Pakistan No Country for Minorities? Kidnapping, Rape, Forced Conversions of Hindus, Sikhs on Rise | Exclusive

From kidnapping to rape and forced conversions, the atrocities against minorities in Pakistan are on the rise, said sources. More than 10 Hindu girls were abducted and raped in 2022,
Recent cases in point: A minor Hindu girl, Chanda Mehraj, has been kidnapped from Hyderabad, Pakistan. According to her parents, she was kidnapped from Fateh Chowk area while returning home. A police complaint has been lodged, but she is yet to be found. The family claimed she was being harassed by Shaman Magsi.A 13-year-old Sikh boy was gang-raped in Jacobabad, Pakistan. The Sindh Police arrested accused Mohsin Jamali and Takri Lashari, but they managed to escape from the civil line police station Jacobabad.
In September, a married Hindu woman and two teenaged girls were allegedly abducted, forcibly converted, and married to Muslims in Sindh province.
Amid the floods in Sindh, a Hindu girl was raped by two locals on the pretext of providing food. In another incident, two Hindu women foiled a rape bid by an unknown person on road side tents in Sindh. In June, a Hindu teenager, Kareena Kumari, told a court in Karachi that she was forcibly converted to Islam and married to a Muslim man. In March, three Hindu girls – Satran Oad, Kaveeta Bheel, Anita Bheel – were abducted, converted to Islam and married to Muslim men within eight days. On March 21, Pooja Kumari was brutally shot dead outside her home in Rohri, Sukkur. Apparently, a man wanted to marry her but she refused, so they killed her.
The forcible conversion of young Hindu girls has become a major problem in the interior of Sindh province, which has a large Hindu population in Thar, Umerkot, Mirpurkhas, Ghotki and Khairpur areas. Most of the Hindu community members are labourers. On July 16, 2019, the issue of abducting and forcibly converting Hindu girls in various districts of Sindh province was taken up in the Sindh Assembly, where a resolution was debated and unanimously passed after it was modified over objections of certain lawmakers that it should not be restricted to Hindu girls only. But the bill which criminalised forcible religious conversions was later rejected in the assembly. A similar bill was again proposed but rejected last year. SINDH: A PROBLEM AREA The forcible conversion of young Hindu girls has become a major problem in the interior of Sindh province, which has a large Hindu population in Thar, Umerkot, Mirpurkhas, Ghotki and Khairpur areas. Most of the Hindu community members are labourers. On July 16, 2019, the issue of abducting and forcibly converting Hindu girls in various districts of Sindh province was taken up in the Sindh Assembly, where a resolution was debated and unanimously passed after it was modified over objections of certain lawmakers that it should not be restricted to Hindu girls only. But the bill which criminalised forcible religious conversions was later rejected in the assembly. A similar bill was again proposed but rejected last year.

#Pakistan: 14-year-old Hindu girl kidnapped, converted to Islam, forcibly married to her abductor

Family of the minor girl said that their teenage daughter was recently abducted from Islamkot Tharparkar Sindh Village and was converted into Islam by Samaru Pir Jan Sirhandi. She was then forcibly married to her abductor Shaukat s/o Murad Hanhrjo
Hindus in Pakistan have been constantly facing atrocities and over the recent past, there have been spate of incidents where minor girls are abducted and converted to Islam. In the latest, a 14-year-old Hindu girl has been married to a Muslim man after changing her religion.A teenage Hindu girl was recently abducted from Islamkot Tharparkar Sindh Village and was converted into Islam by Samaru Pir Jan Sirhandi. She was then forcibly married to her abductor Shaukat, son of Murad Hanhrjo, her family members said.
Atrocities against women continue in Pakistan
The targeting of religious minorities, especially young girls and women, has been picking up pace recently.The incident took place amid massive protests in Pakistan’s Hyderabad where Sindhi Hindus took to street to raise their voice against religious conversion of Hindu girls and boys.
The protesters have been demanding immediate legislation on the issue of abduction of minority girls.

A 15-year-old Hindu Brahmin girl was allegedly kidnapped by four Muslim men on 12 August when she was returning from a local mill where she worked.

The girl’s mother continuously pled for registering a missing complaint but it all went in deaf ears. Police took over a month to file a case and two months on, there has been no trace of the minor girl.

‘On an average, 3 minor Hindu girls abducted on a daily basis in Pakistan’

In a letter to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Hindu rights activist Mahesh Vasu said has detailed list of “genocide and persecution of Hindus in Pakistan duly reported by the Regional TV News in the month of September 2022.”

According to Mahesh Vasu, on an average three minor Hindu girls are abducted on a daily basis, gang-raped, filmed naked, tortured, forcibly converted to Islam and married to their abductor in Pakistan.

Vasu, who is associated with Nimittekam, a non-profit engaged in easing the entry of Hindus and Sikhs from Pakistan to India and rehabilitating them, said in September 2022 alone, there were two cases of abduction, gang-rape, forced conversion and marriage at gunpoint in Pakistan. Both the victims are mothers.