#Pakistan’s Dark History of Student Extremists

With guns now present at the university dorms, armed conflict began among various student factions. It spread like a wildfire and engulfed lives. In 1981, Hafiz Aslam of the IJT was killed; this marked the beginning of Kalashnikov culture at the campuses.

#Pakistan - Bilawal Bhutto slams Imran Khan govt’s ‘inaction’ on SP’s killing


Opposition leader Bilawal Bhutto, the chairman of the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), has criticised the Imran Khan government over its handling of the investigation into the abduction and murder of superintendent of police Tahir Dawar in Afghanistan, reports The Nation.

Dawar, who was abducted from outside his Islamabad home on 26 October, was found dead in Afghanistan on 13 November.

“It is shocking that one of our top police officials was kidnapped from Islamabad and shifted to Afghanistan without being noticed,” he said, “The way this government has dealt with the entire matter is unconvincing and a lot remains to be answered.”

Bilawal demanded that the government raise the murder with Afghanistan’s authorities instead of blaming “the safe-city project and CCTV cameras”. He was referring to reports that the National Accountability Bureau will investigate claims about 600 of the 1,800 CCTV camerasinstalled in Islamabad for residents’ safety were not functional.

“The government should find out exactly why Dawar’s kidnapping was not made a top priority issue,” Bilawal added.

#Pakistan - Alarming increase in neonatal, maternal mortality rates in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

The Pakistan Medical Association (PMA) has moved an application in the Supreme Court of Pakistan, seeking a suo moto notice of the deaths of 22 newborn babies and one pregnant woman in hospitals of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa every day.
The application has been moved by PMA president Dr Hussain Ahmad Haroon. He has requested the Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Mian Saqib Nisar to take a suo moto notice of the serious issue.
In the two-page application, the PMA president discussed and explained the present condition of the KP hospitals after introduction of the Medical Teachings Institutions Act by the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf-led government in the province.
However, he explained in the application that as per media reports based on government released data of the Basic Health Units, Regional Health Centres and District Headquarters Hospitals, 22 newborn babies and one pregnant woman die every day.
However, he stated that this data is without the 10 teaching hospitals of the province and thousands maternity homes, and if right data is collected, the number would go much higher.
As per the report submitted with the application, it was stated that 3,979 newborn babies from the first day up to one month time had died in the first 180 days of 2018. Besides, it said 178 pregnant women had also died in the hospitals during this period.
The data is provided by the District Health Information System and collected from Rural Health Centers and labour rooms of tehsil and district government hospitals of the province.
As per the report, 2259 children who died were suckling babies, not more than one month of age, and 1720 babies died immediately after the death.
It said that 560 babies died in Bannu hospitals, 506 in Haripur, 226 in Swat and 110 in Kohat.
Similarly, it said 178 pregnant women had died in the hospitals, including 31 in Nowshera, 15 in Abbottabad, 20 in Mansehra and 21in Dera Ismail Khan hospitals.
The PMA president also pointed out before the Chief Justice of Pakistan that there is no ICU Ventilator in District Headquarters Hospitals of the province and many patients died during operations due to non-availability of ICU Ventilators.
Besides, he stated in the application that the ICU Ventilators were also not available in the private hospitals of the province except a few.
However, he pointed out that legally no surgery can be conducted in a hospital where there is no ventilator facility.
It was stated in the application that the present PTI government through MTI law had given a status of private hospitals to majority hospitals of the province and are being through Board of Governors (BoG).
The applicant said that first their members were selected from government departments in BoG, and now no member is being elected from government departments including health department.
It was also stated that the condition of government hospitals is worsening day by day.
He said that people are dying in hospitals and the government did not take measures in this regard.
The PMA president said that death ratio of newborn babies in KP is more than Thar area of Sindh and requested the CJP to take suo moto notice of these deaths.

Why is there no room for Asia Bibi in Britain’s Intersectional Inn?

Asia Bibi, identifiably the world’s most oppressed woman, has been disqualified from the International Olympics of Oppression 2018. A month before Theresa May, Britain’s Christian PM celebrates Christmas, her government is replaying the Nativity by slamming the door of Britain’s Intersectional Inn in the face of a woman who is arguably the most deserving refugee on the planet. Intersectionality is the nomenclature for Leftism’s taxonomy of oppression. It refers to how different forms of discrimination (like racism or sexism) overlap.

 So, according to Kimberle Crenshaw, who coined the term “intersectionality”, black women have a higher status on the hierarchy of victimhood because they are black and women and these two experiences of marginalization intersect and their “intersectional experience is greater than the sum of racism and sexism”. Your value as a human being depends on how many victim groups you belong to. Consequently, a one-eyed, black, lesbian, Palestinian, Muslim woman gets the Olympic gold medal, while, a heterosexual, black, woman, is awarded silver, and a white, homosexual, American male is at the bottom with a bronze medal. The religion of identity politics not only has a hierarchical creed; it also has a great commandment—love your neighbour based on their position on the totem pole of intersectionality.

Thus, a female bishop in the male-dominated Church of England must make alliances with other oppressed folk—Muslims, Palestinians, Native Americans, and every noodle in the LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP alphabet soup, depending on the degree of overlapping categories of oppression. Your value as a human being depends on how many victim groups you belong to. This is the one, unholy, apostate and cultic faith that unites Theresa May’s government, Leftists and the Church of England (and liberal denominations). Its high priests are innkeepers holding the keys to opening or shutting the doors to Cool Britannia’s Intersectional Inn—where the world’s huddled masses yearning to breathe free and indulge in LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP sexual congress—may be welcomed like Joseph and Mary fleeing the genocidal lunacy of King Herod. It follows that, on merit alone,

Asia Bibi should win the gold in the Oppression Olympics and be accorded a red carpet state welcome by the innkeepers of the Intersectional Inn. Asia Bibi is a coloured (20 points) woman (20 points), who has been brutalised by Pakistan’s patriarchy (25 points). She is a low-class (10 points) and low-caste (20 points) farm labourer (15 points). She has rotted on death row facing the death penalty (30 points) for eight years for a crime she did not commit (15 points). That’s a whopping 155 points on Bibi’s scorecard. A victim can get into the Intersectional Inn with as few as 20 points—being a woman is enough (even better a man who self-identifies as a woman). Taking a leaf from the Jim Acosta School of Journalism, the Messiahs of Migration should be snatching media megaphones and demanding open borders for Asia Bibi and her family. So why has Britain so dishonourably refused Asia Bibi asylum? The Home Office has reportedly told Pakistani Christians campaigning on her behalf that Bibi’s “moving to the UK would cause security concerns and unrest among certain sections of the community and would also be a security threat to British embassies abroad which might be targeted by Islamist terrorists”.

 Islam is a religion of peace, no? Why, then, is our Islamophiliac Home Office so terrified?

 Is it because protestors in Pakistan have already caused damage in the region of £900 million, bringing the country to a standstill? Or is it because a Chamberlain, not a Churchill, heads our government?

Elsewhere, I have written about Theresa May’s cowardly capitulation to Salafist Islam. History will remember Mrs May as an appeaser—the antipodean opposite to Mrs Thatcher. When Fiona Bruce MP asked Mrs May about Pakistan’s Supreme Court verdict overturning Bibi’s death sentence, with adroit subterfuge the PM replied that the UK was committed to the global abolition of the death penalty. Note, she did not say we were committed to the abolition of Islam’s reprehensible blasphemy law. Because May, a globalist, favours the European Court of Human Rights, which recently maintained it was a crime to call Muhammad a paedophile. Traitor Theresa is a female Faust who trades what is left of Britain’s Christian soul with the Muslim Mephistopheles in exchange for her political survival.

She’d rather sign Bibi’s death warrant than offer Bibi asylum in Britain’s Intersectional Inn. What then, of the progressive brigade and their first cousins in the Church of England? Do we see women bishops wearing ‘pussy hats’ and demanding justice for Bibi? Do we see hashtags #ArrestMeToo and #JeSuisAsiaBibi trending on Twitter? The hordes funded by Patron Saint of Open Borders St George Soros and caterwauling in support of Honduran migrant caravans are selling Asia Bibi T-shirts on college campuses, no? Islam is a religion of peace, no? Why, then, is our Islamophiliac Home Office so terrified? Why has Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, not flung open his cottage at Lambeth Palace to this Christian refugee? A couple of years ago Welby persuaded the Home Office to get a Muslim Syrian refugee family into his studio flat, yeah? Welby called the Syrian migrant problem a “wicked crisis”.

We “cannot turn our backs on this crisis”, Archie thundered. “Jesus was a refugee!” bellowed Welby. Cat got your tongue now, Archbishop? Disgracefully, in 2016, the Home Office gave visas to Muslim clerics Muhammad Naqib ur Rehman and Hassan Haseeb ur Rehman who began their tour by visiting Welby at Lambeth Palace for “interfaith relations”. In Pakistan, the duo is infamous for promoting Mumtaz Qadri, the murderer of Punjab Governor Salman Taseer. Taseer wanted to end Pakistan’s blasphemy law. He specifically opposed Asia Bibi’s execution. Perhaps Judas Iscariot could take correspondence courses from you, eh Archbishop? And why have Jayne Ozanne and her chums like Paul Bayes, Bishop of Liverpool, not rushed to Bibi’s advocacy? The Ozanne Foundation works “with religious organisations around the world to eliminate discrimination based on sexuality or gender in order to celebrate the equality and diversity of all”. It’s because Asia Bibi is not a lesbian, no, Jayne?

 Bayes is proud to march for Gay Pride. When it comes being proud of persecuted Christians we haven’t heard a dicky bird from this valiant social justice warrior. The only person proud to be a Christian in this comedy of intersectional errors is Asia Bibi. “I will not convert. I believe in my religion and Jesus Christ. And why should I be the one to convert and not you?” Asia Bibi boldly asks staring her executioners in the face. You dig? Capiche? Now you can understand why the Left doesn’t want Bibi in the Intersectional Inn. Bibi believes in Jesus Christ. She is a conservative Christian. She confesses Jesus as the only way to salvation. For Bibi, Jesus and Muhammad are not interchangeable. For Bibi, Jesus is God’s Son; Muhammad is a mere man. Her exclusive belief in Jesus as her Saviour excludes her from the hierarchy of intersectionality. It automatically excommunicates her latae sententiae from the blessed communion of victim-saints. Why? First, the belief that all religions are basically the same and one religion is no better than another is a cardinal doctrine of progressivism.

Asia Bibi must be blamed for her stubbornness in not converting to the religion of peace! Second, Muslims are at peak of the pyramid in the hierarchy of intersectionality. Not surprisingly, Britain was quick to offer asylum to Malala Yousufzai, the teenage Muslim girl shot by the Taliban. The world now believes the Big Lie that Muslims are the real victims and Christians are the oppressors. Since it was wicked Western missionaries who took the gospel to Pakistanis—Asia Bibi must renounce her Christianity and return to Islam. Third, being a Christian is equivalent to having white privilege. This is a dogma—(all Leftist dogmas must be accepted by faith, not reason, because Leftism is a religion) which stands on feet of clay because, (a) Christianity is originally an Asian religion, and, (b) the truth is that the persecution facing Christians is the largest human rights violation issue in the world today. The only person proud to be a Christian in this comedy of intersectional errors is Asia Bibi. Fourthly, by definition, a biblical Christian betrays the fraternity of victimhood. Unlike Jayne Ozanne, Asia Bibi does not regard herself a victim. She believes she is a victor in Christ because by his death and resurrection Christ has conquered Satan, sin and death. No wonder she’s holding firm to her faith for eight years while languishing in a Pakistani prison where even the guards are waiting to poison her food. Fifthly, the cult of cultural Marxism, which includes progressive Christians, hates orthodox Christianity as much as Lucifer hates God.

 That’s why it has structured its Olympics of Oppression to exclude Christianity by default. Written into its rulebook is the statue: Christianity cannot be a category of oppression. You may be black or brown or blind but coming out of the closet as a confessing Christian disqualifies you by default. It’s like taking steroids to boost your performance in the Olympics. Persecuted Christians, be they black or brown, will never be accepted in Britain’s Intersectional Inn—which stands exposed and denounced by Bibi’s exclusion as one gigantic fraud. The only Western leaders to welcome them are so-called far right, racist, nationalist, white supremacist, anti-immigrant, anti-open border, populists like Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini, who has offered Asia Bibi asylum in Italy. God bless Matteo Salvini! God bless the populists and may their popularity increase!
