Fissure widens between Pakistani Army and ISI chiefs over control in Afghanistan

The tussle between Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and ISI chief Lt General Faiz Hameed has come to a point where the former has been trying to remove the latter from his post, as per sources in the intelligence agencies.
As Pakistan attempts to assert its influence in Kabul, there is a major tussle going on between Pakistan Army chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa and Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) chief Lt General Faiz Hameed.Sources in the intelligence agencies said the tussle has come to a point where the Pakistan Army chief has been trying to remove Hameed from his post, but has not been able to do so due to the strong influence of the Pakistani spy agency.
“Over the years, ISI have nurtured and taken care of Taliban leaders and used them to run their interest and operations inside Afghanistan. Now, when the Taliban are in government, the Pakistan Army also wants to influence the decisions there, which is being resisted by the ISI,” sources told India Today.
The ISI has strong links with the Taliban leaders, including different factions including the Haqqani group which occupies a strong position in the new Afghanistan government. ISI also has men on ground in Afghanistan, with warlords and other key players, as per sources.Most of the Taliban factions and their leaders have also allegedly fought against the US using the ISI safe houses in Peshawar and Quetta.
Pakistan Army chief Bajwa has also been trying to push his agenda there, but Faiz Hameed has not allowed it to happen, the sources said.
The sources added that Pakistan’s attempt in interfering in Afghanistan’s new government has also resulted in fissures inside Taliban grouping. Due to ISI, the Taliban are also reportedly finding issues over each and every decision that they have to take on establishing links with foreign countries. Sources said that the ISI also wants a share of the money or aid that Afghans are to receive from western nations.
Pakistan has always considered Afghanistan to be its B team and always tried to use it for having a strategic depth while dealing with India militarily, sources said, added that the Taliban factions are also fighting for control.

Taliban could get nukes from Pakistan due to Afghan withdrawal - Bolton

US President Joe Biden's widely-criticized military withdrawal from Afghanistan could lead to the Taliban, the country's new Islamist rulers, obtaining nuclear weapons from Pakistan, former US national security advisor John Bolton said Sunday on the WABC 770 radio station. Bolton, who served as national security advisor under then-President Donald Trump, said it was possible that these nuclear weapons could be obtained from Pakistan should Islamist insurgents get ahold of them.
He criticized Biden's withdrawal from the country, which allowed the Taliban to rapidly take over, bringing it once again under Islamist rule.
Since serving as Trump's national security advisor, Bolton has become a vocal critic of American foreign policy, in addition to being critical of his former boss. He has also been vocal in his views of US policies regarding the Middle East, especially Iran, and has expressed his support of Israel's right to act in its own security interests.
In particular, he has voiced strong support for preemptive strikes against hostile regimes, specifically Iran and North Korea.
Bolton also had plenty to compliment Biden for, however, specifically regarding the nuclear submarine deal with Australia. The deal, he explained, was an example of a broader US response to China. This does not mean that Washington is giving Australia nuclear missiles, just nuclear submarines.
"These are what we call hunter-killer submarines," Bolton explained to WABC 770, saying that it allows the US through Australia to watch China as it builds up a significant naval force that could, in theory, allow it to go after Taiwan or enter the Indian Ocean. “It’s a huge step forward for us in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean," he said: "It’s a real signal to China that we are determined not to let them just run wild.”

#Pakistan #PPP - Mission of PPP is to serve masses, says Bilawal

Sindh Minister for Information and Local Government Syed Nasir Hussain Shah called on chairman Pakistan People’s Party chief Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Sunday, Dunya News reported.According to sources, Nasir Shah briefed chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on the performance of the Local Government Department during the meeting which was held at the Bilawal House.
Speaking on the occasion, Bilawal Bhutto said that the performance of PPP in Sindh is better than all other provincial governments.
Bilawal said that the mission of the Pakistan People’s Party is to serve the people and added that we will continue to do our job to solve the problems of the masses.
Sources further said that Bilawal Bhutto Zardari directed Nasir Shah not to leave any stone unturned in resolving the problems of the people.,-says-Bilawal