#Pakistan - The unrelenting hepatitis challenge

By Amer Malik

Pakistan continues to struggle to meet its targets for eliminating hepatitis.


akistan may have to revise its targets for the elimination of hepatitis B and C by 2030. The country is falling behind its global promise of ensuring a fitting response to eradicating viral infections under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The major goals of WHO’s Global Health Sector Strategy (GHSS) on viral hepatitis are to reduce hepatitis incidence by 90 percent and mortality by 65 percent by 2030.

To achieve this target, Pakistan needs to treat 850,000 patients per annum. However, this year its capacity to treat viral hepatitis stands at 75,000. This makes it unlikely to meet the target within the stipulated timeframe.

“The number of patients receiving treatment has declined in recent years after all healthcare resources were diverted to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. Pakistan, however, is gradually catching up with its plan to treat 150,000 patients next year,” says Dr Shahid Magsi, project director of the Punjab Hepatitis Control Programme.

The Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE) recently launched Pakistan’s National Hepatitis Elimination Profile (N-HEP). The country, as per previous estimates, has the second highest burden of HCV with 9.8 million people living with chronic HCV globally. “With recent advances in Egypt, Pakistan may now be the highest-burden country,” it noted.

Pakistan and Egypt are among 21 member states of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO), where more than 15 million people are chronically infected with hepatitis C and 21 million with hepatitis B. Pakistan and Egypt together account for 80 percent of this disease burden in the region.

“Egypt, however, has adopted a very robust model of screening/ testing people, provision of medicines to patients and then following-up to ensure compliance that has put the country on course to eliminating hepatitis C by 2030,” says Prof Dr Kashif Malik, consultant gastroenterologist and head of Department of Gastroenterology at Shaikh Zayed Hospital, Lahore.

Pakistan’s commitment to eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030 has to be revised as the country’s response has been limited to targeted population in pockets alone unlike Egypt’s screening and treatment on a mass scale.

Prof Kashif Malik, who is also the president of the Pakistan Society of Hepatology, says that Pakistan does not have the latest consolidated data and demography of hepatitis prevalence to plan a response to the challenge. The last national survey, conducted in 2005-06, registered a prevalence of 5 to 6 percent of hepatitis C and 2 to 4 percent of hepatitis B in the country. The prevalence of hepatitis in Pakistan on an average has reached 10 percent. Saying the current prevalence is likely to double, he emphasises the need to establish a national registry for taking a census of hepatitis in Pakistan.

As many as 12 million people are suffering from hepatitis in the Punjab having a population of around 120 million. However, as per the Punjab Hepatitis Control Programme data, less than 20 percent of the estimated 12 million infected people have been registered at hepatitis clinics established at DHQ, THQ hospitals and teaching hospitals across the Punjab. Out of 2.242 million registered patients, roughly 20 percent (416,392 HCV patients and 46,427 HBV patients) are getting treatment at these facilities. This suggests that a majority of the registered patients are not accessing treatment while others remain unaware.

A large number of people in Pakistan suffering from chronic hepatitis remain unaware of their condition.

A large number of people in Pakistan suffering from chronic hepatitis remain unaware of their condition. Chronic hepatitis is known as a silent killer because symptoms may develop decades after exposure, when significant damage to the liver has already occurred. This irreversible stage of advanced liver disease, known as cirrhosis, can lead to liver cancer and/ or liver failure and death.

“According to an estimate, only 10 percent of people with hepatitis B are aware of their diagnosis and only 21 percent of people with hepatitis C, the world over, are aware of their infection,” says Dr Aasim Yusuf, consultant gastroenterologist at the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre, Lahore. He says that the treatment of liver cancer is both clinically challenging and resource intensive, emphasising the importance of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of hepatitis B and C.

Unlike water and food-borne hepatitis A and E, hepatitis B, C and D are transmitted by infected blood and body fluids. Hepatitis D occurs only among patients suffering from hepatitis B. The major causes of these infections are unsafe injection practices, transfusion of un-screened blood, quackery or unsafe surgical/ dental practices, mother to child, ear/ nose piercing, barber/ beautician’s contaminated instruments and unsafe sex, etc. Lack of awareness, absence of screening programmes, non-affordability and paucity of treatment facilities make matters worse.

Acute hepatitis – hepatitis B in general and A & E in particular – has a duration of one to six months as hepatitis A & E are self-limiting. Chronic hepatitis, usually hepatitis C, goes beyond six months with no symptoms. It is only detected after screening at an early stage or development of complications at a later stage.

Hepatitis E among pregnant women is life-threatening with up to 30 percent chances of death. Therefore, it is extremely important for women to eat and drink healthy during pregnancy and get the available vaccines for hepatitis E and B.

Dr Israr ul Haque Toor, a consultant gastroenterologist at the Lahore General Hospital and president of the Punjab chapter of the Pakistan Society of Gastroenterology, says that Pakistan has one of the highest numbers of injections per patient ratio in the world, as on an average, eight injections are administered per person per year in the country. The number is linked to the risk of hepatitis B and C infection.

He says that the vaccine against hepatitis B is available and that the government has included it in the Expanded Programme of Immunisation (EPI). Although, the EPI has considerably reduced the incidence of hepatitis B in urban areas, it is still an epidemic in South Punjab, Balochistan, interior Sindh and rural parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Therefore, he says, coordinated and sustained efforts are needed to identify missing millions, who are suffering from hepatitis without being aware of it through screening and start their treatment in order to defeat the disease.

According to the Coalition for Global Hepatitis Elimination (CGHE), Pakistan’s Covid-19 response has led to a large increase in the capacity for PCR testing, electronic health reporting and improved coordination across provinces and the federal capital as far as the pandemic is concerned. Otherwise, generally, there is a lack of coordination across federal, provincial and local governments with regards to hepatitis response. In the absence of a centralised oversight, there is also a lack of effective monitoring and evaluation of the provincial hepatitis control programmes.

CGHE claims that approximately half of all blood donors are not screened for HCV, HBV, and HIV in Pakistan; a scale-up of point-of-care testing is needed for early detection in order to disrupt the cycle of infection and transmission.

As the world commemorates the International Day of Epidemic Preparedness on December 27, given the lack of political commitment and resources, the prospects of Pakistan’s target of eliminating viral hepatitis by 2030 being met do not appear bright.


#Pakitsan - Population Explosion

Amid alarming levels of population growth in Pakistan, experts warn that the country may not be able to meet the needs of its rapidly expanding population. Faisalabad alone has witnessed 50,000 births in the last 10 days, with Lahore trailing slightly behind at 36,672.
Today, Pakistan exhibits the highest rate of growth among the world’s largest countries and according to some projections, will become the third most populated country by 2050. These demographic indicators are evidence that the country’s family planning policies have failed to produce the outcomes they desired. Since Pakistan first adopted its Family Planning and Population Welfare Programme in the early 1960s, more than Rs 8 billion has been spent without any real results. Contraceptive use in the country has been minimal. There has been no rise in the age at which people get married and birth rates have not fallen. With an economy that has historically failed to keep up with the rate of population growth, Pakistan is now faced with the greatest challenge in its history-absorbing its nightmarishly large population into productive employment.
Economic analysts have always correlated poor economic progress with population growth, especially in developing countries, like Pakistan, where modern institutions have yet to formulate mechanisms to organize society. In South-East Asia, notably South Korea, shifts to smaller family units and slower population growth played a key role in operationalizing the workforce by encouraging household and government savings that led to a growth in technological investment. Political governance in Pakistan, on the other hand, has gone through multiple upheavals, alternating frantically between periods of civilian and military rule. Our institutions simply aren’t temperamentally fit to mitigate the adverse effects of a large population. Compared to advanced economies where technological progress has been able to facilitate population growth, Pakistan struggles to provide its people with the bare fundamentals.
Even among other developing countries, Pakistan has an uncharacteristically high number of people under the age of 20. Its large dependency ratio has exerted unnecessary pressure on GDP growth, with fewer people available to contribute to the labour market. Rising consumption among young people has forced the government to dip into its savings and increase public expenditure; reducing rates of savings and investments and aggravating mass unemployment and poverty. Crucial resources have been lost in the country’s race against its population boom. To achieve sustained economic growth, which is always multidimensional, the country must transform on many fronts-the first step is recognizing the implications of a large population, which is not yet mainstream knowledge in Pakistan. Policymakers have consistently downplayed the implications of a rapidly growing population and failed to integrate these considerations into their developmental strategy. Population issues never seem to make the headlines. It’s high time we change that.

#Pakistan #PPP - Establishment's change of role made 'selected' a political orphan: Bilawal

 PPP chairman asks Imran to return to parliament; links PTI chief to rising terrorism.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan and the likes of him have become "politically orphaned" after the establishment decided to remain apolitical, Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said Tuesday.In his address at a gathering in Garhi Khuda Bakhsh held to mark the 15th death anniversary of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, Bilawal said: “This is the reason why there is a hue and cry in Bani Gala, this is the reason why they have resorted to the politics of violence, and this is the reason why he [Imran] hides and addresses workers via video link.” 

The PTI will keep pushing, inciting and seeking the establishment’s help, but vowed that the party will ensure that no unconstitutional move would be taken, Bilawal — the chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) — said.

The establishment had decided last year that it would remain apolitical and not interfere in politics, but since then, Imran has been on maligning spree against former army chief General (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa, accusing him of toppling his PTI government.

“Imran, in his rallies, has been using words that are tantamount to Article 6 [treason] and inciting the establishment to help him,” the foreign minister said, asking the PTI chief to return to parliament as neither he nor his party “could bear” what’s coming to them.

The foreign minister went on to say that he did not want his political opponents to endure what his party workers had to go through. “But we also have to run the system, this cannot go on.”

Terrorism and Imran 

In his address, the foreign minister also linked the uptick in terrorism to Imran's election as the prime minister and slammed the PTI chief for trying to reason with terrorists during his tenure.

"Benazir Bhutto lost her life fighting terrorism. We also initiated operations against terrorists, but who gave this cricketer [Imran] permission to negotiate with terrorists?" he asked.

Bilawal asked upon whose authorisation the ex-PM "bowed down to the terrorists and indulge in negotiations with them". "Who freed terrorists from jails? Who allowed terrorists to live here and neither accept the Constitution nor lay down their weapons?"

The PPP leader added: "Today, terrorism is rising once again […] as a cricketer was turned into a prime minister."

The coalition government, he said, would use all-out measures to break the back of terrorists.

'Act like a human being'

Bilawal also said that during the PTI’s tenure, Pakistan suffered the worst economic crisis and to save his seat, “Imran committed a suicide attack on the economy”.

He added that “for the first time”, Pakistan is facing a threat of default, but the coalition government steered clear of it.

The PPP chief also said that floods were “a doom’s day before the doom’s day”. The country suffered losses worth $30 billion during the climate catastrophe and one-third of the land was inundated, he added.

“Land extending to 5 million acres was destroyed. 50% of educational institutions in Sindh were affected,” Bilawal said, adding that had such deadly floods hit any other country, political activities would have taken a back seat, but in Pakistan, it did not happen.

He once again slammed Imran for continuing to bicker against the government and holding rallies despite the people suffering at the hands of the climate catastrophe.

The FM said countries cannot run in such a manner and asked his political opponent “to act like a human being”.
