بجٹ 2021 کو پیش کرکے عمران خان نے اپنا غریب دشمن اور عوام دشمن ایجنڈا واضح کردیا ہے، چیئرمین پی پی پی بلاول بھٹو زرداری


 پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے بجٹ 2021 کو عوام پر معاشی حملہ قرار دیتے ہوئے سوال اٹھایا کہ اگر مہنگائی تاریخی ہے، بیروزگاری تاریخی ہے، غربت تاریخی ہے تو بجٹ کیسے عوامی ہوسکتا ہے،

 میڈیا سیل بلاول ہاؤس سے جاری اپنے ایک بیان میں چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے کہا کہ جب پی ٹی آئی اپنا عوام دشمن بجٹ پیش کررہی تھی تو پارلیمان کے باہر سرکاری ملازمین مہنگائی کی دہائیاں دے رہے تھے، سال بدل گیا مگر عوام کے حالات نہ بدلے، بجٹ آگیا مگر غریب کے گھر کا چولہا آج تک بجھا ہوا ہے،

 انہوں نے کہا کہ عوام جان چکے ہیں کہ بڑی بڑی باتیں کرنا عمران خان کی عادت ہے، وزیراعظم عام آدمی کو ریلیف فراہم کرنے میں مکمل ناکام ہوچکے،

 اس موقع پر چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے یہ بھی واضح کیا کہ بجٹ 2021 کو پیش کرکے عمران خان نے اپنا غریب دشمن اور عوام دشمن ایجنڈا واضح کردیا ہے اور پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی عمران خان کو عوام کے معاشی قتل عام کی اجازت نہیں دے گی-


The Budget 2021 is an economic attack on the people – says Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari


Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari termed the budget an enemy of the people and the entire nation. He condemned the presented budget by calling it an economic attack on Pakistanis.

In a statement issued from the Media Cell Bilawal House, the Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari declared that PTI would not be permitted to play with the nation’s future. “Pakistan Peoples Party will not allow Imran Khan to conduct an economic massacre of the people.”

Reiterating that the selected Prime Minister is deaf, dumb, and blind to the plight of the average Pakistani, Chairman PPP stated, “The year might have changed, but the conditions of the people remain the same. The poor man’s house is still being deprived of the basic necessities,” he lamented, “The hearth of the poor man’s house is still quenched.”

Condemning Prime Minister Imran Khan for his oblivion and lack of empathy towards the underprivileged, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said, “By presenting the Budget 2021, Imran Khan clarified his enmity towards the poor. He has exposed his anti-people agenda with the new budget.”

Chairman PPP also revealed that while the government was busy presenting false facts with the Economic Survey 2020-21 and claiming that the nation is flourishing, government employees protested against inflation outside the Parliament. “People are now retaliating because they are aware of the puppet Prime Minister’s empty promises,” said Chairman PPP, “They know it is Imran Khan’s habit to talk big and do nothing. He is incompetent and has completely failed to provide relief to a common man.”

Highlighting how the facts tell another story, Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari stated that an anti-people budget was expected from the PTI government. “If the inflation rate, unemployment, and poverty figures have been historic during Imran Khan’s tenure, how can the budget be public?” He questioned.


Chairman #PPP #Bilawal Bhutto Zardari says next Prime Minister will be a Jiyala

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the PPP is a galaxy of political stars which has struggled with Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, President Asif Ali Zardari and now with me for democracy and rule of law in this country. In this regard I have come to see Rahim Dad Khan who has been a comrade in this struggle.
Chairman Bilawal said that in this government inflation is at the highest and historical level and is more than even Afghanistan. Under this government the employment is also at the historic level and the poverty is more than ever before. This is the real face of Imran Khan’s “change”. He said that Imran Khan and his ministers are so embarrassed by this poverty and unemployment that they have excluded them from the economic survey of Pakistan. The worst news is that the most increase in poverty has been in KP. We are aware that with the arrival of Imran Khan, previously employed people are now unemployed and hiding the figures will not solve the issue. Only the PPP can give a manifesto meant for the common people, and its policy has always been pro-people. The PPP government during its tenure made a 120% increase in the salaries of government employees, a 150% increase in pensions and a 175% increase in the salaries of the soldiers. As opposed to this, the current incompetent government has only made a 10% increase in salaries. This government should increase salaries in proportion to the increase in inflation caused by it in the country.
The Sindh government is going to keep Rs. 25000 as the minimum wage. If this initiative can be taken by us, then the other provinces and the federal government can follow suit since they have more resources than us. The nation is facing a crisis due to the incompetent rulers. If the rulers want the budget to be passed, then they should increase the salaries as much as they have increased price hike. The federal government is making efforts to rig the elections in Kashmir. The election commissioner of Azad Kashmir, conspiring with the AJK prime minister has tried to tamper with the electoral list. They think that by creating fake NAB cases and arresting PPP supporters, they can seal our tongue, however, it amounts to nothing as it has not been successful in the past and neither will be in the future. PPP workers have faced terrorists and military dictators, and will also chase the current rulers away. Khursheed Shah’s son Farrukh Shah has also been arrested as a means of threatening my party, he said.
They should keep in mind that when I come to power, I will rightfully arrest their sons and elders too and will show what real accountability is, that does not harm the common people. We will work for the economic prosperity of the people. Whatever rights KP has today are because of PPP, the KP did not get its share in Hydal profit. He said that the federal government is collecting tobacco tax which is the right of the people of KP and should be spent in KP.Responding to the questions by the journalists, he said that the PPP is aware that in the 1985 elections, apolitical entities came to power and destroyed Pakistan. This is why, I was telling the “new revolutionary” not to leave the field open for Imran Khan. If we had accepted their demands then today Imran Khan would have a super majority in the Senate. If we had not contested in the elections in Noushera there would be no MNA from the area from PML-N and there would be no MNA of PPP from Karachi. We refuse to learn from others how antidemocratic forces should be fought with and won against. Only PPP knows how to fight democratically. Everyone knows that the PPP will form the next government and the next prime minister will be a jiyala.
Responding to a question about PDM, Chairman Bilawal said that without PPP and ANP the PDM is neither an all Pakistan movement nor a democratic one. He said that the entire opposition is on one page in the parliament. He said that a grave injustice was done to the people of FATA and the promises made to them were not fulfilled. There is a protest taking place there and Farhatullah Babar represented PPP there. We will not leave the tribal areas at the mercy of this government. The 2018 elections were rigged and notice should be taken of who interferes in the elections. The election in Karachi validated our stance on the 2018 elections being rigged. He said that the government and its ministers should not involve the judiciary in politics and the Supreme Court should have taken action against the president and the prime minister along with those who filed a fake and fabricated reference against Qazi Faez Isa. There should be action against those who were spying on a justice of the Supreme Court. Regarding rejoining the PDM, he said that the PPP never requested to rejoin the PDM and does not wish to do so. They were obsessed with the resignations so if they want to tender them, they can still do so. Now, they are towing on the PPP stance and policy, so they should join the PPP.