister who had been given farewell dinner.

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