Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pakistan portrays vague picture of Balochistan

Nawabzada Bramdagh Bugti, leader of the Baloch Republican Party (BRP), said Pakistan is depicting illusionary picture of Balochistan to the outer world.
While talking to Online, BRP leader said this on telephone line directly from Switzerland on Tuesday.
Denying the thanks giving statements of Interior Minister Rehman Malik to Afghan Government, Nawabzada Bramdagh Bugti said that the camps along the Afghan border are of the refugees fled from Balochistan to save themselves from the barbarous Pakistan government policies. Baloch people left their homeland to get a sigh of serenity but conspiracies against them are still in practice.
Human rights violations are in full swing in Balochistan. Reports of several organizations and Amnesty International clarified that violations are in full bloom. Frontier Corps and Secret agencies are throwing mutilated dead bodies of the Baloch politicians. State is working on the rule of ‘kill and throw’ policy in the province. More than three hundred mutilated dead bodies have been thrown from 2010 till present. Government is using the latest weaponry against Baloch people been provided to them by the US during war against terror.
Foreign elements like India or other forces are nowhere in Pakistan. Such statements are just baseless. If India or some foreign forces had working in Pakistan then Baloch nation would have been living in a free atmosphere.
The present state affairs are nonetheless different from 1972 when Bengalis were being killed. Children and women are not safe from the state agencies’ savagery acts. His sister and niece were murdered brutally in Karachi. Baloch people are living under great pressure as state agencies are continuously trying to crush Baloch Movement of Freedom but it would not be that east to keep us away.
The presentation of Balochistan Resolution in US Congress is highly appreciable. Resistance in Balochistan started from the very first day, it is not a new issue. Political and religious factions are in serious trouble, as they don’t have any soft corner for Baloch people. They are trying to get hold of the precious minerals of Balochistan.
Commenting further he said that if Pakistan wanted to give complete autonomy to Baloch people then BRP is ready to have meetings with the government. Baloch people will talk on freedom only.
Puppet Baloch government is being used to lower the temper of the angry politicians. Especially Nawab Zulfiqar Ali Magsi and Nawab Aslam Raisani are working for government’s benefits. He said, “We want them to sit with us leaving personal grudges and advantages aside with honest hearts work for freedom.”

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