Friday, March 9, 2012

LHC asked to hammer ‘ISI-backed’ politicians

A petition was filed in the Lahore High Court on Thursday requesting the declaration of the political wing of Inter service intelligence (ISI) as unconstitutional. It also demanded the disqualification of politicians from holding public office who had got funds from ISI in 1990 to play political games.
The petition was moved by Rana Illam Uddin Ghazi advocate contending that the political wing of the ISI had distributed Rs 140 million to blackmail the opposition and politicians and had played an unlawful role in demolishing the government by ‘buying’ politicians back in 1990. He said ISI had spent this money for making Islamic Jamhori Ittihad (IJI) a success and the money had gone to politicians via Gen (R) Aslam Baig and Gen (R) Asad Durrani. He prayed to the court to instigate proceedings against the politicians who had received the amount in that time and to declare them disqualified for contesting elections in the future or from holding any public office. He requested the court to hold the agency also accountable to the civilian government and violation of law of the land.

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