M WAQAR..... "A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties; no religious basis is necessary.Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." --Albert Einstein !!! NEWS,ARTICLES,EDITORIALS,MUSIC... Ze chi pe mayeen yum da agha pukhtunistan de.....(Liberal,Progressive,Secular World.)''Secularism is not against religion; it is the message of humanity.'' تل ده وی پثتونستآن
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
مسلم لیگ نواز فرقہ پرست دیوبندی تنظیم پہ پابندی ہٹوانے میں اتنی دلچسپی کیوں لے رہی ہے ؟ – مستجاب حیدر
پنجاب کے انسپکٹر جنرل مشتاق سکھیرا جو جلد ہی ریٹائر ہونے والے ہیں نے مسلم لیگ نواز کی بی ٹیم بنے پرائیویٹ ٹی وی چینل جیو میں جہاد ازم اور تکفیر ازم کے حوالے سے اپنے خیالات کو کبھی نہ چھپانے والے سلیم صافی کے پروگرام “جرگہ”میں ایک انٹرویو دیا جس میں ان سے سوال کیا گیا کہ سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان/اہلسنت والجماعت کو پنجاب میں کام کرنے کیوں دیا جارہا ہے جبکہ اس پہ پابندی ہے۔اس بارے آئی جی پنجاب نے فرمایا کہ 2012ء سے سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان کے سٹیج سے کافر ،کافر کے نعرے نہیں لگ رہے۔مطلب سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان اب ایک غیر تکفیری فرقہ پرست جماعت بن چکی ہے۔
دو ہفتوں میں جیو ٹی وی نے اپنے پرائم ٹائم میں یکے بعد دیگرے تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد تنظیم اہلسنت والجماعت کی امیج بلڈنگ کرنے کے کے لئے اپنے دو بڑے ٹاک شوز میں اس تنظیم کو سیاست کے مرکزی دھارے میں لانے کا سوال براہ راست اور بالواسطہ اٹھایا ہے۔اور اس تنظیم کے سربراہ اورنگ زیب فاروقی اور سرپرست اعلی محمد احمد لدھیانوی اسلام آباد میں موجود رہے اور انہوں نے صحافیوں کے سامنے اپنی تنظیم کو مین سٹریم سیاست کا حصّہ بنانے بارے خوب باتیں کیں اور اس کو ملکی نیشنل میڈیا میں بھرپور کوریج دی گئی۔
قریب قریب چار ماہ قبل وفاقی وزیر داخلہ چوہدری نثار علی خان،پنجاب کے وزیر قانون رانا ثناء اللہ نے بہت واضح طور پہ اس تکفیری دیوبندی تنظیم اور اس کی قیادت کا دفاع کرنا شروع کیا۔بلکہ چوہدری نثار علی خان نے تکفیر ازم پہ استوار اس عسکریت پسندی تنظیم کے لئے فرقہ وارانہ عسکریت پسندی کو دہشت گردی سے الگ کرکے دہشت گردی کی پھر سے تعریف متعین کرنے کی بات بھی کرڈالی۔اور اگر اس ساری مہم کو پنجاب کے اندر لاہور چئیرنگ کراس پہ ہونے والے بم دھماکے کے ساتھ جوڑ کر دیکھا جائے تو بات کچھ سمجھ آنے لگتی ہے۔مسلم لیگ نواز تکفیر ازم اور جہاد ازم کے حوالے سے دیوبند مکتبہ فکر میں سب سے زیادہ ہمدردانہ نکتہ نظر رکھنے والے گروپوں کی سرپرستی کررہی ہے۔
اس نے اہلسنت والجماعت لدھیانوی گروپ اور سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان سے الگ ہوکر مگر نظریاتی اشتراک رکھنے والی تنظیم پاکستان علماء کونسل اور لال مسجد بریگیڈ کو پورا تحفظ اور سرپرستی دی ہے تاکہ ان کے زریعے سے لشکر جھنگوی،جماعت الاحرار،القاعدہ اور ٹی ٹی پی کے دیگر دھڑوں کو پنجاب میں اور اسلام آباد میں کاروائیوں سے روک سکے۔اور مسلم لیگ نواز کے تھنک ٹینک جو کہ کمرشل لبرل مافیا پہ مشتمل ہے جس کی قیادت نجم سیٹھی کررہے ہیں نے یہ مہم بہت ہی چالاکی سے اہلسنت والجماعت دیوبندی کے اعتدال پسندی کے ناٹک کو پھیلاکر چلانا شروع کی ہے۔ایک طرف میاں نواز شریف لبرل ہوجانے کا ڈھونگ کررہے ہیں تو دوسری طرف ان کی لے پالک دیوبندی تنظیم نے بھی “لبرل ” ہونے کا ڈھونگ رچانا شروع کردیا ہے۔
جہاد ازم اور تکفیر ازم کے لئے تاویل کے ٹوکرے اٹھائے گھر گھر پھرنے والے جمعیت علمائے اسلام کے چانکیائی سیاست کے ان داتا مولانا فضل الرحمان مجھے مسلم لیگ نواز اور تکفیری دیوبندیوں کے اس نئے ڈرامے کے مرکزی خیال کے خالق لگتے ہیں اور یہ سکرپٹ سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان کو لکھ کر نجم سیٹھی اور امتیاز عالم نے دیا ہے۔کیونکہ جمعیت علمائے اسلام نے حال ہی میں ایک بشپ اور ایک پنڈت کو اپنی پارٹی میں شامل کیا اور اس کی بڑی میڈیا کوریج ہوئی ہے جبکہ جے یو آئی کے سربراہ مولانا فضل الرحمان نے حال ہی میں دیوبند تحریک بارے یہ بیان دیا ہے :” دیوبند تحریک سیاسی تحریک ہے مذہبی نہیں ۔” اگرچہ اس بیان پہ دیوبند مکتبہ فکر کے اندر سے ہی سخت گیر اسلام پسندوں کی آوازیں سامنے آئی ہیں لیکن مولانا فضل الرحمان کا یہ بیان بھی دیوبندی مکتبہ فکر کے اندر بیٹھے تکفیریوں کو بچانے کی سبیل اور حکمت عملی نظر آتا ہے۔
اس ساری مہم کا فوری اور عارضی مقصد آئیندہ آنے والے انتخابات میں ایک طرف تو انتخابی مہم کے دوران تکفیری دیوبندی دہشت گرد گروپوں سے وہی رعایت حاصل کرنا ہے جو 2012ء کے انتخابات میں حاصل کی گئی تھی اور اس کا دوسرا مقصد پاکستانی عوام کے اندر مسلم لیگ نواز کی سعودی نواز،تکفیریت و جہادیت کے لئے نرم گوشہ بلکہ سرپرستی کی حد تک کی جانے والی سرگرمیوں کے منفی اثرات کو زائل کرنا اور تیسرا پنجاب، خیبرپختون خوا میں دیوبندی ووٹ حاصل کرنا ہے۔اور اس کا مستقل ہدف پاکستان میں جاری سعودی فنڈڈ ریڈیکل دیوبندیائے جانے کے پروسس کو سازگار حالات کی فراہمی ہے۔
اسی پروسس کا ایک ہدف پاکستان کے اندر تکثریت پسندی کی حامل سیاسی جماعتوں کے وجود اور اثر کو کم سے کم کرتے چلے جانا ہے تاکہ پاکستان سعودی مذہبی اسٹبلشمنٹ سے ہم آہنگ دیوبندی ریاست آسانی سے بن سکے۔ان جیسے مقاصد کو چھپانے کے لئے پاکستان مسلم لیگ نواز اسٹبلشمنٹ بمقابلہ نواز شریف جیسی نورا کشتیوں کو اصلی کشتیاں بناکر دکھانے اور اپنے آپ کو ایک لبرل ڈیموکریٹ متبادل بناکر پیش کرنے کے لئے کمرشل لبرل مافیا کا سہارا لئے ہوئے۔جیو جنگ گروپ سمیت پاکستانی مین سٹریم میڈیا کا ایک لبرل سیکشن مسلم لیگ نواز کا بازو بنا ہوا ہے۔مسلم ليگ نواز پاکستان کی عدلیہ، سول بیوروکریسی اور عسکری اسٹبلشمنٹ کے اندر اپنے حامیوں کے ساتھ ملکر یہ ساری بساط بچھائے ہوئے ہے۔
پاکستان میں لبرل، سیکولر ، صوفی سنّی، اہل تشیع ، احمدی، ہندؤ اور تکفیر و جہاد ازم کے متاثرہ سبھی حلقوں کو مسلم لیگ نواز اور دیوبندی۔سلفی سیاسی اتحاد و اشتراک کو سمجھنے کی ضرورت ہے اور اس کے سعودی عرب لنک کو ٹھیک ٹھیک سمجھنے کی ضرورت ہے۔
ایک اور خبر بھی سامنے آرہی ہے کہ مشتاق سکھیرا کی ریٹائرمنٹ کے بعد مسلم لیگ نواز نے ایک اور اپنے یس مین طارق مسعود یاسین کو آئی جی پنجاب لگانے کا فیصلہ کیا ہے۔ اس مقصد کے لئے طارق مسعود یاسین کی گریڈ پرموشن ہوئی ہے اور ان کی خدمات پنجاب کے سپرد کردی گئی ہیں۔اس بارے مین سٹریم ميڈیا پہ خاصی خاموشی طاری ہے۔مشتاق سکھیرا کی طرح طارق مسعود یاسین بھی مسلم لیگ نواز کی بی ٹیم اہلسنت والجماعت دیوبندی تنظیم کی سرپرستی کرنے میں بہت مشہور ہیں۔بطور آر پی او ملتان اور آئی جی اسلام آباد انہوں نے کافی “سنہری” خدمات سرانجام دی ہیں۔
جبکہ پنجاب کے کئی اضلاع میں تلاش کرکے دیوبندی ڈی پی اوز اور ڈی ایس پی صاحبان لگوائے گئے جن کی تعیناتی کے بعد اہلسنت بریلوی کی مساجد پہ قبضوں کی شرح میں تیزی دیکھنے کو ملی ہے۔حال ہی میں خانیوال کے ایک چک 42 دس آر میں سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان نے بریلوی مسجد پہ قبضہ کی کوشش کی اور یہ کوشش 42 دس آر کی 99 فیصدی بریلوی آبادی نے ناکام بنائی تو خانیوال صدر سرکل کے ڈی ایس پی مقبول جٹ ( جو کہ تکفیری دیوبندی خیالات کے حامل بتلائے جاتے ہیں) کے دباؤ پہ تھانہ صدر خانیوال سرکل میں 506 بی کے تحت پرچہ بریلوی مسلمانوں پہ درج کرادیا گیا۔
خانیوال میں تعینات ڈی پی او جہانزیب نذیر خان کا تعلق بھی دیوبند مکتبہ فکر سے بتایا جاتا ہے اور یہ بھی کہا جارہا ہے کہ ان کی خانیوال تعیناتی کے بعد مولانا طارق جمیل اور محمد احمد لدھیانوی سمیت سپاہ صحابہ پاکستان کی قیادت کے دورے اور جلسوں میں اضافہ دیکھنے کو ملا ہے اور انہوں نے اپنی تعیناتی کے بعد روایتی مجالس عزا، جلوس ہائے عاشورا، مذہبی عرس و میلوں پہ سخت پابندی عائد کی جیسے کبیر والہ کا سالانہ سنگ میلہ اور کئی بڑے عرس کی تقریبات کو تو انعقاد کی اجازت نہ ملی لیکن اس دوران لکی ایرانی سرکس، سپاہ صحابہ کے جلسوں کو اجازت دی گئی۔یہی کم وبیش صورت حال پورے پنجاب میں ہے۔تکفیر ازم اور جہاد ازم کو سرکاری پروٹوکول دیا جارہا ہے
Pakistan: Retired Ahmadi MUSLIM professor of Punjab University found stabbed to death
Some unidentified armed assailants have on Tuesday stabbed to death a former Punjab University female professor in the provincial capital.
61 year old Ahmadi professor Tahira Parveen Malik was found killed in her house in the residential colony of the University of Punjab.
As per details, some unknown men entered in to the house of Professor Tahira, who was living alone in the university’s housing colony, and killed her with a sharp-edged knife.
Dr. Tahira Malik was PHD from University of California and she used to teach at Molecular Genetics department.
Authorities are investigating the murder and it's too early to ascertain the motive behind the killing, police said.
#MashalKhan Dear killers of #Mashal, why are you hiding? Head to the police station and embrace your ‘love’
By Sulman Ali
So where are all those ‘Ashiqan-e-Rasool’? Why are you guys hiding from police? Why don’t you just go present yourselves in front of the authorities? My question is simple: why ‘Ashiqan-e-Rasool' like you, who lynched Mashal Khan are in hiding or have to be arrested by police.
I thought you guys are ‘true lovers’ of Prophet (PBUH), the ‘true devotees’, the ‘true followers’. That is why you did it, right? Why else?
There were hundreds of ‘Ashiqan’, but currently around 15 are under custody of police. Why did you leave your fellow 'Ashiqan’ alone in this hard time? Go and be with them and accept the glory, or the arrested might steal your thunder.
I, and many others, 'lesser Ashiqan’ saw your devotion and extreme ‘love’ for Hurmat-e-Rasool when you guys were jumping on the dead body of Mashal, dragging it like a trophy of your ‘love’ as you showed the ishq in your hearts, or may I say in your hands, legs, feet, tongues, and the rest of the body.
I am kind of sad for you guys that you did not get chance to kill Allama Iqbal for his blasphemous Shikwa. Yes, I know he wrote Jawab-e-Shikwa but he wrote it after four years. There was a time gap and you could have easily lynched him, like you torched Mashal. I can feel your pain that Iqbal got time for his Jawab-e-Shikwa and even became a national poet. My condolences, guys.
I am also sorry that, you guys were not there, when an old lady used to throw garbage on our Prophet (PBUH), because you guys would have wanted to show your ‘love’ for the Prophet (PBUH), although he himself forgave her and even took care of her. But your ‘love’ was way purer, I guess.
My sympathies, because you were not there, when Prophet (PBUH) forgave Hazrat Hinda (RA), who got Prophet (PBUH)’s dearest uncle Hazrat Hamza (RA) killed and ate his liver, because, you guys would have killed her, or may be would have lynched her, way before the forgiveness. Sorry for your loss, guys.
I will once again urge you guys, to come out, show and express your ‘love’ once again.
Go to authorities; or even better, go to parents of Mashal Khan, and tell them, what a pious job you guys have done – because they clearly don’t understand it. They are still saying that they had sent Mashal to study, and that their son was a good Muslim. But you guys should tell them, no, he was not, he was blasphemer, and that you guys killed him out of true ‘love’ without any verification, proof, evidence. Although Mashal had been complaining about a fake account on Facebook, but let us just forget all these things, small things, convince the parents, they will understand.
So, come on guys, don’t hide, and show some ‘love’, because you guys are ‘Ashqaan’ and world should know that.
PPPP President Asif Ali Zardari condoles on the death of Iftikhar Jhagrra
سابق صدرپاکستان اور پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی پارلیمنٹیرینز کے صدر آصف علی زرداری نے پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی کے رہنما اور کے پی اسمبلی کے سابق رکن افتخار جھگڑا کے انتقال پر گہرے رنج و غم اور صدمے کا اظہار کیا ہے۔ ایک تعزیتی پیغام میں آصف علی زردار نے مرحوم افتخار جھگڑا کی پارٹی کے لئے خدمات اور خیبرپختونخوا کے عوام کے لئے خدمات پر انہیں خراج تحسین پیش کرتے ہوئے کہا ہے کہ ایسے کارکن پارٹی کے لئے سرمائے کی حیثیت رکھتے ہیں۔ پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی اور خیبرپختونخوا کے عوام افتخار جھگڑا کو کبھی بھی نہیں بھول پائیں گے۔ سابق صدر نے کہا کہ پاکستان پیپلزپارٹی افتخار جھگڑا کے خاندان کے غم میں برابر کے شریک ہیں۔ انہوں نے کہا کہ اللہ تعالیٰ افتخار جھگڑا مرحوم کو اپنے جوار رحمت میں جگہ عطا فرمائے اور ان کے خاندان کو یہ صدمہ برداشت کرنے کی توفیق عطا فرمائے۔
#MashalKhan #ANP for public hanging of people involved in lynching of student
Awami National Party (ANP) chief Asfandyar Wali Khan on Monday warned the party leaders and workers against providing any kind of assistance to the arrested party workers in the murder of a student ofAbdul Wali Khan University Mardan and demanded capital punishment for those involved in lynching of Mashal Khan.
"My own son should be hanged if his role was established in the lynching incident. If any ANP leader or worker tried to provide any assistance to the accused involved in the student's murder, he would be expelled from the party. There is no place for such people in the ANP," he added.
Speaking at a workers convention here, he said the nation lacked tolerance and the Mardan incident was its example where mobsters took the law into their own hands and lynched a university student. "The people take the law into hands in the name of religion and kill one another without waiting for an investigation into the allegations. Which kind of Islam is this?" he questioned.
The nationalist leader feared the practice would continue in the country if the accused involved in the murder of Mashal were not awarded appropriate punishment. He thanked Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Saqib Nisar for taking suo moto notice of the incident and demanded the accused involved in the incident to be hanged in public.
Asfandyar Wali Khan also lauded the ANP parliamentarians for staging a hunger strike in front of the National Assembly, saying the federal government had accepted the party's demand of unblocking the blocked computerised national identity cards of Pakhtuns.
He demanded immediate merger of the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, special financial package and 35 seats in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly for the tribal belt. Asfandyar Wali criticised the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI)-led Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government, saying the provincial treasury was empty while allegations of involvement of PTI leaders and lawmakers in corruption were emerging.
He said PTI chief Imran Khan was asking Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to resign over corruption allegations, adding that he should also take resignation from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Speaker Asad Qaiser.
Asfandyar said that his ancestors had warned against the Afghan war and its implications. "Now Pakistan has launched operation Raddul Fasaad to get rid of it," he added. He said that peace in Afghanistan was a must for peace in Pakistan. ANP general secretary Mian Iftikhar Hussain and others also spoke on the occasion.
Pakistan - Dear #Mashal, we’re all guilty of your murder
Alishba Akram
So I put it off, writing about him, but I could not stop thinking about him. I’d go back to his profile and stalk him like he was still alive, I’d read every article about him reminding me that he wasn’t. His father’s interview, his mother’s eyes, his sister’s fearlessness when remembering her brother on TV, it feels like everything that could be said or written about him has already been written about him and there still isn’t closure. There’s still anger, there’s still disappointment and there is still fear.
I don’t know what I am angriest at, the fact that Mashal was killed in the manner that he was by educated young men; the fact that these educated young men had joy on their faces while beating him to death, or the slogans of Takbeer chanted while murdering a boy, or the broken fingers his mother had to kiss, or the fact that upon hearing about the incident everybody’s first question was whether he did it?, or the #NotAllMuslims, #ThisIsNotIslam, “the Prophet (PBUH) teaches forgiveness and these men were not Muslims”, arguments all over the internet.
I don’t know what I am most fearful of, that a large number of people exist who can murder someone by beating them, or that an even larger number of people exist who think that this was right.
I do not know who I’m more disappointed in, the religiously charged boys who killed Mashal, the people who glorified the killers, those who asked for proof of blasphemy as if that would justify the murder, any murder, the police trying to recover Mashal’s ‘real’ Facebook profile before arresting the ‘real’ murderers, those who condemn it silently or those who condemn it for the wrong reasons?
I also do not know if mine is the place to be feeling all of this, I was, after all, not related to Mashal, by blood at least. I cannot share in his father’s loss, his mother’s helplessness, his sister’s pain but I can share in this country’s reality. I can share in the insecurity every citizen of this country with a voice has. I can share in the fear that Mashal wasn’t the first neither the last, next could be me or a friend, or a brother, I can share in the belief that the state will not protect us nor will give justice, because the state is handcuffed behind its back against the ground, I can share in the horror that mine or my brother’s fingers could be the broken ones my mother has to kiss one day. I can share in this reality of the country I call home.
So here I am ending on 500 words, a little more than my editor expected, a lot less than what Mashal deserves. Still at a loss of words, still unable to find closure.
#MashalKhan - Beyond The Lynch Mob
So far the authorities have shown the right diligence and attitude towards the horrific lynching in Mardan; politicians have made the right statements, institutions like the Supreme Court are taking the right initiatives and the police seem to be pursuing multiple leads in the case. While it remains to be seen how motivated the authorities are to take these steps to their logical end, for the moment we must support the positive actions they take. On Sunday, law enforcement agencies opened a hate speech investigation involving the two clerics who tried to disrupt the funeral rites of Mashal Khan in his hometown of Swabi.
According to a senior Swabi police official, “the mosque loudspeaker for hate speech against the slain student and his family and .
created hurdles for the people and another cleric to participate in the funeral.
” Hate speech and anti-terrorism legislation clearly outlaws the use of loudspeakers to incite hate and violence, and there exist strong precedence for clerics being indicted and punished for committing this crime. In this case, there is ample evidence of the incident, multiple eyewitnesses and the political backing to try the perpetrators – this should be an open-shut case and nothing short of a successful conviction suffices in the circumstances.
The stakes in this case also make this a must-win case for law enforcement and prosecution teams. While the actual murderers and their abettors surely need to be put behind bars, also on trial is a culture that encourages violent vigilantism on mere suspicion of blasphemy, supports targeting family members of the victims and intimidates all opposition. While the shrine of Mumtaz Qadri, the “Lubaik Ya Rasool” movement, and other individuals – some in the government itself – seem beyond what the authorities are willing to tackle at the moment, these low level clerics who blindly propagate that toxic narrative need to be tried for their crimes and made an example off.
This is the least the government can do.
It is time that the authorities start looking at the bigger picture – instead of going after the individuals that commit these vigilante murders, the government needs to start targeting the organisations that propagate this narrative, who fund it, and who glorify murderers. We are reminded by the incident in Mardan that unless the organisations who openly challenge the writ of the state and encourage people to take the law into their own hand are taken down, the lynch mobs will keep rising up.
Mardan is a test case for the government; it must show that it is capable of delivering justice.
Pakistan - Police reporting #Mashal’s innocence to SC today
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Police chief Salahuddin Khan Mehsud Monday said no evidence of blasphemy was found against lynched university student.
A mob murdered journalism student Mashal Khan at Abdul Wali Khan University in the conservative northwestern town of Mardan last week.
The deceased was stripped, beaten and shot before being thrown from the second floor of his hostel for allegedly committing blasphemy.
The Supreme Court has taken suo moto notice of this brutal act while high-ups, including Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and KP-ruling PTI chief Imran Khan, vowed to bring the culprits to justice.
"There are no evidence with police against Mashal, his friends Abdullah and Zubair to implicate them in any blasphemous act,” the IGP told the media.
The IGP said Zubair, a friend of Mashal, had recorded his statement and he categorically rejected these allegations.
The top cop said the police would submit the detailed report to the Supreme Court today (Tuesday).
He said the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) has also been requested to identify the fake account in the name of Mashal Khan.
“Police have arrested 22 persons, including six staff members of the university,” he said, adding that before the brutal killing, news was circulated in the university against Mashal to provoke the mob.
He added 16 persons were arrested after their nomination in the first information report (FIR) while six other persons were arrested through various videos.
He said police person who is visible in the video was a DSP who took the Mashal’s body out of the university. He promised stern action would be taken against culprits.
The IGP said the Maltoon Town DSP recovered Abdullah from an admin room he was locked in to save him from the mob.
He said when the administration and police were searching Mashal to save him from the mob, a gunfire was heard in the hostel 1, some 800 yards away from the administration block.
He informed the media that after the incident, police reached the site and dispersed the mobsters through baton-charge and arrested 59 persons on the spot.
He said there was nothing substantial against Mashal, Adbullah and Zubair.
Survivor records statement
Abdullah said in his statement before a Mardan magistrate that he belonged to a religious family and strongly believed in the religion of Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He said he had no affiliation with any political party.
“Mashal Khan was a talented and brilliant student having a kind heart. On April 13, at around 11am, one of my friends, namely Muhammad Abbas, called me on my cellular phone and told me to come to the journalism department. Abbas was a conspirator,” the statement read.
It adds: “Upon his call, I proceeded to the journalism department and saw Mudassir Bashir (the class representative), the actual perpetrator, along with other students who there and then, charged me and Mashal Khan with blasphemy and all of them alleged that we have deviated from the right path along with Zubair.”
He said that in response to that, he had bluntly refused and narrated Kalma Taiba. He said he was later forced to say against Mashal and falsely implicate him in blasphemy allegations but he refused to do so.
He was locked in a bathroom by “teacher Idress, Farooq and Zia Hamdard to save him from the mob”.
He said some students broke the window and tortured him but police rescued him and shifted him to hospital.
He said he heard about the brutal murder of Mashal in hospital. He alleged that university administration was against Mashal for his interview in which he had criticised the administration for mismanagement and loopholes in the system.
Suspect’S statement
Dawn reported on its website that a student arrested in the Mashal Khan lynching case claimed that the university administration asked him to testify against him.
The accused, Wajahat, claimed in the statement given to the police that Mashal Khan had “anti-Islamic views since the start, whereas, Abdullah and Zubair followed him".
He admitted that he was part of the mob which lynched the 23-year-old Mardan university student.
Wajahat claimed in his statement that on April 13 he was called to the chairman’s office by class representative Mudassir Bashir, who asked him to testify against Mashal before the university administration.
"Some 15 to 20 people, including university officials were present at the chairman's office.
"The administration had convened the meeting to decide the case of Mashal Khan and Bashir had called me to be a witness regarding the blasphemous ideas of Mashal Khan," said the accused.
He also alleged that the security in-charge of the university, Bilal Baksh, said those that step forward to protect Mashal and his supporters would be dealt with "an iron hand".
Baksh, according to Wajahat, further said that he would kill Mashal.
"Hearing this, the congress turned into a violent mob and rushed towards the hostel," said Wajahat.
In the statement, Wajahat has said that if he had known what the administration was conspiring against Mashal, he would have never come to the university on that day.
Facebook memorialises Mashal Khan's profile
The Facebook account of Mashal Khan, who was brutally killed by a charged mob by his university fellows, has been memorialised by the social media site.
Facebook allows friends and family of a deceased person to memorialise their accounts, which “are a place for friends and family to gather and share memories after a person has passed away. Memorialising an account also helps keep it secure by preventing anyone from logging into it.”
Soon after the horrendous lynching video of the Abdul Wali Khan student surfaced, condemnation poured in from all quarters of the society. On social media, people started sharing Mashal’s Facebook and Twitter to show his soft, humane side.
More than 20 people have been arrested by the police in connection with incident and are being probed.
#MashalKhan - Arrests highlight Pakistan's struggle with extremism
Pakistani authorities said Monday they have arrested 22 people involved in the lynching of a university student who was accused of blasphemy and detained a teenage woman who had been recruited by the Islamic State group for a foiled attack on a church.
Word of the arrests came as U.S. President Donald Trump's national security adviser arrived for talks on combatting militants in South Asia, highlighting Pakistan's struggle with Islamic extremism.
The 16 students and six university employees are believed to have incited or taken part in the mob that killed 23-year-old Mohammad Mashal Khan, provincial police chief Salahuddin Mehsud said. The student was beaten and shot to death at a university in the northwestern city of Mardan on Thursday.
Mehsud said no evidence has been found to indicate Khan committed blasphemy against Islam, which is punishable by death in Pakistan. The mere suspicion of blasphemy is enough to incite deadly riots in the deeply conservative country.
Pakistan had recently vowed to combat the sharing of blasphemous material on social media, and has tried to enlist Facebook and Twitter in the campaign.
A military spokesman meanwhile said authorities detained a teenage woman earlier this month who had been recruited by the Islamic State group to carry out a suicide attack against a church on Easter.
Noreen Leghari, 19, was detained after a previously reported shootout on April 14, the day before Easter, in which another militant was killed, said Maj. Gen. Asif Ghafoor.
The new details on the raid were released as H.R. McMaster, the U.S. national security adviser, arrived on his first visit since the United States dropped its largest non-nuclear bomb on an Islamic State tunnel complex in neighboring Afghanistan.
McMaster arrived in Islamabad after holding talks in Afghanistan on efforts to combat the Taliban and the IS group's Afghan affiliate. The U.S. dropped the Massive Ordnance Air Blast bomb, or MOAB, on an Islamic State tunnel complex carved into a mountain in eastern Afghanistan on Thursday, reportedly killing 95 militants.
McMaster met with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and other senior officials. Pakistan's foreign affairs adviser Sartaj Aziz said Islamabad remained committed to working for peace and reconciliation in neighboring Afghanistan, and that officials meeting with McMaster had discussed efforts to secure the border.
The U.S. Embassy said McMaster "expressed appreciation for Pakistan's democratic and economic development, and stressed the need to confront terrorism in all its forms."
Pakistan has long sought to downplay the growing presence of Islamic State militants, who have claimed a number of attacks in recent months. Monday's announcement marked the first time Pakistani officials have acknowledged that the extremist group based in Syria and Iraq is recruiting within the South Asian country.
Pakistan has been struggling to combat the much larger and more well-established Pakistani Taliban, which emerged after the 2001 U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan and have carried out attacks that have killed tens of thousands of people.
The Islamic State group is believed to have recruited disgruntled Taliban fighters in both Pakistan and Afghanistan with its promise of building a worldwide Islamic caliphate.
Leghari was recruited via Facebook, and went missing in February, later marrying an Islamic State fighter who was killed in the April 14 raid, a Pakistani security official said on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to brief reporters. He said the woman had fought alongside her husband during the raid and shot at security forces.
Ghafoor suggested she had fallen prey to the group's online propaganda. He portrayed her detention as a rescue and said "we will rehabilitate her."