Monday, June 25, 2012

ANP should not be compared with MQM

The Express Tribune
Awami National Party (ANP) Sindh chapter chief Senator Shahi Syed on Sunday said that ANP has no competition with the Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) and it should not be compared with the latter. “We are the followers of Ahmed Shah Abdali and our goal is to carry on the non-violence philosophy of Bacha Khan, so we should not be compared with an outfit like MQM.” He was speaking at a rally of ANP Sindh at the KPT ground Keamari. The rally was organised by ANP Keamari chapter activists who had recently joined the party after leaving the Pakistan Peoples Party. Hundreds of Pashtuns carrying red flags came to Keamari to attend the rally. Shahi Syed’s convoy was welcomed with Pashtun music and flower petals, when it entered the ground. Syed in his speech repeatedly stressed on the need of education for the Pashtuns of Karachi, “get your children educated, we don’t want to see our children carrying guns and suicide jackets.” He reminded that Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan popularly known as Bacha Khan faced the British with the polity of non-violence, when others were holding swords and guns. “If anyone opts for gun, it will be violation of Bacha Khan’s philosophy.” He appealed to the Pashtuns not to settle their tribal vendettas in Karachi. “We are already blamed that every Talib is a Pashtun. Don’t settle your family feuds in Karachi, as this city is vital for the economic survival and stability of the Pushtuns, so keep it peaceful.” He lashed out at the Taliban for affecting 25 million people of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and FATA. “Forty thousand of our women gave birth in camps due to you people (Taliban). You should be ashamed of yourself and your acts, which you are doing in the name of religion,” said Syed, when he switched to Pashto on the demand of the crowd. Speaking about ANP and PPP coalition, Syed said that they will remain PPP’s partners, but the PPP should treat ANP like they treat MQM, “we have supported PPP unconditionally and we will do so in the future but they should think that if they can visit Nine Zero day and night, they should also visit Mardan House, which is a centre of Karachi’s Pashtuns.”

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