#Pakistan - 'PM teaching me Urdu': Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari posts hilarious video

 PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari hit back at Prime Minister Imran Khan after he mocked his Urdu during a public gathering in Islamabad.

Taking to Twitter, Bilawal shared a video comprised of various clips of the prime minister of the times his tongue slipped. 

“PM teaching me Urdu,” the PPP chairman captioned the video.

The video starts with the premier mocking Bilawal’s Urdu and saying “kanpen taang rahi hain”, and then urging former president Asif Ali Zardari to “teach his son Urdu.”

Later in the video, the video showed the times when the PM had trouble speaking Urdu. The video received more than 130K views after it was posted. 

A few days ago, Bilawal — while addressing the "Awami March" in Islamabad on Tuesday night — meant to say "Islamabad me tangen kanp rahi hain" (Legs are shivering in Islamabad) to mock the incumbent PTI-led government for having a hard time due to the no-trust motion submitted against the PM. 

However, he ended up saying "Islamabad me kanpen taang rahi hain", mistakenly swapping a couple of Urdu letters due to his fervour while making the speech.


#Pakistan #PPP - There were reports that Selected PM Imran Khan would be conspiring against the opposition by initiating fake NAB cases

Central Information Secretary of PPP-P and member of the National Assembly Shazia Atta Marri has said that we have excercised our constitutional and democratic right of no confidence motion against the atrocities of puppet Prime Minister Imran Khan while Chairman of PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari held Awami long march against the bad economic policies of the federal government.
She added that bringing a no-confidence motion on the table against incumbent Prime Minister Imran Khan is our constitutional and democratic right. Ms Marri uttered that depriving someone’s from his or her constitutional right is a sheer violation of the Constitution. The puppet Prime Minister Imran Khan has lost his nerves and senses and he is no longer able to rule on the country.
She further said that there were reports that Selected Prime Minister Imran Khan would be conspired against the opposition by initiating the fake NAB cases.
We have strongly condemned the threats of government regarding to initiate fake NAB’s enquires. We are being threatened by the federal government with one million people to deprive us of constitutional right while unleashed language and speeches of the federal ministers is provoking the people.
Imran Khan has done nothing but has only increased inflation and unemployment in the country and hurling abuses to his opponents.