Pakistan Army’s Atrocities in Balochistan - Free #Balochistan Movement condemns abduction of Baloch professor

 The head of the Information Department of the Free Balochistan Movement (FBM) in a statement strongly condemned the abduction of Prof. Dr. Liaquat Sani, Nizam Baloch and Shabir Shahwani by Pakistani state officials from the Mastung area of ​​Balochistan yesterday.

The FBM statement added that the kidnappers released Shabir Shahwani and Nizam Baloch three hours after insulting the Baloch teachers and torturing them in various ways, while Professor Dr. Liaqat Sani is still in their custody.

“We call on Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the rest of the civilised world to fulfil their international obligations by immediately putting pressure on the state of Pakistan to release all missing Baloch, including Professor Liaquat Sani.”

The atrocities and barbarism of the Pakistani army and its intelligence agencies in Balochistan have made it impossible for thousands of peaceful political activists to be to move freely in Balochistan. However, dozens of armed men in vehicles not only roam free but also abducted people and easily shift them from one place to the other in presence of military checkpoints without any state impediment, it is in itself proof that the state is directly involved in the enforced disappearances in Balochistan.

Such conditions have forced thousands of political activists to leave everything behind and migrate to other countries and live in political exile in Europe, the United States and the Gulf states.

We call on the international media to expose the atrocities perpetrated on the Baloch people by the rogue terrorist state of Pakistan, including the kidnapping of professors of higher education institutions in Balochistan, and to present the voice of truth to the world and play their part in saving this region from further destruction.

In its party policy statement the FBM said, it wants to bring to the notice of the Baloch nation and the world that the Baloch nation has been suffering from all kinds of atrocities and subjugation of these two occupying and terrorist states Iran and Pakistan from day one. Today, because of Iran and Pakistan, the global peace and security of the region, including the Middle East, Afghanistan and India, is in grave danger.

It should be made clear to the world Balochistan has been the ancestral land Baloch nation for thousands of years but Baloch people are living a life of slavery due to the illegal occupation of Pakistan and Iran and longing for peace, tranquillity and prosperity.

The Baloch enemy states continue to create difficulties for Baloch in walks of life including quality education for the new generation of Baloch, basic human needs, unavailability of health facilities, political, social, cultural and economic subjugation.

Pakistan and its intelligence agencies are systematically pursuing the abduction of peaceful and unarmed political activists and as a collective punishment throughout society to counter the Baloch national liberation movement.

The international media is dependent on the Pakistani state-controlled media, which is why they have so far failed to expose these heinous crimes of the Pakistani state to the world, and that is why the state of Pakistan continuously targets the oppressed Baloch, Pashtun and Sindhi nations.

In the past such atrocities, the inhuman and degrading tactic of Pakistan went unnoticed and unchecked which the Pakistani state considered a success as a counter-insurgency policy. Today, however, the tireless efforts of the social media activists of the oppressed and occupied nations and the public awareness have exposed the past heinous crimes and criminal acts of the state which has led Pakistan to resort to such abductions against Baloch people. It is now trying to employ new tactics in an attempt to deceive the world to cover up its state’s war crimes.

Bilawal Zardari demands an immediate recovery of Prof Liaquat Sunni

By Mehreen Saqib

Chairman Pakistan People’s Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has condemned the enforced disappearance of Professor Liaquat Sunni.

Baaghi TV: Bilawal Zardari strongly condemns the disappearance of Professor Liaquat Sunni of Balochistan University and demanded his immediate recovery.

In a statement issued, the PPP Chairman said that the reported incident of kidnapping of three professors of the University of Balochistan was a highly condemnable act and appears to be aimed at further alienating the people of the province.
Liaquat Shahwani, the provincial spokesperson, said three professors of the Balochistan University Professor Shabbir Shahwani, Professor Nizam and Professor Liaquat Sunni were going to Khuzdar to review the arrangements for BA exams when they went missing in Mastung.
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that Professor Liaquat Sunni should be recovered and his freedom restored without any delay.

Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari greets the Sikh community in Pakistan and the world over on the eve of 551st birthday anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

 Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has extended greetings to the Sikh community living in Pakistan as well as the world over on the eve of 551st birthday anniversary Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

In a message, the PPP Chairman said that Baba Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached peace and harmony among humanity through promoting human equality, brotherhood and cohesive society.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that Pakistan hosts very important religious and spiritual pilgrim places adding that the unanimously-passed Constitution of the country guarantees equal rights to all its citizens including the Sikh community.

President Asif Ali Zardari’s message on 53rd Founding Day of the PPP

Former President of Pakistan and President Pakistan Peoples Party Parliament, Asif Ali Zardari on the 53rd Founding Day of the PPP has said that there will never be a compromise on the rule of people and the supremacy of Parliament.

Former President Zardari in a message to the party workers said that the time has come to achieve the rule of the people and supremacy of the parliament. The struggle has started and we will achieve this goal. The PPP is steadfast of the ideology of the founder of PPP, Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and our great leader Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto offered supreme sacrifice for these ideals. The PPP workers also offered great sacrifices in this struggle.

President Zardari said that PPP will continue to resist the effort to impose anti-people ideology on Pakistan and its people. The PPP believes in the power of the people and whenever comes to power works for the benefit of the people, he said. This selected government has started sacking government employees and conspiring to snatch the right of pension from the government employees.
The selected government has usurped the political rights of the people and weakened the parliament. The PPP will resist any effort to disfigure the constitution of Pakistan by this selected government. President Zardari asked the party workers to strengthen Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s efforts to liberate the country from the shackles of anti-people forces and take Chairman Bilawal’s message to every corner of the country.

The arrests and torture of the political workers to stop the jalsa in Multan is the worst kind of fascism.

 Senator Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, the spokesman to the Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that people’s power is impossible to be crushed by the use of state machinery. The arrests and torture of the political workers to stop the jalsa in Multan is the worst kind of fascism.

Senator Khokhar said that imprisonment of Ali Qasim Gilani and other political workers for a month displayed that the government is defeated and there is chaos in its ranks. When the government starts using such tactics then it shows that its days are numbered. 

A government which is frightened of a few jalsas is enough proof of its weakness. Now the fate of the government has been decided as Pakistan Democratic Movement workers are arriving in Multan in great numbers. The PDM jalsa on the Founding Day of the PPP will be held tomorrow in Multan at any cost, Senator Khokhar concluded.