Michelle Obama sends birthday wishes to her 'phenomenal guy' Barack Obama

Another year older, but the same phenomenal guy I married nearly 25 years ago. Happy birthday, -- we love you so much!
UnlikeFormer President Barack Obama turned 56 on Friday, and Michelle Obama took to Twitter to share her birthday wishes.
"Another year older, but the same phenomenal guy I married nearly 25 years ago. Happy birthday, Barack Obama — we love you so much!" the former first lady tweeted with photos of her husband and daughters Sasha and Malia.In a statement Friday, the former first lady also said that instead of a virtual birthday card for supporters to sign, she was inviting people to share how they are "stepping up to be a better citizen" in their community this year.
"Maybe that means attending a town or city council meeting. Maybe it means contacting one of your elected officials and speaking out about an issue that matters to you. Maybe it means helping to clean up a local park, volunteering at a soup kitchen, or tutoring in an after-school program," she said in an Obama Foundation email. 
"This work — these personal, local, daily acts of citizenship — is what the Obama Foundation is all about," she continued. "This work is what my husband is all about."
Former Vice President Joe Biden also wished Obama happy birthday on Twitter Friday
"Your service has been a great gift to the country, and your friendship and brotherhood are a great gift to me. Happy birthday, Barack," Biden tweeted.
Friday marks Obama's first birthday since leaving the White House. 
Last year, Obama hosted a birthday bash at the White House with Beyoncé, Jay Z and Kendrick Lamar, the president’s favorite rapper, in attendance. 
The former president is rumored to be spending his birthday weekend in Martha's Vineyard, according to a report by the Martha's Vinyard Times, though Secret Service did not confirm the vacation to the paper.

#obamaday - Happy Obama Day? Fans turn ex-president’s birthday into online holiday.

Barack Obama turns 56 , and fans of the former president are celebrating Obama Day online.
In Illinois, legislators voted to commemorate Aug. 4 as Barack Obama Day last spring, though it’s not a legal holiday giving state workers the day off. Obama began his political career in the Illinois State Senate. Delaware also has passed legislation designating Aug. 4 as Barack Obama Day.
There is an official Obama Day holiday, but it’s in Kenya. That holiday takes place on the second Monday of November. It began in 2008 after Obama, whose father was born in Kenya, won the U.S. presidency.
Fans of Obama, and critics of his successor, President Donald Trump, also are celebrating the former president’s birthday online, making #obamaday a trending topic on Twitter.

Dem tells Obama: 'We miss your intellect and integrity' in the White House


Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) wished former President Barack Obama a happy birthday on Friday with a tweet implicitly criticizing his successor.
"Happy Birthday @Barack Obama. We miss your intellect and integrity in the WH, and will continue fighting to preserve your progressive legacy," Schiff wrote.
Schiff, who is the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee that is probing ties between the Trump campaign and Russia, has been one of President Trump's most vocal critics.
Trump called Schiff "sleazy" for his role in the probe in a tweet last month. 
The California lawmaker was among a number of Democrats to wish Obama, 56, a happy birthday on Friday.

Even in retirement, Obama still responds to strangers' wedding invitations

By Lauren Kent

For many people, their wedding day is the best day of their lives. But for these Americans, the day they received a save-the-date response from Barack Obama may top the list.
The former president (well, actually his office) continues to respond to wedding invitations -- even though he's left the White House. Apparently mail forwarding is one government function that has avoided the DC gridlock.
Yes, it's only a form letter. But these recipients aren't going to let that dim their excitement.
Earlier this week, Brooke Allen tweeted a photo of a response her mother, Liz Whitlow, just received from the Office of Barack and Michelle Obama to say congratulations on her wedding.

    Soon, others started sharing photos of similar responses they received. It turns out Obama's office responded to wedding invitations throughout his eight years in office.
    Chelsea Roden and her wife, Lisa, sent then-President Obama a handwritten invitation to their wedding in 2016.
    "I was really grateful for the work his administration did," Roden told CNN. "When we first started dating in 2011, same-sex marriage wasn't even on the table."
    She completely forgot about the invitation she mailed to the White House until she got a response back one month before her wedding.
    It read: "Congratulations on your wedding day. May this special time be blessed with love, laughter, and happiness. We wish you all the best as you embark on your journey together, and we hope your bond grows stronger with each passing year."

    When Carmen Alvarez-Mendoza got married in 2014, she invited the Obamas as well as Oprah and Ellen DeGeneres. She told CNN she was pleasantly surprised when POTUS and FLOTUS actually responded.

    And for all the single ladies out there, it's not just wedding invitations that get an Obama response.
    Aubree Spath mailed her high school graduation announcement to the White House and got a lengthy reply.
    "It's somewhat magical reading the letter and thinking Obama's proud of you," Spath told CNN. "It really did put the cherry on top of my senior year."
    New mom Rachel Newsom sent the Obamas a birth announcement for her daughter, Harlem, in October and got a response welcoming the baby to the world.

    Newsom said she wanted to send the announcement before Obama left office. "I was nervous that I might not get a response from the Obama administration," she said. "I wondered if I had waited too late."
    It seems that Obama plans to keep up the tradition even though he no longer has the White House letterhead.
    Today the former President turns 56.
    Go ahead and send him a birthday card and see if he responds.

    “Pakistan needs individuals whose intellect is trained for its own sake”

    By Madiha Saad

    With the corporate colonisation of education the central focus of securing a college degree is to fare well at the job market. This precisely makes the case for liberal arts education somehow weak. Essentially, liberal arts education is the higher education that includes a mix of humanities, sciences and social sciences. The idea stands in sharp contrast to the much-opted and conventional degree programmes that focus on narrow, tech-intensive and job-friendly subjects. However, with the changing demands of our fast evolving world of 24/7 news cycle and a highly globalised market place, old skill set taught in traditionally-run colleges and higher education institutes has gone obsolete.
    To find out the rationale behind liberal arts education and its consequent impact on students and hence society as a whole, The News on Sunday interviewed Nigel Boyle. Vice President for academic affairs and Dean of Faculty Pitzer College, who was on a visit to Habib University last week.
    The News on Sunday: How well-perceived is the idea of liberal arts education across the world?
    Nigel Boyle: Well, it’s obviously a well-established American model. There are long-established liberal arts elite colleges that focus on undergraduate education, where the stress is on the breadth of education instead of the narrow tech-intensive skills being adopted. Many educational philosophers such as John Dewey have theorised about the role of higher education and its strong connection with the active citizen rate, which liberal arts education tends to ensure. The idea is gaining traction across the world, since now more than ever liberal arts education seems to be the only way to be adapted to meet the needs of the rapidly evolving world we live in today.
    TNS: How successful has liberal arts model been so far?
    NB: There are many liberal arts colleges across the world but at the very elite end there are some highly regarded institutions such as Leuphana University in Germany, Quest University in British Columbia and Pitzer College in the US that have fully embraced the liberal arts model that contradicts the very rigid and disciplinary models of education. These institutions deliver the best undergraduate education, better than you would get at a large research university or even Ivy League universities.
    TNS: While the world is steering towards specialisation, why does the liberal arts model discourage it at graduate level?
    NB: Frankly, I’m a victim of British Education system whereby you pick a subject very early as a student and specialise in it. But do you honestly believe that a 17-year-old knows much about anthropology or genetic engineering before he decides for or decides against specialising in it.
    Essentially, a liberal arts college exposes students to a breadth of subjects alongside keeping a major so that they grow in to well-rounded and well-prepared individuals who can then decide what is it they would like to specialise in. Liberal arts education allows one to be a political science major and still be able to go to medical school.
    TNS: How does liberal arts education benefit students in the job market?
    NB: I believe, being broadly educated and being well-rounded leads to people being more fulfilled and invested in their lives. There’s also an additional factor at play. Previously, it was expected for individuals to get trained in a certain discipline, get employed and stay on that track for the rest of his life. It doesn’t work this way anymore.
    There is little expectation amongst members of this generation to be employed lifelong in a certain profession. Today, graduates get employed at a certain place for a certain period of their lives and then move on and most probably end up doing something completely different from what they did at their previous work or what they majored in.
    For instance, many of our graduates majoring in data sciences and computer science initially work for start-ups and head up to Google or Snapchat, but none of them intends to be employed at Google for the rest of their lives. Similarly, in Pakistan, there is a vast over production of engineers. In all likelihood, only some of them are going to do engineering for the rest of their lives; most of them will end up doing a lot of different things, like becoming a part of management or becoming entrepreneurs. Hence, it’s imperative for them to be broadly trained or else they would feel very limited.
    “In Pakistan, there is a vast over production of engineers. In all likelihood, only some of them are going to do engineering for the rest of their lives; most of them will end up doing a lot of different things, like becoming a part of management or becoming entrepreneurs. Hence, it’s imperative for them to be broadly trained or else they would feel very limited.”
    TNS: What factors do you think are responsible for this radical change?
    NB: It has a lot to do with the changing national and global economy. There was once a time when people wanted to work in public sector or for large corporations for the rest of their lives. Those careers don’t look the same anymore. There’s much more volatility to things. There are much more options, more opportunities and professions to opt from. The technology is changing so quickly that there’s much greater churn in life. The rapidity with which things are evolving and that includes occupations, has entirely changed the economic dynamics and hence people’s outlook of their career paths.
    TNS: Do you think, now more than ever, organisations prefer employees who are graduates with broader skill set than with a particular area of expertise?
    NB: Yes. It is because of the fact I have earlier mentioned. Employers are now aware that the job roles have evolved with time and no longer require the same narrow skills they once did. Today, no matter what profession it is, we need creative thinkers, problem solvers and good managers. For instance, teachers need to be creative thinkers to creatively plan and deliver their lectures, they need to be problem solvers to handle classroom situations, and need to be good managers to manage their classes and meet administrative deadlines. Hence, employers now look for people who are well-rounded and skilled in these areas instead of simply being good professionals in a certain discipline.
    TNS: What role do you think liberal arts education can impact our society?
    NB: Pakistan is at a crossroads, facing enormous challenges — economically, politically, socially, constitutionally. And the society is in dire need of individuals who are active citizens, active producers, and active consumers so they can contribute towards a better society. Pakistan needs individuals whose intellect is trained for its own sake alongside other skills to respond quickly to the world around them. This is where liberal arts education sets its claim to be tackling — by producing people who are both literate and numerate.

    Pakistan: Extremist factions of religious groups form new alliance, terrorist group invited

    Three religious groups of Ahle Hadith school of thought have joined hands to form a political alliance under the name of Ahle Hadith Ittehad Council (AHIC) and contest next elections from a single platform, The News has reported.

    "Our doors are open for other Ahle Hadith parties like Jamiat Ahle Hadith (Sajid Mir group), and Jamaat ud Dawa, and we will strive for protecting Islamic articles of the Constitution and Blasphemy laws," said AHIC president Mullah Ziaullah Shah Bukhari, joined by others while addressing a press conference at Lahore Press Club on Thursday, The News quoted.

    Jamaat ud Dawa (JuD), notably, is the (in)famously known group that was reorganized after it's forerunner terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) was internationally banned. The leader of the former LeT, Hafiz Saeed, internationally wanted for Mumbai bombing, continues to lead the JuD.

    Other office-bearers of AHIC including president Abdul Ghaffar Rupari, patron Mufti Ubaidullah Afif, Gen. Secretary Hafiz Ibtesam Elahi Zaheer, Abdul Wahab Rupari, Hesham Elahi Zaheer, Shakilur Rehman Nasir, Muhammad Ali Yazdani etc.

    Most of the named office-bearers of the new alliance are well known for their rolls in the persecution of minorities and anti-monorities activism against Ahmadis in Pakistan.

    Replying to queries, they said AHIC would strive for protecting the Islamic Ideology of Pakistan and articles 62 and 63 of the Constitution, that have come to be known as clauses dictating morality.


    Pakistan - Musharraf’s rantings

    AS Pakistan’s only living ex-military dictator, retired Gen Pervez Musharraf has emerged as a spokesman for that small but significant club in the country’s history.
    Now, with the political downfall of Mr Musharraf’s bitter foe Nawaz Sharif, the former dictator has made one gleeful comment after another against civilian politicians in recent days. Much of it has been easy to ignore as the rantings of an individual who has failed to accept his present-day marginal political relevance. But in typical Musharrafian style, the former dictator has gone too far.
    In a shocking interview to BBC Urdu from his base in self-exile, Mr Musharraf has defended not just his record in office, but that of generals Zia and Ayub too. Mercifully, even for Mr Musharraf, a defence of Gen Yahya Khan’s record may have been a step too far. Still, the brazen defence of two extremely damaging military dictatorships in the country’s history and a sweeping denunciation of all civilian governments are extraordinary.
    Mr Musharraf may be unapologetic, but he is also terribly wrong.
    The devastation wrought by military regimes can be gauged by a straightforward metric that even Mr Musharraf can understand: most have left office in humiliation and in the immediate aftermath of each dictatorship, there has been a consensus in the country that a return to civilian rule is necessary (in Gen Ayub’s case, the extraordinary political circumstances somewhat delayed the inevitable).
    In Mr Musharraf’s case, he has further humiliated himself by relying on his parent organisation to save him from serious legal trouble and escaping the country on a medical pretext.
    With his nemesis out of political office, perhaps Mr Musharraf should test his own theory of the Pakistani people’s preference for military dictators over civilian leaders by returning to Pakistan and bravely facing whatever the courts have in store for him. Surely, the same courts that have delivered justice in the eyes of Mr Musharraf in the case of Mr Sharif will do what is right by a ruler who is loved by the people, as Mr Musharraf’s argument suggests. The contrast between a former dictator’s cowardly words spoken from exile and the searing remarks by legendary pro-democracy advocate Asma Jahangir on Pakistani soil could not be more damning.
    Ms Jahangir, whose principled and outspoken stand on democratic values and principles have made her a national treasure, has once again publicly asked the kind of questions that few else dare. Her central question — why do only civilian politicians face accountability in Pakistan? — is answered by the arrogance and utter foolishness of Mr Musharraf’s remarks.
    Indeed, Mr Musharraf’s very freedom today is because of an ongoing distortion in the constitutional scheme of things. The selective and self-serving understanding of responsibilities under the Constitution is at the heart of those distortions. Perhaps the present military leadership ought to consider publicly distancing itself from Mr Musharraf’s remarks.

    Pakistan - New war in FATA

    By Afrasiab Khattak
    15 million plus FATA Pashtuns have been cheated once again by the rulers of the country.
    It has already happened more than a dozen times during the last 70 years.
    The government has once more failed to implement the publicly promised reforms for bringing out Pashtuns of the area from colonial bondage. But the betrayal is bound to elicit a very bitter response this time round among the people due to the nature of public commitment. It all started on December 24, 2014 when an All Parties Conference (APC) approved a 20-point programme called the National Action Plan ( NAP) for defeating extremism and terrorism in the aftermath of the APS Peshawar tragedy. Mainstreaming and reforming FATA was one of the most important points of the said programme. But as we know, the government dragged its feet on the implementation of NAP. Frustrated by the government’s reluctance to go ahead with reforms process, some of the active FATA parliamentarians presented a bill in the National Assembly in 2015 to merge the area into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
    Under pressure from parliamentarians and other democratic political forces, the federal government appointed a five member committee for ascertaining the opinion of FATA Pashtuns and coming out with proposals for reforms in November 2015. The committee presented its report in 2016 recommending a package of reforms. The government also declared to give the right to the people of FATA to have representation in the Provincial Assembly of Pakhtunkhwa in the general elections to be held in 2018 as a first step towards merger of the area into the province. Despite certain loopholes, the reforms package was welcomed as a step in the right direction. But then, the government started backtracking on its implementation.
    Initially, there was no tangible reason given by the government for backing out from the reforms package prepared by a high-profile government committee. The government of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was in any case generally not very keen on issues faced by the people living outside Punjab.
    Moreover, it was too overwhelmed by its own woes to focus on major national issues during the last year or so. But the FATA Reforms package is too important and serious a subject to be swept under the rug, because apart from involving the question of fundamental rights of millions of people, it is also vital for defeating terrorism in Pakistan and in the region. It is only by empowering the people of the area and properly integrating them into the state, which will deny the use of large swaths of territory to local, regional and international terror networks. Initially, there was mysterious silence from the government’s side on the issue for some time. Interestingly, Pakistan Army’s leadership, collectively and individually gave public statements in favour of reforms. The impression emerging at that stage was that it is was the civilian government which was dragging its feet on the implementation of reforms package.
    But then, Minister Safron Abdul Qadir Baloch formally informed us that although the military was in favour of mainstreaming FATA, it was not in favour of merging the area into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, at least for the time being. The message was that as the military has vetoed the merger, the civilian government can’t do anything about it. He didn’t give any reason for it.
    But the Pakistan Army’s announcement of launching Operation 4 in Rajgal Valley of Khyber Agency on July 16 revealed the advent of a new war in FATA.
    It is war against the so-called Islamic State (IS) and its allies. The ISPR released photos of Pakistani soldiers reoccupying high peaks in Rajgal valley but we were never told as to when and who had occupied this area. After Zarb-e-Azb, the general impression was that FATA has been cleared from terrorists. Since military operations in FATA don’t have any civilian oversight at all, the ISPR press releases are the only source of information about the area.
    So now, we have come to know about the presence of pro IS forces in Khyber Agency. People of the area know that it is Mangal Bagh’s Lashkar-e-Islami (LI) that is closely allied with IS cadres in the adjacent Afghan district of Achin and Nazian of the Nangrahar Province. Tirah Valley, with a comparatively more difficult terrain, plays the same role for Deh Bala district in Afghanistan. So now we know that there is an organised supply line to IS pockets in Eastern Afghanistan from tribal areas in Pakistan. Similarly, on July 14, the Pentagon declared that a drone strike on July 11 has taken out an important IS commander, Abu Saeed in Watapour district of Kunar province, Afghanistan.
    Abu Saeed is a nom de gurre for Molvi Abdul Rahman Ghalib from Bajour Agency. He was accompanied by many people from his area fighting alongside him. As if all this isn’t enough, there are reports from Shawal and Datta Khel areas of North Waziristan about the presence of militants. Recently, a curfew was imposed, not only in Momand Agency but also in Shabqadar sub division of Charsada district. The recent devastating twin suicide attacks in Parachinar were a grim reminder of the fact that FATA still remains in the eye of storm. Isn’t the presence of the footprint of the so-called IS and other militants in the area after dozens of military operations an important national security issue to be discussed by the Parliament, Cabinet and other national security forums? It is over and above the sanctuaries of Afghan Taliban.
    The people of FATA are victims of misguided state policies for the last 40 years.
    The area was first used as a launching pad for the anti-Soviet War in Afghanistan. It has also been used by the Taliban when the area remained under control of terrorists for almost a decade after 9/11. And now, a new war involving the IS is going to rage bringing death and destruction to the Pashtun tribes for no fault of theirs. The irony is that a new war in the area has started when the IDPs from the previous wars have yet to be rehabilitated. The people of the area are treated as vanquished population by both the terrorists and the state. The nascent civil society of the area is now demanding investigation into crimes against people of the area. Will someone listen to them?

    تختیاں لگاتے لگاتے نواز شریف کا تختہ ہوگیا، بلاول

    پاکستان پیپلز پارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری کا کہنا ہے کہ میاں صاحب کو تختیاں لگانے کا بہت شوق تھا، تختیاں لگاتے لگاتے ان کا تختہ ہو گیا، نااہلی کے ساتھ ساتھ ان کی منافقانہ سیاست بھی ختم ہوگئی۔
    پیپلزپارٹی کے چیئرمین بلاول بھٹو زرداری نے چترال میں جلسے سے خطاب کرتے ہوئے مزید کہا کہ نااہل وزیراعظم نے نامکمل لواری ٹنل کا افتتاح کیا اور اپنے نام کی تختی لگوائی، نوازشریف نہ صرف نااہل ہوئے بلکہ ان کی منافقانہ سیاست کا بھی خاتمہ ہو گیا، میاں صاحب خوش نہ ہوں کہ نااہل ہو کر آپ کی جان بچ گئی، آپ کو اپنے ہر ظلم کا ،قوم کی لوٹی ہوئی دولت کا ، ملک اور عوام کے ساتھ جو کیا اس کا حساب دینا ہوگا۔
    انہوں نے کہا کہ ایک طرف میاں صاحب تھے، دوسری طرف خان صاحب ہیں،میاں صاحب اور خان صاحب ایک سکے کے دو رخ ہیں، سیاست ایک ہے، نظریہ ایک ہے، اقتدار کے بھوکے اور کرسی کےلالچی ہیں،میاں صاحب نے سیاست کو کاروبار اور خان صاحب نے گالی بنادیا ہے۔
    بلاول نے کہا کہ چترال کے عوام میرے لیے اجنبی نہیں ہیں،لاڑکانہ کے بعد چترال میرا دوسرا گھر ہے، پیپلز پارٹی نے چترال کو ہمیشہ خصوصی اہمیت دی ہے،ذوالفقار علی بھٹو، بینظیر بھٹو، آصف زرداری کے دور میں چترال کے مسائل حل کرنے کی کوشش کی۔
    ان کا کہنا ہے کہ ذوالفقارعلی بھٹو نے چترال میں ڈگری اور کامرس کالج کی بنیاد رکھی، چترال، داروش میں بجلی کا منصوبہ انہوں نے ہی شروع کرایا، بینظیر بھٹو نے چترال کے مسائل پر خصوصی توجہ دی،لواری کے مشکل پہاڑوں سے انہوں نے یہاں بجلی پہنچائی، آصف زرداری نے چترال کے عوام کے دو ارب روپے کے قرض معاف کیے۔
    بلاول بھٹوزرداری کا نواز شریف پر مزید تنقید کرتے ہوئے کہنا ہے کہ قدرت کااپناقانون ہوتا ہے،آپ اس قانون سےنااہل ہوئےجوجنرل ضیانےشامل کیے تھے، پیپلزپارٹی نے ہمیشہ کہا کہ یہ آرٹیکل آمر کی جانب سے آئین توڑ کر شامل کیے گئے ہیں، میاں صاحب ان آرٹیکلز کو اپنے بڑوں کی نشانی سمجھ کر سنبھالتے رہے، وہ انہیں دوسروں کے خلاف استعمال کرنا چاہتے تھے، میاں صاحب کہہ رہے ہیں غلطی ہوگئی، اب میاں صاحب اس غلطی کو بھگتیں،میاں صاحب آپ کو نظریاتی کیا بننا تھا آپ تو نظر آتی بھی نہیں رہے، میاں صاحب نے کبھی عدلیہ کو استعمال کیا، اداروں کو کمزور کیا، آپ نے سیاست نہیں کاروبار کیا۔
    انہوں نے عمران خان کو ہدف تنقید بناتے ہوئے کہا کہ خان صاحب کہاں ہے آپ کی تبدیلی؟ آپ نے کیا نیا کردیا ہے؟خان صاحب! نیا خیبرپختونخوا کہاں ہے؟ آج بھی یہاں غربت ہے، کےپی کے میں سرکاری اسکول بری حالت میں ہیں، اسپتال پرائیوٹائز کررہے ہیں، خان صاحب کے وزیراعلیٰ پر کرپشن کے الزامات ہیں، تنگی مائنز، خیبربینک میں کرپشن کے الزامات ہیں، وزیراعلیٰ خیبرپختونخواپرکرپشن کےالزامات تحریک انصاف کےایم این ایزلگارہےہیں۔
    بلاول نے مزید کہا کہ خیبرپختونخوامیں کرپشن سےعمران خان کا کچن اور جہانگیرترین کاجہاز چل رہاہے،یہاں احتساب کمیشن کی کارکردگی صفر ہے،خان صاحب اگرآپ تبدیلی لائےہیں توضمنی انتخابات میں آپ کو کیوں مسترد کیاگیا؟خان صاحب آپ عوام سے جھوٹ بولتے ہیں،دھوکادےرہےہیں،بےوقوف بنانےکی کوشش کررہےہیں، خان صاحب کی سیاست کامحورگالی دینااوربے عزت کرناہے،کیا آپ اسےسیاست کہتے ہیں؟ سوا سال سے پانا ماکیس اور اب دوسرا گٹر کھل گیا ہے،کیاوجہ ہےکہ پڑھی لکھی خواتین تحریک انصاف چھوڑ کرجارہی ہیں۔
    چیئرمین پیپلز پارٹی کہتے ہیں کہ آزادکشمیرکےوزیراعظم کابیان غلط تھا،اختلاف کیاجاسکتاتھالیکن وزیراعظم کوجلسےمیں کیسےگالی دی جاسکتی ہے؟ بھٹوایک شخص نہیں جدوجہد، فلسفے اور نظریےکا نام ہے، ہم انگلی کے اشارے کے منتظر نہیں رہتے، 
    خان صاحب میرے والد پر الزام لگا رہے ہیں، اپنےوالد کا بھی تعارف کرائیں، عمران چاچا 2018ء میرا پہلا اور آپ کا آخری الیکشن ہوگا۔
    انہوں نے کہا کہ میں مانتا ہوں کرپشن اس ملک کا مسئلہ ہے، ایک ناسور ہے، احتساب پر یقین رکھتا ہوں، احتساب ہونا چاہیے مگر احتساب سب کا ہونا چاہیے، عدلیہ کااحترام کرتے ہیں، انصاف کی توقع رکھتے ہیں، آج کل نیا فیشن شروع ہوگیا ہے کہ سیاسی پارٹیاں جلسوں میں فیصلوں سے زیادہ ججز پر بات کرتی ہیں،کوئی ججوں کو سلام کر رہا ہے، تو کوئی زندہ باد کے نعرے لگا رہا ہے،پہلے یہ کام ن لیگ کرتی تھی اور اب تحریک انصاف کررہی ہے،سپریم کورٹ سیاسی پارٹی نہیں، پاکستان کی سپریم کورٹ ہے،سپریم کورٹ سے التجا ہے کہ بہت سے زیر التو اکیس ہیں، اصغر خان کیس کا کیا ہوا؟ بھٹو ریفرنس کیس بھی زیر التوا ہے، ہم پوچھتے ہیں کہ بھٹو کو کب انصاف ملے گا؟
    بلاول بھٹوزرداری نے مزید کہا کہ پوری تیاری کے ساتھ الیکشن میں حصہ لیں گے، ایک بھرپور منشور دیں گے، کھاد پر جی ایس ٹی کا خاتمہ کیا جائے گا، کسان خوشحال ہوگا تو ملک خوشحال ہوگا، پیپلزپارٹی نےہمیشہ عوام کےحقوق کی جنگ لڑی ہے، مزدوروں کے خلاف بنائے گئے قوانین کو ختم کیا ہے، مزدوروں نے ہمارا ساتھ دیا تو کم از کم اجرت میں اضافہ کریں گے، بھٹو نے طبقاتی تعلیمی نظام کو ختم کر دیا تھا، امیر اور غریب ایک ہی بنچ پر بیٹھ کر تعلیم حاصل کرتے تھے، پیپلزپارٹی اپنے دور میں اچھی اور معیاری تعلیم کو فروغ دے گی، لڑکیوں کی تعلیم پر خصوصی توجہ دی جائے گی، نوجوانوں کے مسائل جانتا ہوں، اقتدارمیں آکر روزگار کے نئے ذریعے پیدا کریں گے، نمائشی منصوبوں پر پیسےخرچ نہیں کریں گے۔
    انہوں نے کہا کہ سندھ حکومت نے صحت کے شعبے پر بہت کام کیا ہے،بھرپورتیاری کےساتھ میدان میں اتریں گے، نوازشریف اورعمران خان سےمقابلہ کریں گے،پیپلز پارٹی ترقی پسند پارٹی ہے، یہ بھٹو کی پارٹی ہے، یہ بینظیر کی پارٹی ہے، یہ میری اور عوام کی پارٹی ہے، پیپلز پارٹی غریبوں، محنت کشوں، مزدوروں اور عوام کی پارٹی ہے، اقتدار پارٹی یا اپنے لیے نہیں غریبوں اور عوام کے لیے چاہتا ہوں، اگر میرا ساتھ دیا تو عوام کو مایوس نہیں کرویں گا، میں امید نہیں یقین دلاتا ہوں کہ ہم سب مل کر پاکستان کو پُرامن خوشحال اور ترقی یافتہ ملک بنائیں گے۔


    #Bhuttoism #ChitralBhuttoKa - Bilawal Bhutto slams ‘power-hungry’ Nawaz, Imran

    PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has lashed out at Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan and ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif, calling them as power-hungry.
    Addressing a public meeting here on Saturday, PPP chief said that Imran Khan and Nawaz Sharif are two sides of the same coin. 'Nawaz Sharif promoted corruption and carried out rigging in the elections,' he said. Bilawal stated that ex-prime minister's hypocritical politics came to an end following his disqualification. Criticizing Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Government, he asked what change did PTI brought in the province.
    He stated that the aim of Imran Khan's politics is to level allegations and abuse his rivals.
    He said that Supreme Court is for the entire the country, not just one party.
    'What happened to Asghar Khan Case? The hearing of Bhutto Reference is yet to be heard,' he said.
    He added that PPP's preparation for 2018 is in full swings.
    The People's Party chief, 'I want to win the elections for the people.'