Funds for health, education: Bilawal expresses serious reservations on NEC decisions


Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari expressed his serious reservations on the decisions of the National Economic Council (NEC) to allocate a meager fund for the health and education sector in the upcoming budget and demanded an increase in the allotted funds so the country could fight the coronavirus pandemic head-on.

“Allocating only Rs30 billion for the health sector in the upcoming budget is preposterous. With this allotment, the PTI government is handing the people over to the epidemic,” he said in a statement on Wednesday while expressing his reservations on the decisions of the NEC.

Rejecting the budget, Bilawal declared, “The selected prime minister made a selected budget which will not be accepted in any way.” He said by dedicating only 3.3% of the budget to the health sector, it is clear the incompetent PTI government does not consider health as a top priority.

“Rs68 billion from the budget was allotted to please PTI’s assembly members, while only Rs5 billion have been set aside for epidemic prevention,” lamented PPP chairman. He said the unjust and anti-people budget has also allocated only 5.5% of the funding for the education sector. “Imran Khan has made the future of the nation a joke,” proclaimed Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. He said instead, the mafia working under Imran Khan claims to focus on development projects that were inaugurated but never completed. “Mr. Prime Minister! If the country does not develop by building roads, then why did you increase the development budget by 38%?” PPP chairman asked. Bilawal also criticised Imran Khan’s government for allotting more development budgets for provinces where the PTI government reigns. “With this move, Imran Khan proved he does not consider himself the prime minister of the entire country,” stated PPP chairman.

#Pakistan #PPP refuses to accept selected budget of selected govt: Bilawal Bhutto


Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said Thursday that PTI s budget is not public rather political hence the PPP refuses to accept the selected budget of the selected government.

In his statement, Bilawal Bhutto said that Imran Khan s government has caused a loss of up to Rs 1000 billion to the national exchequer just by altering the interest rates.

He said that Imran Khan facilitated the remittance of $2 billion of certain investors from outside the country and then returned the money by fixing the interest rate at 13.25 % hence causing Rs 300 billion loss to the national exchequer.

Bilawal Bhutto said that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had asked to fix the interest rate at 12% while Imran Khan’s government fixed it at 13.25% to facilitate certain investors.

PPP chief further said that Imran Khan s government has facilitated certain investors up to Rs 700 billion by abruptly changing the interest rates of Pakistan Investment Bonds.

If the economic survey does not accurately identify the problems of the people, how will these issues be solved? – says Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

 Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari rejected the Economic Survey 2021, stating it did not depict the country’s actual conditions. He criticized the government for omitting the statistics regarding poverty and unemployment from the economic survey – especially since there has been a historic rise in both.

In a statement issued from the Media Cell Bilawal House, the Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said. “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has seen a historic rise in poverty. Since the incompetent government wants to hide these numbers from the public, they have removed the statistics regarding poverty from the economic survey.”

Condemning this move, Chairman PPP stated that hiding poverty and unemployment stats and making excuses for inflation is not the solution. “A record rise in the unemployment rate in Pakistan’s history is the real face of Imran Khan’s change,” he declared.

The Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari warned the selected PM to take note of the plight of the underprivileged who are suffering due to PTI’s negligence. “If the economic survey does not accurately identify the problems of the people, how will these issues be solved?” Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said. “Pretending something does not exist will not free the nation of the predicament.”

Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari continued, “The Prime Minister is not bearing the burden of the PTIMF budget. It is the people who are paying a high price for Imran Khan’s ineptitude by being exposed to a devastating rate of inflation, unemployment, and poverty.