بیگم نصرت بھٹو کی خدمات رہتی دنیا تک یاد رکھی جائیں گی، آصف زرداری

سابق صدر آصف زرداری نے بیگم نصرت بھٹو کی برسی کے موقع پر اپنے پیغام میں کہا ہے کہ بیگم نصرت بھٹو کی ملک، آئین اور جمہوریت کیلئے خدمات رہتی دنیا تک یاد رہیں گی۔

 انھوں نے کہا کہ بیگم نصرت بھٹو نے ملک، عوام ،آئین اور جمہوریت کے لیے اپنا گلشن قربان کردیا۔ 

سابق صدر نے مزید کہا کہ سیاست میں صبر اور برداشت کا اصول بھی مادر جمہوریت بیگم نصرت بھٹو نے دیا تھا۔ 

انھوں نے کہا کہ بیگم نصرت بھٹو نے مشکلات کا صبر سے مقابلہ کرنے اور آمریت سے لڑنا سکھایا۔ مادر جمہوریت کی روح سے وعدہ کرتے ہیں کہ ان کے بتائے ہوئے راستے پر ثابت قدم رہیں گے۔


#Pakistan #PPP - Bilawal Bhutto takes a jibe at PM Imran Khan in Gilgit-Baltistan address

 PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Thursday took a jibe at Prime Minister Imran Khan in his Gilgit-Baltistan election rally and said he is not a player who takes U-Turn on promises.

Addressing, a worker’s convention in Skardu district, the PPP leader said that the citizens of the country are deprived of their basic rights because the authorities sitting in Islamabad make decisions without analysing the real problems faced by the people living in a particular region.

“I am [Zulfiqar Ali] Bhutto's grandson, not a [sports] player who takes U-turns from his promises. I have the same manifesto that I promised you earlier. It is quite a known fact about PPP, that the party provides employment to people, be it in Asif Ali Zardari’s tenure or Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's government,” Bilawal said, adding that the provision of employment opportunities and education will be one of the top agendas of the party.

Criticising the PTI-led regime for “historic inflation, poor education policies, and health reforms", Bilawal said: “The treatment meted out to our lady health workers is reprehensible. These workers ensure our health and this is how we are treating them. To date, Zardari’s launched health workers programme is facilitating the workers and that is what we envision for this region as well."

“We plan on launching free quality hospitals in the region just like we launched Gambat medical institute,” he said.

‘No other region like Gilgit-Baltistan’

Emphasising on introducing developmental reforms in the region, Bilawal said that there is no other region as resourceful as Gilgit-Baltistan.

"We have to invest in the region. Whenever I visit foreign countries, I recommend them to visit GB before visiting Sindh," Bilawal said, adding that the tasty fruits that are grown in the region are not found in any other part of the world.

“I tasted the mulberry grown here when I visited last and couldn’t find as luscious a mulberry ever again,” he remarked.

Ruing that the farmers of the region are left to their own devices, Bilawal said that in order to ramp up economic stability, the region needs food processing plants, cold storage chains, and a dense transport network to transport fruits and vegetables first in Pakistan and then around the world.

“For this to happen, you will have to help bring us into power. We have to give you the basic rights from which you have been kept deprived since always,” the PPP chairman stressed.

Taking lessons from other provinces

Bilawal went on to say that the people of Gilgit-Baltistan “should make their decision wisely while realising the situation of other provinces where PTI was in power.

“We need to save GB because we have seen what they [former governments] have done in other provinces. Go ask the people of KP what they are suffering through,” Bilawal said, censuring the incumbent government for their ineffective policies.

Don’t believe their propaganda, he said, adding: “They will ruin your children's future. We have to save this region from unseen devastation.”

Reiterating that democracy is the only solution to all woes of the country, Bilawal hoped that PPP will witness a remarkable win in the region.

"Support Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto's vision and we will brighten the future of your children," he added.


Mother of Democracy Begum Nusrat Bhutto was a symbol of courage and valour, Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari

Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has said that the Mother of Democracy Begum Nusrat Bhutto was a symbol of courage and valour. Her struggle and sacrifices for the democracy are unforgettable and would always be remembered in history. 

On the occasion of the ninth anniversary of former First Lady of Pakistan, Begum Nusrat Bhutto, the PPP Chairman paid rich tributes to her.  PPP is going to commemorate her ninth anniversary tomorrow (Friday on October 23) with great esteem.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said that Begum Nusrat Bhutto had after setting aside her personal suffering and pains after the judicial assassination of Quaid-e Awam Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto united the democratic forces across Pakistan to challenge the dictatorial regime. She played her dynamic role thus for bright future of the generations to come. She worked very hard to unite the democratic forces on one single platform.

Mother of Democracy Begum Nusrat Bhutto was the daughter-in-law of Prime Minister (PM) (Deewan) Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto, spouse of PM Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and mother of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto, the first elected Prime Minister of the Islamic world, said the PPP Chairman, adding that she was a prestigious lady with great values, courage and with a heightened stature that would be remembered in hearts of the Jialas, the PPP workers.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari reiterated his commitment that the PPP would continue to work for the fulfillment of the mission of Begum Nusrat Bhutto for which she struggled and endured hardships.
