Renaissance Of PM Imran Khan’s Bygone Demeanor: Once Again Political Rhetoric Or Reality – OpEd

By Irfan Mahar

The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan, has recently started preaching the same stance that he used to preach as political rhetoric for winning the General Elections of 2018. PM Imran Khan falsely entertained the dream of Naya Pakistan (New Pakistan) in his speeches and kept most of the already unaware and ignorant people further in a complex situation and in dilemma. For instance, before the General Election 2018, he made promises which seemed weak based on ignorance from current domestic situation of the country and international structure in which third world nations are encircled. Such as, government school sector to be reformed, providing one crore jobs, five million housing units will be built, decreasing inflation, never going for a loan from IMF or other institutes, eradication of corruption, the spread of law and justice, will solve issues related to Baluchistan, a new province to be created in south Punjab, four new tourist resorts to be opened each year to promote and push tourism, skill-based education to be introduced in the education sector, will implement “one window operation” which will provide all residents and industrialists solutions under one roof, no political interference in civil service, curbing child abuse will be a top priority, Punjab police to be reformed, court cases to be resolved within a year, implementation of judicial reforms, PM house would be changed into university etc. Likewise, in one of his speeches before the election, PM Imran Khan said that if the inflation rate increases within the country, people should understand that the Prime Minister of the nation is a thief. However, unlike the current situation where the rates of multiple items daily used by people have been increasing since PTI government. PM Imran Khan never repeats those words he used for the opposition, which was a ruling party before the 2018 election.
The uneducated and educated people (who have degrees/pieces of paper without any understanding and ability to rationalize things) believed that Pakistan would be a country where everyone gets a job. Even people from other countries would find employments within it. They thought that Pakistan would be the superpower and the dominant country of the world, just like America today. However, promises made by PM Imran Khan before elections are not implied or fulfilled. Increasing prices of things and the inflation rate have wrapped the whole Pakistani nation in its trap where poor and middle-class people face many difficulties to lead a smooth and comfortable life. In this regard, the leaders of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) repeatedly tell Khan of making false and unrealistic promises to the people of Pakistan, such as Maulana Fazul Rehman in one of his recent speeches, said “PM Imran had destroyed the country’s economy and rendered millions jobless”. Likewise, the vice president of the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), Maryam Nawaz, also criticized the government of Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) for recent increases in fuel prices other utility costs in the country.
After winning the election, that stance skipped from his head almost for three years. Now a sudden change in PM Imran Khan’s stance has generated various complexities within the society. After three years of the PTI government abruptly, PM Imran Khan has taken a different stance about the policies concerning Pakistan. Now he wants more time and another term to fix the multiple problems of the country’s people. Before the general elections in 2018, Imran Khan promised of those things that rationally were not possible by looking over the country’s current political, economic, social, and religious conditions within the estimated time given by him. The educated people of the country had realized when he was fantasizing the claims made by him through using the political rhetoric in the same manner as applied by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi throughout India. However, the massive number of people who were not educated and had no understanding of such things kept much expectation from Imran Khan and his speeches based on fiction rather than reality.
Prime Minister Imran Khan’s failure is primarily because of the intrinsic weaknesses of his government and partly because of the external factors and the birth and spread of Covid-19. No doubt the Covid-19 pandemic has wrapped the whole world in its trap so has Pakistan. However, Imran Khan has been trying to hide his inabilities and inefficiencies by using the excuses of the spread of Coronavirus. As far as the spread of Covid-19 is concerned, it has affected the whole world. However, the inflation rate in Pakistan has increased very fast, primarily because of the inabilities and lack of expertise of the economic team of the Imran Khan government.
Therefore, it will be better for the personality and image of Imran Khan as well as his government to make his policies and actions which must be based on original research and study conducted by the experts of concerned fields as they could achieve some fruitful and effective results resultantly common and poor people of the country would get most of it. If Imran Khan wants to make the coming government, then it must give results and benefits to the poor and middle-class people of the country. It could only be achieved by making the country’s economic, political, social, and religious conditions well and improved; otherwise, Imran Khan would also lose his respect, image, and status, which he achieved through his cricket career and political struggle.

Sindhi Foundation announces protest march in Canada to highlight minority rights issue in Pakistan

 Sindhi Foundation, a Washington-based organization has announced that it begin a "Long Walk" in May this year to raise awareness on several human rights concerns of religious and ethnic minorities in Pakistan. In 19 days, the organization plans to cover 424 kilometers from Toronto to Ottawa. The Walk will start on May 28 and end in Ottawa on June 15. Canadian Sindhi Association (CANSA), World Sindhi Congress (WSC), Baloch American Congress (BAC), International Saraiki Congress will fully support Sindhi Foundation's Long Walk in Canada.

"Pakistan openly supports Taliban, extremists, and China to suppress people of Pakistan," said Sufi Laghari, Executive Director, Sindhi Foundation. He reached out to different human rights organizations for support of his upcoming 'long walk'. President of Canadian Sindhi Association Dileep Ratnani said, "CANSA recognizes the rights of indigenous people of Sindh. CANSA strongly believes & recognizes the Canadian Charter of Rights and freedoms, which Canadians believe are necessary for a free and democratic society."

Canadian Sindhi Association supports Sindhi Foundation's long walk for the legitimate rights of indigenous Sindhi people, legal protection of human rights, and strongly condemns the forced conversion of religious minorities in Sindh, Pakistan. Dr. Rubina Shaikh said, "WSC Supports the Sindhi Foundation's Long Walk in Canada as they work to raise awareness about human rights, climate change, and environmental justice in Sindh. As the persecution of Sindhis by the Pakistani state increases, we must work together for a better future for all. WSC wishes everyone joining the Long Walk the best with their mission."

Dr. Tara Chand, President of the Baloch American Congress said he fully supports the Sindhi Foundation's efforts to raise awareness for issues of Sindh internationally. Baloch has always considered Sindh as their mother who has nurtured them throughout centuries. If Sindh suffers so does Balochistan and Vice versa. I wish Sindhi Foundation success in their efforts." Ubaid Khawaja, President of International Saraiki Congress said, "This is a great walk for a great cause. Be part of the walk to save the world and fight against human rights violations."

"We have confidence in Canada and I am sure a democratic country and champion for minorities' rights will support us against Pakistan and China coalition," said Sufi Laghari.

پیپلز پارٹی کا اسٹیٹ بینک ترمیمی بل عدالت میں چیلنج کرنے کا فیصلہ

پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی (پی پی پی) نے اسٹیٹ بینک ترمیمی بل عدالت میں چیلنج کرنے کا فیصلہ کر لیا۔

پارٹی ذرائع کے  مطابق چیئرمین پیپلز پارٹی بلاول بھٹو زرداری پارٹی رہنماؤں سے ملاقات میں اس معاملے پر غور و خوض کریں گے۔

بلاول بھٹو، اعتزاز احسن اور لطیف کھوسہ سے بل کو عدالت میں چیلنج کرنے پر مشاورت کریں گے۔

واضح رہے کہ گذشتہ روز  سینیٹ نے اسٹیٹ بینک ترمیمی بل منظور کر لیا تھا، بل کے حق میں 43 اور مخالفت میں 42 ووٹ آئے تھے۔

بل کی منظوری کے وقت اپوزیشن لیڈر یوسف گیلانی سمیت حزب اختلاف کے 8 اور حکومت کے 4 ممبران ایوان سے غیر حاضر تھے۔


#Pakistan #PPP - Sehat Insaf Card: Govt siphons off health budget to benefit insurance companies, says Bilawal

The Chairman of Pakistan People's Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari described the Sehat Insaf card of the incumbent government as a theft of the health budget that offers public money to private insurance companies. He was inaugurating the bone marrow transplant institute at the Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences,

Bilawal said the PPP had offered Waseela-e-Sehat Card to help the poverty-stricken. Mian Sahab changed the name to PM Health Card and now the PTI calls it Sehat Insaf Card. “We had offered it to the poor but that of the PTI offers a subsidy of Rs 5-6 lakh to private hospitals,” Bilawal deplored. Their current health card is a theft of the health budget as this money will be given to private insurance companies. “If you utilize your finances properly, you will also be able to make world-class hospitals like Gambat,” he said. "The budget of three institutes alone set up by the Sindh government including Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences, SIUT, and NICVD, is more than the budget covered by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Health Card." The selected government can run the healthcare sector better if some of this money is given to the poor, and the rest is utilized in the budget of government hospitals.
Earlier, Bilawal inaugurated the bone marrow transplant institute at the Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences, and reiterated his vision of providing free healthcare to all parts of Pakistan. He announced that the bone marrow transplant treatment at Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences (GIMS) was now 100pc free. He said the citizens suffering from thalassemia can be greatly helped and cured by the bone marrow transplant. Bilawal also announced launching a rapid response emergency facility at the GIMS to treat serious injuries from the rising number of car accidents. He said more such centers would be opened in other cities to provide the best possible treatment to victims of fire and accidents. “Gambat from today is the medical capital of Pakistan,” the PPP chairman said. "I challenge all the provincial governments of the country to build a hospital-like Gambat Institute of Medical Sciences, where free treatment for liver, kidney, bone marrow, and cancer is provided," the PPP chairman said.
He claimed they wanted to offer best treatment facilities free of cost at the peoples’ doorsteps. "If we can provide free cancer, liver, and kidney transplant to Sindh, we can take this initiative to the rest of Pakistan too." “The vision of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto was to improve the healthcare system of the nation and save the lives of elders. This is our vision of Pakistan,” Bilawal said. “We want healthcare to be completely free, so no one is left untreated due to lack of finances. To reach our goal, we have made large investments, in tertiary care hospitals.”
Bilawal claimed Sindh has broken the national record by providing 550 free liver transplants to patients from across the country. Amongst these, 52pc people were from Sindh, 29pc were from Punjab, 15pc from Balochistan, and 3pc were from KPK. Bilawal said Punjab also has a liver and kidney institute that performs transplants, but the number of patients from Punjab treated in Gambat are far more than in the home province.