Imran Khan promised people 10 million jobs. But when he came to power, he did the opposite – he snatched away jobs from the people – says Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari.

Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) Bilawal Bhutto Zardari criticized PTI’s lack of concern for the common man and their failed economic policies damaging the future of Pakistan. He pointed out that due to the anti-people policies of the selected PM, even the middle class of the country has fallen into poverty.
In a statement issued from the Media Cell Bilawal House, Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari demanded PM Imran Khan Niazi be held accountable for the false promises he made to the public during elections. “The puppet Prime Minister, who vowed for a change in 90 days, is now fooling the people once again by announcing to solve the country’s problems in the next government. What a cruel joke he is playing on the nation” he said.
“Does the PM think we have forgotten the claims he made regarding job creation?” questioned Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. “He gave his word and promised our people 10 million jobs. But when he came to power, he did the opposite – he snatched away jobs from the people.”

Highlighting the PM’s inexcusable decisions during his tenure, Chairman PPP pointed out that inflation was imposed on 200 million people of Pakistan. This was done just so the reigning government and the PM’s cronies can benefit from the underprivileged’s fruits of labor. “The countrymen are not blind,” said Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, “They can see how PTI has created economic policies that are leading the rich to get richer, while the poor are getting poorer. Imran Khan’s big claims of economic development have collapsed.”
According to Chairman PPP, Pakistan now needs a savior. That savior can only be Pakistan Peoples Party and their economic policies that have done wonders for the country in the past. He also said that increasing the debt of the country does not count as successful leadership. What matters is the growth in employment and the availability of “ROTI KAPRA AUR MAKAN.”
“If the direction of the country’s economy is to be corrected, we must save the country from future experiments like Imran Khan,” stated Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. “Our past tenures speak volumes of the benefits we have provided for the people. PPP’s economic policies are not for the rich, but for the improvement of the lives of the common man.”
Speaking of PPP’s economic achievements, Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said, “Our accomplishments include record employment for the youth, the Pak-China Economic Corridor, and a GSP Plus Status from Europe,” he disclosed. “These are achievements that will not be forgotten.”

#Pakistan - #TrainAccident #Ghotki - PM and Railway Minister resign over train accident: Bilawal Bhutto

Speaking in the National Assembly, Bilawal Bhutto said that the Prime Minister used to say that when there was a train accident, the Minister and the Prime Minister should resign.
Bilawal Bhutto said that the Information Minister expressed regret over the accident, we do not express regret, we need an answer as to why so many train accidents are happening in this government.
The PPP chairman said that there was a big incident in Ghotki, the minister and the PML-N paper workers stood up to polish their politics, the lives of the poor people of the country are not protected when they travel by rail.
Bilawal Bhutto said that they also shine their politics on accidents, we have to give the message that we stand with the victims of accidents, the government has not responded to us till date of railway accidents.

Train barrels into another in Pakistan, killing at least 51


An express train barreled into another that had derailed in Pakistan before dawn Monday, killing at least 51 people and setting off a desperate effort to search the crumpled cars for survivors and the dead, authorities said.More than 100 other people were injured. Cries for help pierced the night as passengers climbed out of overturned or crushed rail cars. The pleas continued to echo throughout the day at the scene in the district of Ghotki, in the southern province of Sindh.
Heavy machinery arrived to cut open some cars, and more than 15 hours after the crash, rescuers carefully removed wreckage as they looked for anyone who might remain trapped — though hopes were fading for survivors. The military deployed troops, engineers and helicopters to assist.
The Millat Express train derailed around 3:30 a.m., and the Sir Syed Express train hit it minutes later, said Usman Abdullah, a deputy commissioner of Ghotki. It was not immediately clear what caused the derailment, and the driver of the second train said he braked when he saw the disabled train but did not have time to avoid the collision.
About 1,100 passengers were aboard the two trains, rail officials said.
“The challenge for us is to quickly rescue those passengers who are still trapped in the wreckage,” said Umar Tufail, a police chief in the district.The death toll steadily rose through the day, and the chances of finding survivors were diminishing, said Rizwan Nazir, a district administration official.
Authorities brought in lights so rescuers could work through the night. Relatives of some of the missing passengers waited nearby.
Passengers with critical injuries were to be brought by helicopter to a nearby hospital.
Engineers and experts were trying to determine what caused the collision, said Azam Swati, the minister for railways who headed to the scene of the crash. He told The Associated Press that all aspects would be examined, including the possibility of sabotage.
The segment of the railway tracks where the crash took place was old and needed replacing, Habibur Rehman Gilani, chairman of Pakistan Railways, told Pakistan’s Geo News TV. He did not elaborate.Aijaz Ahmed, the driver of the Sir Syed Express, told the station that on seeing the derailed train, he tried his best to avoid the crash by braking but failed. Railway officials said Ahmed was slightly injured, and villagers pulled him from the train’s engine after the crash.
According to local media, some of the passengers on the Millat Express were heading to a wedding party. Mohammad Amin, one of the passengers on the Millat Express who had minor injuries, told the AP from a hospital that before the train departed from the southern port city of Karachi, he and his brother saw mechanics working on one of the cars.
That led them to believe there was something wrong with it, but they were reassured all was fine. Amin said he believed the car that was being worked on was the one that later derailed. Railway officials said they were recording statements of survivors, including the drivers.
Train accidents are common in Pakistan, where successive governments have paid little attention to improving the poorly maintained signal system and aging tracks. In 1990, a packed passenger plowed into a standing freight train in southern Pakistan, killing 210 people in the worst rail disaster in the nation’s history.