سندھ نے طلبہ یونین بحالی کا بل منظور کر کے تاریخ رقم کی، بلاول

 چیئرمین پیپلزپارٹی بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے کہا ہے کہ سندھ اسمبلی نے طلبہ

یونین بحالی کا بل منظور کر کے تاریخ رقم کی ہے۔

بلاول بھٹو نے سندھ میں طلبہ یونین کی بحالی پر مبارک باد دیتے ہوئے کہا کہ طلبہ سے یونین سازی اور اپنے نمائندے کے چناؤ کا حق چھین کر نوجوانوں کی آواز کو دبانے کی کوشش کی گئی تھی۔

بلاول بھٹو کا کہنا تھا کہ اب درس گاہوں میں طلبہ سے متعلق فیصلہ لینے والی انتظامیہ میں طلبہ کا اپنا نمائندہ ہوگا، ہمارا مطالبہ ہے کہ ملک بھر میں طلبہ تنظیمیں بحال ہوں۔

واضح رہے کہ گزشتہ روز سندھ اسمبلی نے 38 سال سے عائد طلبہ یونینز پر پابندی ختم کرنے کا بل متفقہ طور پر منظور کرلیا تھا۔

ایوان میں طلبہ یونین سے متعلق مجوزہ بل قائمہ کمیٹی برائے قانون سے منظوری کے بعد پیر مجیب الحق نے پیش کیا تھا۔

Pakistan Is in Denial Over Baloch Revolt, and That Can Cost It Heavily

FRANCESCA MARINO While Islamabad is trying to paint a happy picture, the Baloch are up in arms and are not going to give up.
Imran Khan has finally gone to Balochistan – to Nushka, to be precise – along with Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa to spend the day “with the troops who repulsed terrorist attacks”. And he is promising 'panem et circenses', meaning food and amusement, to the Baloch, while announcing a raise in the salary of the Frontier Corps and other paramilitary organs. Those same corps, to be clear, who are exploiting, disappearing and killing Baloch people every day in connection with criminal squads, and, of course, with the Chinese protectors of the CPEC (China-Pakistan Economic Corridor) interests in the area.
Contesting Claims
The premier and his guardian flew to Balochistan a few days after the Balochistan Liberation Army launched on February 2 what they called ‘Operation Ganjal’ carried out by their Majeed Brigade. The attack, targeting military posts both in Panjgur and Nushki, lasted almost 72 hours.
According to the BLA spokesperson: “More than 90 enemy personnel, including approximately 55 personnel of Frontier Corps, 18 SSG Commandos and 7 Lite Commandos were killed in Noshki, whereas at least 105 enemy personnel were neutralised in Panjgur. This includes 85 personnel of Frontier Corps and 20 SSG Commandos. During the battle, a military drone was shot, whereas a helicopter was also targeted. However, it could not be ascertained if this helicopter crashed or not. Two armoured vehicles of Pakistani military were destroyed, whereas both military camps were partially destroyed.”
According to the Pakistani military, “Both attacks have been successfully repulsed while inflicting heavy casualties to terrorists.” In Panjgur, terrorists tried to enter a security forces' camp from two locations, the statement read. “However, timely response by troops foiled the terrorist attempt. During intense exchange of fire, one soldier has been martyred. Terrorists have fled while their casualties are being ascertained.”
So, they flew drones and helicopters and evacuated the area just for fun, it seems, while Imran and Bajwa went to Balochistan just to have a picnic with the soldiers carrying out a routine operation. The truth might be in the middle, as what happens during war operations.
The Baloch Are Up in Arms, And Pak Is Deluded
But besides the numbers and figures of casualties, there’s another truth, a more unpalatable one – the Baloch are up in arms and are not going to give up. Islamabad tries to silence the press about the military operations carried by the BRAS almost every day, the region is sealed for journalists and independent observers, but the reality on the ground still seeps out of the region.
Islamabad maintains the usual narrative: that Baloch handlers are in Afghanistan and in India, that it is not a freedom movement or a spontaneous revolt, that the Baloch are happy and dancing in the streets like Uighurs in China, and that the revolt is just due to terrorist elements funded and armed by India.Interestingly enough, talking about terrorists, Mohammed Hafiz Saeed flew to Balochistan before Bajwa and Imran and gave a scandalised statement about the anti-Pakistan (and anti-China) feelings brewing there.
Imran's Own Words in 2009
The same feelings were highlighted in the past by Imran himself who, in 2009, had said on record: “Hundreds disappeared, there was extrajudicial killing. It was treated more like a colony rather than a part of Pakistan”. He added that if he were a Baloch, he may well be someone who “would turn to arms” in order to “defend the rights” of his people. “I think I would turn to arms if I had no access to getting into Parliament because most of the elections are heavily rigged there.”
Imran testified in favour of Hyrbyair Marri and Faiz Baloch during a trial for terrorism held in the UK against them under Pervez Musharraf's pressure. According to the record of Henry Blaxland QC’s (Marri's lawyer) final speech, in a video call from Islamabad the actual Prime Minister of Pakistan “described that sense of military occupation, the roadblocks, the military cantonments everywhere – I think he described the one in Quetta being the biggest he had ever seen – that permanent sense of occupation.” Interestingly enough, in his testimony in the Hyrbyair and Faiz case, Imran maintained the same position currently held by Bashir Zeb, the actual commander of the BLA, who stated:
“We consider armed struggle a form of political approach. Our movement stems from established political concepts and it is in its current status only because peaceful means of struggle have been banned on us and armed struggle has been left as the only choice”.
A Warning to Pakistan
The latest BLA statement says, “The Baloch freedom movement is a homegrown movement, and its power sources lie in the Baloch public. All Baloch fidayees involved in the Operation were educated Baloch youth who were born in Balochistan and, following the philosophy of General Aslam Baloch, died defending the motherland. It should be now clear that this freedom movement cannot be weakened by any changes in neighbouring countries or by being labelled as a proxy movement”.
But it also offers an overture to the government: “The Baloch Liberation Army values human lives and we do not find happiness in ending any life. If Pakistan, instead of bloodshed and carnage, opts for peace then we in the presence of an international guarantor invite Pakistan to the negotiation table. We are ready for negotiations on agendas of secure withdrawal of Pakistani forces from Balochistan and complete independence of our motherland.” Otherwise, they say, the attacks will go on against military posts and Chinese economic interests, in Balochistan and all over Pakistan. Why Pak Must Learn From History But it might be too late for Islamabad to end the state of denial and the narrative they are carrying on with for many years now. They sold Balochistan to the Chinese, telling Beijing that they could easily manage a few rioters funded by the usual 'foreign powers', and the only way out Pakistan could think of was escalating the repression, the human rights violations, and the level of violence against Baloch people.
The Chinese gave them a good hand, trying to adopt in Balochistan the same strategies they adopted in Xinjiang, including showing happy people playing golf in Gwadar. But that has only resulted in a new generation of fighters who are even more motivated than their elders.A negotiation table might be a better idea for both Islamabad and China. They should all, in fact, go back to history books and remember what happened to East Pakistan. History, if you don't learn from it, will always repeat itself.

#Pakistan #PPP - Bilawal waxes satirical about top-10 ministers

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari said on Thursday Prime Minister Imran Khan had himself admitted failure of his entire cabinet by awarding ‘best performance’ certificates to only 10 ‘blue-eyed’ federal ministers. He was addressing a workers’ convention of the party’s south Punjab chapter at the Gilani House in Multan.

Almost all PPP office-bearers, including divisional, district, tehsil and union councils and other allied wings of lawyers, labour, youth and students were present at the convention.
He said Imran Khan had committed a ‘great injustice’ to Multan for not conferring a certificate on Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi while distributing performance certificates.

Says ‘injustice’ was done to Multan by depriving foreign minister of award

He said on the one hand, the government was claiming that the China visit was highly successful but on the other deprived the foreign minister of a certificate.
He said Imran had given a certificate to the minister who halted the CPEC project and also conferred a certificate on another who had promised to create a Seraiki province in 90 days. He gave another certificate to a minister who was removed from one ministry and but now held the planning portfolio for “planning the sugar, gas, petrol, medicine and fertiliser crises in the country.” Talking about corruption allegations against the PPP, he said Asif Ali Zardari, Aseefa Bhutto-Zardari and he himself were living in Pakistan and if Imran had the courage then he should come and arrest them.
“From Quaid-i-Awam to Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto and president Zardari, all were exonerated from fake corruption charges.”
The PPP chairman said the long march would begin on Feb 27 from Karachi and pass through GT Road in Punjab on its way to Islamabad.
“We will not let the ‘selected’ cause more harm to the people of Pakistan. We will tell the public about the facilitators of this incompetent government,” he said. Bilawal said Imran’s wickets had started falling and his friend was disqualified.
“Now, the government’s allies are also changing their views and we will pass through the constituencies of the allies and tell them the verdict of the people. We will expose every facilitator of Imran Khan on the way to Islamabad.”
Former prime minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gillani said: “The PPP is preparing to welcome the long march participants from Sadiqabad to Chichawanti.”
He said the PPP leadership was fighting for the rights of the public and in the past provided a unanimous constitution, made the country nuclear power, empowered the women, brought about agriculture revolution and started the Benazir Income Support Programme, doubled the salaries of government employees and also enacted the 18th amendment in the constitution.
He said Imran Khan had promised to provide 10 million jobs and carve out a Seraiki province but did nothing even after a lapse of three years.
PPP South Punjab president Makhdoom Syed Ahmad Mahmood, former ministers Makhdoom Shahabuddin, Sardar Qayyum Khan Jatoi, Bahadur Khan Sehar, former Punjab chief minister Sardar Dost Muhammad Khosa, PPP South Punjab general secretary Natasha Daultana and others also spoke on the occasion.