Pakistani Christians pray for Christian lawyer facing death threats

Christians across the country offer special prayers for the Christian lawyer under threats. Pakistani Christian lawyer and activist Advocate Jacqueline Sultan received threats as she vigorously raises voice against forced conversions of girls from minorities’ communities and misuse of blasphemy laws. For this reason, prayer services were held in different parts of Pakistan, where Christians offered prayers for her safety.

During these prayer services the congregants offered special prayers for Advocate Jacqueline, as they entreated God to protect her. In the city of Hyderabad, a prayer service was held at the St. Francis Xavier Cathedral; speaking in this regard, Reverend Father Samson Shukardin O. F. M. said that the provincial and federal governments must make sure that the terrorist are eliminated completely. He said that terrorists do not have any religion, and must not be given concession.
Reverend Father Samson Shukardin appreciated the courage of the Christian lawyer. He said that the efforts of Advocate Jacqueline Sultan as she campaigns to stop the forced conversions of minorities’ girls. She has been also advocating against the blasphemy laws being misused against religious minorities in the country.
In Karachi, another prayer service was held at the Awami Church Essa Nagri. Pastor Shahid Saghar led prayers for the Advocate Jacqueline Sultan. Pastor Shahid Saghar said that Advocate Jacqueline is a woman of great courage and strength. He said that she has been struggling for the rights of minority communities. She was also praised for rendering legal assistance to the victims of forced conversions.
Pastor Rafaqat Sadiq of Presbyterian Church Karachi said that the incident was condemnable. He said that minorities are not safe in Pakistan. Faisalabad’s Bishop Iftikhar urged the government of Sindh to take notice of the incident.
He said that the provincial government must take interest in the security and well-being of religious minorities and provide them adequate security. Bishop Iftikhar said that the government of Sindh must provide foolproof security to Advocate Jacqueline. Rehmat Masih from Gujranwala while expressing serious concerns for the Christian lawyer said that we cannot afford to lose Advocate Jacqueline as we have lost our leaders in the past.

Few days ago, Advocate Jacqueline received a letter, in which she was warned not to pursue struggle for the rights of minorities or else she would be killed. After she received the threatening letter, she informed the incident to Naeem Qureshi President of Karachi Bar Association. Moreover, the incident was also reported to the South SSP, and the Rangers DG , South SSP and the Risala Police Station.


Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) leader Bakhtawar Bhutto Zardari lashed out at the news channels over and print media showing and publishing interviews of the notorious Deobandi Taliban terrorist.

In her tweet, Bakhtawar stated that it was heartless to glorify Ehsanullah Ehsan on television. She stated it assures those terrorists – those who follow his ideology – that they will become safe and famous.
An interview of former spokesman of a banned TTP (Taliban) Ehsanullah Ehsan was aired by a private television channel.
Initially, Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) had barred the channel from broadcasting promo and interview of former TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan.
Later, Islamabad High Court (IHC) granted permission to the news channel to air Ehsan’s interview.

Pakistan ‘Willing’ to Discuss Freedom for Doctor Who Helped Find Bin Laden

Pakistan says “it would be willing” to discuss with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s administration freedom for a jailed Pakistani doctor who helped the United States track down Osama bin Laden.
The doctor, Shakil Afridi, is serving 33 years in a Pakistani prison on treason charges. U.S. authorities have denounced Afridi’s treatment as unjust and unwarranted and have frequently demanded his release.
“Pakistan would be willing to look at how we could move forward in a resolution of this problem,” Tariq Fatemi, the Pakistani prime minister’s foreign policy aide, told VOA’s Urdu service.
“We are not holding on to Dr. Shakil Afridi because of some personal animosity,” he insisted.
Afridi a hero
Afridi is hailed as a hero in the United States for helping the CIA obtain the Bin Laden family’s DNA by staging a fake immunization campaign in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad.
The move led to the May 2011 covert U.S. military raid that killed the al-Qaida leader. Weeks later, media revelations about Afridi’s role prompted Pakistani authorities to arrest him. He was tried and imprisoned in 2012. Afridi has challenged the sentence in an appeals court.
During his election campaign, Trump told Fox News that if elected he would get Afridi out of the jail “in two minutes.”
Fatemi told VOA that a presidential pardon could be sought for the doctor under Pakistani laws but only after judicial proceedings are concluded.
“The whole process has to go through the judiciary, and it is for the judiciary then to decide whether a case is ripe or not ripe for it to be sent to before the president for a possible exercise of the powers of the president to give pardon,” Fatemi said.
He reiterated that Afridi’s fake immunization drive seriously hurt and raised suspicions about vaccination programs the World Health Organization is running in Pakistan.
Observers expect the Afridi issue will continue to strain historically complicated bilateral relations under Trump’s new administration.
Relations are strained
The incoming administration’s election platform document has also indirectly referred to the issue, warning that the process of “strengthening of historic ties” between the United States and Pakistan “cannot progress as long as any citizen of Pakistan can be punished for helping the War on Terror.”
The two countries are allies in the war against terrorism, but Pakistan’s alleged support for Taliban insurgents and the Haqqani network fighting U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan has long strained bilateral relations.
But despite the troubled history and skepticism, some in Pakistan foresee a better future for mistrust-marred bilateral relations.
Syed Mushahid Hussain, a key Pakistani senator, believes President-elect Trump’s “frank and friendly” phone call to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif last month and his nomination of General James Mattis to be the secretary of defense have set the stage for better future ties.
Hussain says that during Mattis’ time as the head of the U.S. Central Command, which also covers Afghanistan and Pakistan, he frequently visited Pakistan and interacted with both military and civilian leaders.
“He knows Pakistan very well … and he knows the region quite well also. So, I think we already have laid the basis of a very robust and a very pro-active engagement between Pakistan and the United States at the highest levels of the Trump administration vis-a-vis the government of Pakistan.”
According to a Pakistani government readout of the November 30 phone call between Trump and Sharif, the U.S. president-elect said Sharif was “a terrific guy” and doing “amazing work.” It also quoted Trump as telling the Pakistani leader he would love to visit what he called a fantastic country with fantastic and amazing people.

Beijing plans to turn Pakistan into its economic colony

China's longterm plans for Pakistan would do the East India Company proud. Proposals for the China Pakistan Economic Corridor+ revealed in Pakistani newspaper Dawn envisage thousands of acres of agricultural land being leased to Chinese enterprises to set up demonstration projects and a fibre-optic system that will facilitate the dissemination of Chinese culture. The proposals seem to confirm that Pakistan will become an economic colony of China as CPEC will help Beijing tighten its strategic embrace of its ally and provide it connectivity from Xinjiang to the Arabian Sea at Gwadar in Balochistan.
The range and scope of the plan is breathtaking, showing a deep penetration into Pakistan's economic life. This could have several implications for India - Pakistan's sovereignty could be forfeited to Chinese interests and China would be uncomfortably close to India's borders in the east and west. It would be a virtual ring-fence of India.
Thousands of acres of Pakistani agricultural land will be leased to Chinese enterprises, according to proposals for the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The land will be leased for projects ranging from seed varieties to irrigation technology. A full system of monitoring and surveillance will be built from Peshawar to Karachi, with 24-hour video recordings on roads and busy marketplaces for law and order.
A national fibre optic backbone will be used not only for internet traffic but also terrestrial distribution of broadcast TV, which will cooperate with Chinese media in popularising China's culture. The Pakistani government has argued that CPEC will spur the economy and its linkages with agriculture and power will benefit citizens. Its critics, particularly in Gilgit-Baltistan and Balochistan+ , feel it is an infringement on their land and culture.
Others have pointed to strings attached to Chinese aid. It was noted that the "CM" of Gilgit Baltistan was not involved in the One Belt, One Road discussions in Beijing attended by PM Nawaz Sharif. The Dawn report said, "The plan envisages a deep and broad-based penetration of most sectors of Pakistan's economy as well as its society by Chinese enterprises and culture. Its scope has no precedent in Pakistan's history in terms of how far it opens up the domestic economy to participation by foreign enterprises."
The report concluded, "In the areas of interest contained in the plan, it appears access to the full supply chain of the agrarian economy is a top priority for the Chinese.
After that, the capacity of the textile spinning sector to serve the raw material needs of Xinjiang, and the garment and value added sector to absorb Chinese technology is another priority. Next is the growing domestic market, particularly in cement and household appliances, which receive detailed treatment in the plan.
And lastly, through greater financial integration, the plan seeks to advance the internationalisation of the renminbi, as well as diversify the risks faced by Chinese enterprises entering Pakistan." Laying out the risks, it said the topmost problem was politics and security. The next big risk was inflation, which the plan said had averaged 11.6% over the past six years.